Ceili Rain had her two week check up today. She’s doing great. Yesterday, for some reason, was a spit up day. Today, however, is not. Just looking out for signs of reflux but I really don’t see any right now.
I have been calling her Sleeping Beauty (as you’ll see in some of the posts this week) because she’s been sleeping so much. Now it appears that Sleeping Beauty has disappeared and my normal baby who doesn’t sleep very well unless in the sling has appeared. This is a very typical baby for me. And right now, I don’t mind it. She’s cuddled in the sling as I type this. And she looks so peaceful and content. All too soon she’ll be climbing out of my lap to go do something else.
Here’s her stats:
Weight: 9 lbs 5 oz (90%)
Height: 21 1/2 inches (90%)
Head: 14 1/2 inches (75%)
She loves her mama’s milk!