A Grand Visit

We traveled to Papa & Grandmere’s for a weekend visit in February. Cornhole was a fun activity. Tobin got lots of cuddles. Mark’s Aunt G and Uncle D came over for a visit.  Emmie taught Aunt G cards.
Emmie enjoys playing games according to her rules.  With games like Uno, we’ve started teaching her the real rules…but some games are still a little much for her.  So, she gets to play by Emmie rules.  She basically tells us where to move and who wins and when it ends.  Ace got roped into playing with her.  He was so patient and played along very well. Ace also enjoys toting Tobin around and we’ve had to fight him off a time or two.

Emmie’s Fusionversary fell on a visiting day.  Mark picked out the perfect princess cake and she was over the moon excited.  This was fusionversary #2!  Two years of Emmie with a straight neck.  What a beautiful blessing from God!


Nitty Gritty

A neighbor was working towards a makeup certification and opened up a makeup class for free.  But first, we had to cleanse our face.
Boy was that interesting.  And then we got all makeupified.  We both learned a lot about make up application and had fun to boot.