Two Months

Emmie turned two months this past weekend and we celebrated with a trip to the pool and a date night.  Then the next day we did this:
 She’s just playing possum.  Ya’ll don’t be fooled in to thinking she is actually asleep during the day.
 “Ha!  You really think I’m going to smile?!”
 “Alright, maybe a little teaser.”
“Ta da!  Satisfied now?!”
Our Emmie is growing and growing and getting smothered with love.  Seriously, I have to fight to get her to look at me because there are seven other little people who are trying to get her to smile.  I have never seen so much love poured out from siblings on to their little sibling.  It just melts this mama’s heart.  Of course, we all dearly love this little girl and I could not imagine our family without her.
She is obviously smiling now as seen by the evidence above.  She also sleeps anywhere from five or more hours a night.  Day time is usually short spurts on mama or in her crib.
Here’s her stats:
13 lbs 3.6 oz (95%)
24 inches tall (95%)
15 7/8 head (85%)
Dr. B noted that she is actually tracking on  the curve as opposed to above it.  Still.  If you are wondering where she falls compared to her brothers and sisters, she’s right in their with the rest.  She’s not the heaviest or tallest.


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