You Got a Friend

Emmie is such a social kiddo.  She absolutely adores making friends with kids her age.  And let me tell you, she could care less if they look different than her or act different than her.  She just really cares about people and making sure they are included in everything no matter what.  Her sweet friends seem to care about her too which is even more special.  So, of course, I had to get pictures of her friends before we flew out to California.  Those pictures were great for her to look at post surgery and helped us see some good Emmie smiles.   I just had to share those pics of her adorable friends.

E and Emmie were in ballet together last year and E’s mom and I hit it off when I found out most of her kids were adopted from Ukraine.  Their family didn’t do ballet this year but I was so excited that E’s brother and sister took a theater class with Ceili Rain.  Emmie was thrilled too because E had gymnastics right after theater and Emmie had ballet.  They got an hour play time together for ten weeks and hopefully, they’ll get that when they start back in January!  
Emmie’s last ballet class before surgery was the dress up class.  It’s safe to say that the whole reason Emmie loves ballet is for her friends in class…especially C.  They seem to be growing closer and when C’s mama texted me that C reached out to hold Emmie’s hand during class (totally unprompted and totally uncharacteristic of C), my heart melted.  These girls and their teacher (also in the picture) are absolutely adorable together.
Another special ballet friend is P.!

C.  had a special birthday before we headed out too. It was a princess/super hero dress up party.  Naturally, Emmie had to come as Super Ems.  She loved meeting Arial!  And the cupcake frosting!

Seeing my girl love on others and want to have a good time with others is such a treat.  She seems to get just how and what a person needs.  Ya’ll, this kid is loud and boisterous and fun around her siblings.  C doesn’t like that and Emmie is never like that around her.  She can sit quietly with her but then turn around and yell and scream with her other friend, E.  I love watching this part of her personality grow.


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