Zoe’s Baptism

Zoe decided that she was ready to be baptized this month. Our church does baptisms once a month. So, Zoe, and 30 of her closest church family were baptized! I confess, I cried…I think I was the only mom in the baptismal who cried…but hey, it’s my baby, and I am so excited to see her take such a mature, obedient step in following Christ. Ace said she was getting “babatized” and that when he asked Jesus in his heart he could get “babatized” AND “get to drink the grape juice and eat the cracker.” Stay tuned…I got some more good ones coming up!
Getting ready!
Waiting her turn!

Pastor L and Zoe

Christ died for our sins…

Buried and…
Rose again on the third day! Praise God for this act of obedience in walking with Christ!!


1 thought on “Zoe’s Baptism

  1. Ian and Josiah got baptized last year and I stood where you stood and I cried too. Over the joy of their commitment to Christ–and understanding–over being able to lead my children to Christ, over all the things that goes through a mama’s mind when she is watching her children take that step!!!
    Congratulations to Zoe–and to you and Mark for raising her in the admonition of the Lord. It is through your faithfulness that she is able to take the steps she has taken!!!

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