This is turning into a Ceili Rain week…sorry for those that don’t really care, but I wanted to get her baby shower pictures up before I forgot. My wonderful friends from church threw a baby shower for Ceili Rain last weekend. Not only was it for Ceili Rain but it was also for another lady in our Sunday school class (who happens to be a friend too). She is expecting her fourth about 2 weeks after me…however, her little girl may come before mine does, which is fine. She is new to the area, so when she needed a doctor I suggested mine and she went for it. So, Dr. J is putting up with us making plots to try and be induced the same day…we’ll see what happens.
Anyway, I was so excited to share the shower with K and Baby Girl M. We had such a wonderful time visiting with everyone and looking at all the cutsie girly stuff.
C with her baby A. He’s so much fun and so social!
Opening presents with K-bug. She was a big help. Actually, she was intrigued by this cute little duck that sings “The Chicken Dance.”
Comparing our girls’ baby shoes to make sure we didn’t mix them up when they went to church.
Here’s most of everyone that came. Some people snuck out before we could do pictures.
Thank you to all my friends who are helping us welcome Ceili Rain into the world. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by a great group of women!