Happy Eighth Birthday, Josiah!

In my haste to get caught up, I almost forgot to share Josiah’s birthday pictures!  This boy.  He loves his baby buddy, Emmie and is, definitely the spitting image of his daddy.  He is quiet and sincere and he is very tender to everyone.DSC_1820 DSC_1824 So, when my boy requested a specific Ninjago cake, I about cried.  I really wasn’t sure I could do it.  But, I am not one who wants to disappoint my babies.  So, I had a go at it with a little bit of help from the birthday boy.

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He approved.  Phew!  One down.  Three to go.


Kid Dates

Before Y came, we wanted to get in some one on one time with the kids.  It’s important for us to be able to spend time with the kids to catch up on their lives without a little or big demanding our attention.  I wish we did this more frequently.  But, hopefully, we can be more intentional.  They so look forward to it and when we started the date nights, they all started plotting and planning what we would do.


For some reason, we didn’t get pictures of each kid out.  But we did capture quite a few.IMG_20150608_181152_704 Ace and I discovered Which Which and that was it for a majority of the kids.  They had a great promotion to decorate a bag for a soldier.  Our creation above!IMG_20150618_182229_010Bryant wanted to go to Which too, of course.  We rocked the selfie and the bag!
IMG_20150620_113732094Malachi voted for frozen yogurt and was quite settled in his seat with his massive mound of treats.



Birthday Explosion

In our immediate family we have four birthdays between the end of June to the end of July.  That’s a lot folks.  But not only that in the space of four months, counting extended family, we celebrate sixteen birthdays.  Yeah.  Big family fun!


Since we don’t get to see aunts and uncles every year, we sometimes plan to play catch up on all birthday celebrations.  June was no exception.
DSC_1725 JosiahDSC_1728 DSC_1736 EmmieDSC_1737 DSC_1740 Ace and BryantDSC_1742Ceili Rain and Malachi
DSC_1743 DSC_1752and Ge


It was a fun filled weekend of birthday celebrations!


Budding Artists

I love doing crafts.  Just not cleaning them up afterward.  But one day in June, I got adventurous.  We broke out the art easel we have had stored away for a long time.  Taking turns…the kids went to work.
DSC_1794 DSC_1795 DSC_1796 DSC_1797 DSC_1798And had a blast!  They had some pretty neat and creative pictures.  This reminds me that we need to do this more often.

Towards the end, I remembered that music is supposed to “enhance the creativity.”  That is said with the best upper class voice I can muster.  So, I grabbed my Amazon music player and found the Ukrainian Orchestra’s album.  It was really good and perfect for creating their masterpieces.




We love to take advantage of Emmie appointments.  After all the stresses of doctors and tests, we get to drive through Atlanta traffic and hit a home haven with our family.  The kids gather around and have to tell us everything they have done with their aunt, cousins or one of the sets of their grandparents.


We really treasure this time and can feel the weight of all that Emmie is fighting just lift off of our shoulders.


And the kids get to be loved on and the grandparents get to laugh.  Sometimes a lot!

DSC_1771DSC_1778That smile of complete and utter childhood joy…ah!


DSC_1787Our family’s homes serve as a sweet release to what could otherwise be a very stressful time.  We definitely know what a blessing they all are to us.


May Randoms


Curly Head CeiRai…She was so excited that Grandmere curled her hair.


This must have been the night we got home from the hospital.



Sometimes you just need to have a picnic.


The first time Emmie let go of me and walked away. I love that she is playing with CeiRai in thsi picture.



Splahs Pad Fun!


Everything is a phone nowadays. Even a comb.


Look Mom! Cheerios stacked together!


Look Mom! Emmie’s magnet toys hanging on for dear life.


Her first taste of oreos. She approved.


Our proof that she really did enjoy the cake!

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Her broken brace…this was brace number four.


I know I’m cute…and???



Play it again



Ceili Rain loves to hit the ivories.  When she does, a part of the troublesome trio joins in.DSC_1630 And then Emmie toddles over to play too.IMG_20150505_172932597 And sometimes Josiah takes Emmie over to pick out a tune.IMG_20150505_172941941Then, this melts my heart.  These kids just love their baby sister and will do everything they can to make her happy.



Zoo Fun

I wanted to take the kids to the zoo one day before school officially was released.  I thought it wouldn’t be crowded.  I was wrong.  But we had fun as always.DSC_1539 My phone serves as their tourist camera.

DSC_1540 DSC_1543Snake petting.
DSC_1551 Watching fish.  This was a day I was eternally grateful for the Lillebaby carrier I invested in.  I knew we needed a carrier that she could face out in and be comfortable in after we got the brace.  This one just fit the bill.DSC_1558 DSC_1568 DSC_1613 DSC_1615 DSC_1617 Emmie fought the nap all day but finally gave up while the kids rode the train.DSC_1623 DSC_1626 Ceili Rain decided she could climb the rock wall.  She did very well.DSC_1629Malachi’s choice of seating on the merry-go-round.


More Running…

Like of the real kind…Liam doesn’t really enjoy running but he’s fast.  Well, he’s fast short distances.  I decided in May that he should try a practice with our local cross country team.  He liked it okay, but his endurance was lacking and hard for him.  If or when I have time, I want to work with him on building that up and possibly trying again.  Running, is not my thing.  But, I can see a big potential for this to be a sport he can focus on and excel at.  We’ll see.

Anyway, while he was practicing, we decided to hang out and walk the trail they were running.  The canal and river were right around it and the kids asked to take pictures with my phone.  This is what they got…

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