Visiting Papa & Grandmere, etc.

Here was our last stop for Memorial Day. Mark’s parents opened their home to not just our family, but also to Mark’s brothers’ family. So, all total there were six adults, and seven children (ages 7, 4, 4, 2, 2, 16 mths, almost 8 mths). Four boys and three girls! Thanks Mrs. C and Dr. C for having all our crew over. The kids loved every minute and we enjoyed seeing you all!

Aren’t they the sweetest little girls! This is Gwendolyn, Zoe, and Oakley. Oakley and Zoe were pretty much inseparable the whole time we were there. They loved playing with each other.

Jonathan, with Liam and Ace. They had a great time together. Hudson, the 7 1/2 mth old was napping durin

Ace loved playing with Hudson. He calls Liam his “favorite friend.” Now Hudson is his favorite friend, too.

Liam’s learning to “cheese” for the camera when we pull it out he does this!

Liam thought Hudson was a trip. He still doesn’t get the be easy part!


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