So, I may have slipped a little in trying to get these out in a timely manner. I’m using excuses for real. Jet lag and trying to jump back in to school a few days after returning from Emmie’s appointments across the country.
Alas, here we are now filling ya’ll in on what we’re up to for 7th grade and as a bonus, 8th grade. Josiah is our current star student in 7th grade. He’s doing a little bit of this and that and trying to pass me in height. Liam is very much prepping for high school next year (eeek! 3 in high school)
Here’s what all he’s up to in addition to all we are doing together.
- Writing Strands Beginnings-Master Book has totally updated and re-done Writing Strands and we thought we would take an IEW break and check it out. I’m liking it so far. It includes reading and writing as well as using the Bible for some literature work.
- Fix It Grammar Book 4
- Principles of Mathematics Book 1-Another Master Books program. I may kick myself in not gearing him for Algebra 2 next year but I like this gentle learning approach since most of us are not super strong in math.
- Vocabulary Grade 7 through Spelling City
- Apologia General Science
Liam’s doing much of everything that Josiah’s doing except the following:
- Teaching Textbooks Pre-algebra
- Coding with Khan Academy -which he has finished. We’ll be finding another coding class for him soon. He loves this!