Somehow and for some reason, Josh McDowell, came to speak at our church. If you don’t know who Josh McDowell is, he is a great Christian speaker and author. His main focus is on teenagers and he’s written several books to help Christians focus on the basics of our belief and mainly on the truth!

He spoke Sunday morning and Sunday evening to a packed house. I only got to hear the morning message because Josiah was a little fussy and there were 10 babies in the nursery so I stayed back there to help. It was really good.

His main focus Sunday morning was on the importance of fathers in the lives of children. And the importance of loving and caring for our children. He threw out a ton of statistics about how having a caring/loving father effects children and how a non-loving father steers children away from Christ.

It was great to hear and also wonderful to reflect on how loving and caring a father Mark is. He’s always there for the kids and though our house may need 100 things done, he puts them third (God, me and then them). He’ll put aside all of his “chores” till after they’re in bed to play and allow them to “pile on” him. He’s never once complained about changing a diaper, slinging a baby (wearing them), sleeping in a rocker with a fussy one, having to leave work to go to the hospital with them…none of that. I am so blessed that my children have a father who strives to reflect the love of our Heavenly Father.

I love ya, babe!


Hands Full??!! Read this…

to reiterate what I’m saying about what strangers say, my friend Emily sent me this listing on ebay. It’s long but describes…to a ‘t’ a day shopping with me. I’m not kidding about it being on ebay, click here to see it for real or just proceed reading the description of the product!

I’m selling a bunch of Pokemon cards. Why? Because my kids sneaked them into my shopping cart while at the grocery store and I ended up buying them because I didn’t notice they were there until we got home. How could I have possibly not noticed they were in my cart, you ask? Let me explain. You haven’t lived until you’ve gone grocery shopping with six kids in tow. I would rather swim, covered in bait, through the English Channel, be a contestant on Fear Factor when they’re having pig brains for lunch, or do fourth grade math than to take my six kids to the grocery store. Because I absolutely detest grocery shopping, I tend to put it off as long as possible. There comes a time, however, when you’re peering into your fridge and thinking, ‘Hmmm, what can I make with ketchup, Italian dressing, and half an onion,’ that you decide you cannot avoid going to the grocery store any longer. Before beginning this most treacherous mission, I gather all the kids together and give them “The Lecture“. “The Lecture“ goes like this… MOM: “We have to go to the grocery store.” KIDS: “Whine whine whine whine whine.“ MOM: “Hey, I don’t want to go either, but it’s either that or we’re eating cream of onion-ketchup soup and drinking Italian dressing for dinner tonight.” KIDS: “Whine whine whine whine whine.“ MOM: “Now here are the rules: do not ask me for anything, do not poke the packages of meat in the butcher section, do not test the laws of physics and try to take out the bottom can in the pyramid shaped display, do not play baseball with oranges in the produce section, and most importantly, do not try to leave your brother at the store. Again.” OK, the kids have been briefed. Time to go. Once at the store, we grab not one, but two shopping carts. I wear the baby in a sling and the two little children sit in the carts while I push one cart and my oldest son pushes the other one. My oldest daughter is not allowed to push a cart. Ever. Why? Because the last time I let her push the cart, she smashed into my ankles so many times, my feet had to be amputated by the end of our shopping trip. This is not a good thing. You try running after a toddler with no feet sometime. At this point, a woman looks at our two carts and asks me, “Are they all yours?” I answer good naturedly, “Yep! “Oh my, you have your hands full.” “Yes, I do, but it‘s fun!” I say smiling. I’ve heard all this before. In fact, I hear it every time I go anywhere with my brood. We begin in the produce section where all these wonderfully, artistically arranged pyramids of fruit stand. There is something so irresistibly appealing about the apple on the bottom of the pile, that a child cannot help but try to touch it. Much like a bug to a zapper, the child is drawn to this piece of fruit. I turn around to the sounds of apples cascading down the display and onto the floor. Like Indiana Jones, there stands my son holding the all-consuming treasure that he just HAD to get and gazing at me with this dumbfounded look as if to say, “Did you see that??? Wow! I never thought that would happen!” I give the offending child an exasperated sigh and say, “Didn’t I tell you, before we left, that I didn’t want you taking stuff from the bottom of the pile???” “No. You said that you didn’t want us to take a can from the bottom of the pile. You didn’t say anything about apples.” With superhuman effort, I resist the urge to send my child to the moon and instead focus on the positive – my child actually listened to me and remembered what I said!!! I make a mental note to be a little more specific the next time I give the kids The Grocery Store Lecture. A little old man looks at all of us and says, “Are all of those your kids?” Thinking about the apple incident, I reply, “Nope. They just started following me. I’ve never seen them before in my life.” OK, now onto the bakery section where everything smells so good, I’m tempted to fill my cart with cookies and call it a day. Being on a perpetual diet, I try to hurry past the assortment of pies, cakes, breads, and pastries that have my children drooling. At this point the chorus of “Can we gets” begins. “Can we get donuts?” “No.” “Can we get cupcakes?” “No.” “Can we get muffins?” “No.” “Can we get pie?” “No.” You’d think they’d catch on by this point, but no, they’re just getting started. In the bakery, they’re giving away free samples of coffee cake and of course, my kids all take one. The toddler decides he doesn’t like it and proceeds to spit it out in my hand. (That’s what moms do. We put our hands in front of our children’s mouths so they can spit stuff into them. We’d rather carry around a handful of chewed up coffee cake, than to have the child spit it out onto the floor. I’m not sure why this is, but ask any mom and she’ll tell you the same.) Of course, there’s no garbage can around, so I continue shopping one-handed while searching for someplace to dispose of the regurgitated mess in my hand. In the meat department, a mother with one small baby asks me, “Wow! Are all six yours?” I answer her, “Yes, but I’m thinking of selling a couple of them.” (Still searching for a garbage can at this point.) Ok, after the meat department, my kids’ attention spans are spent. They’re done shopping at this point, but we aren’t even halfway through the store. This is about the time they like to start having shopping cart races. And who may I thank for teaching them this fun pastime? My seventh “child”, also known as my husband. While I’m picking out loaves of bread, the kids are running down the aisle behind the carts in an effort to get us kicked out of the store. I put to stop to that just as my son is about to crash head on into a giant cardboard cut-out of a Keebler elf stacked with packages of cookies. Ah! Yes! I find a small trash can by the coffee machine in the cereal aisle and finally dump out the squishy contents of my hand. After standing in the cereal aisle for an hour and a half while the kids perused the various cereals, comparing the marshmallow and cheap, plastic toy content of each box, I broke down and let them each pick out a box. At any given time, we have twenty open boxes of cereal in my house. As this is going on, my toddler is playing Houdini and maneuvering his little body out of the seat belt in an attempt to stand up in the cart. I’m amazed the kid made it to his second birthday without suffering a brain damaging head injury. In between trying to flip himself out of the cart, he sucks on the metal bars of the shopping cart. Mmmm, can you say “influenza”? The shopping trip continues much like this. I break up fights between the kids now and then and stoop down to pick up items that the toddler has flung out of the cart. I desperately try to get everything on my list without adding too many other goodies to the carts. Somehow I manage to complete my shopping in under four hours and head for the check-outs where my kids start in on a chorus of, “Can we have candy?” What evil minded person decided it would be a good idea to put a display of candy in the check-out lanes, right at a child’s eye level? Obviously someone who has never been shopping with children. As I unload the carts, I notice many extra items that my kids have sneaked in the carts unbeknownst to me. I remove a box of Twinkies, a package of cupcakes, a bag of candy, and a can of cat food (we don’t even have a cat!). I somehow missed the box of Pokemon cards however and ended up purchasing them unbeknownst to me. As I pay for my purchases, the clerk looks at me, indicates my kids, and asks, “Are they all yours?” Frustrated, exhausted from my trip, sick to my stomach from writing out a check for $289.53, dreading unloading all the groceries and putting them away and tired of hearing that question, I look at the clerk and answer her in my most sarcastic voice, “No. They’re not mine. I just go around the neighborhood gathering up kids to take to the grocery store because it’s so much more fun that way.” So, up for auction is an opened (they ripped open the box on the way home from the store) package of Pokemon cards. There are 44 cards total. They’re in perfect condition, as I took them away from the kiddos as soon as we got home from the store. Many of them say “Energy”. I tried carrying them around with me, but they didn’t work. I definitely didn’t have any more energy than usual. One of them is shiny. There are a few creature-like things on many of them. One is called Pupitar. Hee hee hee Pupitar! (Oh no! My kids’ sense of humor is rubbing off on me!) Anyway, I don’t there’s anything special about any of these cards, but I’m very much not an authority on Pokemon cards. I just know that I’m not letting my kids keep these as a reward for their sneakiness. Shipping is FREE on this item. Insurance is optional, but once I drop the package at the post office, it is no longer my responsibility. For example, if my son decides to pour a bottle of glue into the envelope, or my daughter spills a glass of juice on the package, that’s my responsibility and I will fully refund your money. If, however, I take the envelope to the post office and a disgruntled mail carrier sets fire to it, a pack of wild dogs rip into it, or a mail sorting machine shreds it, it’s out of my hands, so you may want to add insurance. I will leave feedback for you as soon as I’ve received your payment. I will be happy to combine shipping on multiple items won within three days. This comes from a smoke-free, pet-free, child-filled home. Please ask me any questions before placing your bid. Happy bidding! 🙂


First Day…and Some Kids Need Personal Assistants!

for Ballet!!! Zoe and Ace were so excited. We have classes in the morning at the same time. Zoe was able to go through her workbooks (unhurried) before we left.

I was able to watch Ace’s class the whole time. He was a bit timid but he really enjoyed it. He keeps saying, “I had sooo much fun in ballet!” Miss Kathleen (his teacher) said that he did really well. She said he kept talking about Narnia and how watch it (more like read it…we’re on book five now!) a lot. He got to dance around with a sword but to me it looked like he was walking around with it. They made sure he didn’t do any of the “girly” stuff. Always had a sword while the girls had wands or fairy wings. I really love this place.

Zoe said she got to go in the big girl class this time. She said she jumped over water with big jumps and little jumps. Her teachers are allowing them to bring stuffed animals or dolls next week to “watch” them dance. I wish I could watch her. She sounded like she had a really good time too.

I love the moms in this class time. The last one, they had their own thing going and rarely spoke to me. These moms were a lot more social!

One of the little girl’s in Ace’s class is 2. She’ll be three next month…read this carefully…Her nanny said she is in three dance classes (at three different places), preschool, and gymnastics. Her mother wanted her to take swimming lessons but they just couldn’t fit it in to their schedule. I asked her if she ever spends time with her family and she said all of her classes were during the day, so that left “family” time in the evening. Wow! I could not imagine putting all that work and pressure on my child or children. She’s going to need therapy for stress by the time she’s four!

My little soap box time: I strongly believe that family should come first…I also am faced with the stark reality that a very small minority of children will grow up to become “stars” whether that’s in sports or arts. Read that again…small minority. What’s the point in over scheduling your child?! What are the end means? To keep them busy? I just don’t get it. We allow the kids one extra activity (outside of church) per year…not per season but per year. As they get older, I understand they will need to be active all year (for instance, my dad asks that his football players participate in a spring sport to keep active and stay fit) and that will be fine for then, but they are 4 and 3…what more do they need other than the socialization?! And I want them to think that what they do in ballet is fun and not work…again, they are 4 and 3. People wonder why kids are so stressed or not wanting to do things…they stay so busy and occupied with other things besides what’s important…God and family.

I’ll step down now! I just got a picture of Zoe because Ace was in a huff…I’ll try and catch him smiling next time.


Stepping on Toes

Since I’ve read several blogs commenting on breastfeeding and World Breastfeeding Week, I thought I’d throw my 2 cents in. Yes, I do breastfeed my children. First off, it’s very convenient (no bottles to wash, measure and prepare while my baby screams. Secondly, the bonding time is wonderful (yes, I do enjoy some middle of the night feeds…the ones I can stay awake through). Thirdly, it’s economical and as a stay-at-home mom, I’m all about economical. Fourthly (and these are in no particular order), God has gifted women with this amazing ability to nurture our children from the beginning.

I’m all for new moms who want to breastfeed too. However, I have watched, supported, and cried for friends who have felt that they were horrible mothers because they couldn’t breastfeed. I say, they couldn’t, not because of lack of education or trying but because of lack of professional support and milk supply. I have seen several posts of moms who tried to breastfeed but had low supply. Those moms, who so desparately want to nourish their babies, have tried everything possible to feed them (herbs, supplements, etc.), but to no avail.

My heart ached for a friend who tried to nurse her first baby but ran into problems. She was crushed and felt so inadequate because everyone was throwing in her face, “Breast is best!” Here I was nursing my little one, and unable to comfort her or help her in nursing her baby. My sister had a very difficult time nursing her first one, but was able to pump for her for six months.

Some moms, especially new moms, haven’t got that go getter attitude about it either. When Ace was born, he weighed over 8 1/2 pounds and, by hospital policy, had to have his blood sugar level checked at birth and then an hour later. An hour later, they found that his levels “did not meet their standards” and the nurse promptly left the room and arrived again with a bottle, without even speaking to me. I asked her what she was doing. She informed me that his sugar levels were low and that she was going to give him a bottle. I quickly informed her that no, I would nurse him again. She got a little huffy and walked out of the room, making sure to leave the bottle out “in case she needed to use it.” After she returned, she checked his levels and they had gone up. And while she was away, Mark promptly tossed the bottle in the trash can. Had Ace been my first, I probably would not of said anything. However, having successfully breastfed one child on no bottles, I knew the standard and that in order for babies to get good latching techniques, etc, they needed to have only the breast for the first week or so. Oh, and we also learned by way of our pediatrician that his “low” levels were not low and acceptable and did not show the need for a bottle.

I can see a lot of pressure on moms to breastfeed and it breaks my heart. While I do believe that breastfeeding is the best choice for a baby, I have come to this philosophy with friends. If you can do it, great! If something happens and you are stressed and it’s getting harder to do then don’t. Your health (physically and emotionally) directly effects your sweet child and if you are upset, then the baby will be upset…it’s not worth it to have both of you upset.

Sorry if I stepped on toes…just my opinions and observations.
