Color me…

June was a hard month.  I’m not going to lie.  It was just plain tough.  The kids were fine but the emotional side of all we were going through took it’s toll on me that month.
So, to give us some smiles, I decided we would make good use of all of the broken crayons we had left over from previous years.  I purchased small loaf pans from the dollar store.  I also bought a couple of cute ice molds.  We had some candy molds in the house as well and we put those to use.
First, we peeled each broken crayon.  I mean each and every one.  It took two days.  Zoe and Ace were wiped out after that.
We separated the crayons into the loaf pans based on their shade/tint.

 Our first experiment was to put all of the crayons in to one pan.

 Yeah, brown was not what we were going for.

Next, we decided to melt all the crayons on very low heat.  They stayed in their individual loaf pans and after pouring the melted crayons in to the molds, the pans went back in to the oven to stay melted.  Please note:  not all of the crayons will melt.  Either they are too old or just a cheap brand.  But the ones that did were so cool.

The kids got to choose a mold to make specifically.  Some got creative and asked for different colors in one mold.  That gave us the swirl effect we were after when we dumped several colors in one pan.

 The final products!

These were so much fun and just a smidge of work.  The kids loved the result and are now reusing several crayons.


At the Lake

We had promised the kids that after the reunion they could play at the lake in the water.  They were thrilled.  So we threw on some swimsuits and headed down to the muddy water (this was the start of the 40 plus days of rain all of us in the south got).

 Buckets meant lots of opportunities to get siblings soaking wet.

In the end, everyone was all smiles.



While visiting Papa and Grandmere, we were able to attend a family reunion.  The kids had a wonderful time at the lake.  Especially since their cousins were all there.

 Uncle B couldn’t resist trying to fix something. 
 Mr. T.  He’s Malachi’s age and just as adorable.
 Cousin G hanging out with Malachi.
 Uncle B gathered all the cousins to go check out the lake.
 Can you say ADORABLE?!  I love those cheeks.  Did you know that they jiggle when he walks?


Random Kids Post May 2013

 Ceili Rain found my lipstick in the car.  The End.

 Bryant worked hard on potty training and after one of our adventures out in May declared that he wanted to potty in the garage.  My philosophy:  Doesn’t matter where ya go as long as ya go.  He did.

 I love being a vendor at our local farmer’s market.  It’s a beautiful setting.  I meet some neat people and my kids love coming downtown to the Riverwalk area.  This was taken in the rain when I was just about ready to be done for the day.

 Trying to take it easy during May, I decided to give my stir crazy kids a break and we set up the sprinkler in the backyard.  Following a cue from Pinterest, I put a tarp under it. It was an absolute blast!

Zoe’s cousin made cinnamon rolls when we visited in February.  One Saturday, I was craving them and begged Zoe to make them since I was trying to not do much.  She obliged and we have now granted her the title of Official Cinnamon Roll Baker on Saturdays.  I think she is slowly enjoying it and gaining more confidence in the kitchen as she learns.


Thunder in May!

If you do not have a local Thunder Over…event in your area, you must seek them out.  We were blessed to be able to attend the one in our area for the first time this year.  The kids loved seeing the vehicles and demonstrations.  The soldiers who were there to help and answer questions were simply amazing and super sweet with our kids.  We had a blast honoring them and seeing a little bit of what they do.

 We got there late in the afternoon and were able to watch people jump from planes.  With flags.  They came right over our heads.

 I think these were the minesweepers.  Except they use sonar or something so it’s a bit safer than the traditional minesweepers.  Okay, I give.  I haven’t a clue what they are or do.  But the boys loved climbing in to them.

 We were walking to see the motor cross bike demonstration and just happened upon a helicopter  taking off.  I’ve never been that close to any kind of aircraft taking off without being inside of it.

 Then we made it to the motorcross demonstration.

 That black dot below the clouds and above the trees is a guy.  On a bike.  Holding on to the back.  Yeah.

 And this is my kids reaction to the guy letting go of the handlebars to grab the seat.

 Yep.  Totally amazing.
Flipping over.
Thunder Over…always has some great musicians who come to honor our troops and this year it was Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band.  Cranky tired kids kept us from going to the concert but we heard it from the parking lot and it sounded good.  It was truly a wonderful fun time with our crew.  Oh yeah, and it was free!


And we’re off

After our camping trip, we packed it up and headed to see Ge and Granddaddy over Mother’s Day weekend.  It was a bonus weekend because it was also my sister’s birthday.  She claims she is 29 but I have it on good authority that I was born after which means she’s not.  Either that or I’m stuck at 27.  Which wouldn’t be such a bad thing. 
BRAG SPOT:  We haven’t seen my sister in a while because she’s been busy getting her MASTER’s degree in Special Education.  Nope.  I’m not proud one bit.  Whatever. I know she has worked hard and made a lot of sacrifices and we are so excited to see her dream fulfilled.  Because she’s my sister.  And she rocks! Congratulations Aunt Yaya!
Okay, enough bragging.  Now on to all the fun pictures of cousins and whatnot.
At the end of the day, hanging out watching a bit of tv is nice as long as you are with friends.
Yes, I do believe Bryant is doing what you think he is doing.  Let’s look passed that at the adorable baby in a diaper playing on his Aunt Yaya’s ipad.  Photobombed by a two year old.  Man!

Ethan and Ceili Rain decided to snuggle on Ge’s bed for a movie.  I heart that nephew of mine and love how he just loves his cousins no matter what!
I told Ethan I was putting this on the blog.  I’m not sure he believed me.

Not to be outdone, Ceili Rain had to sit in the little chair.
Can you say, “wrapped around her finger?”
Not to be outdone, Ceili Rain had Jacie at her bidding too.  Jacie dressed her up and applied Ge’s makeup.

My mama on Mother’s Day with my sister, Aunt Yaya!  Easily two of the most amazing and beautiful women I know.


Camping-May 2013

 Before it got hot.  Okay, nevermind.  It’s just now getting hot here.  Before the monsoon season (seriously, 40 plus days of rain here).  We made a trip to FDR State Park.

It was a beautiful park.  Despite the ticks.  There were a few on Zoe, Ceili Rain and Mark.  And we had a wonderful time camping.  We were one of very few who were tent camping so we had a great area on sites to select from.  However, the first night, we chose a site right by the bathrooms.  And the street lamp.  Malachi had a cold and couldn’t sleep.  I wound up putting him in the van, clearing out a seat and throwing towels up over the street lamp side of the van.  And scoped out the rest of the area to find a better spot.  We moved right after breakfast the next morning and slept much better the second night.

 We hiked a few miles too.

 And rested a bit.  Malachi had it sooo easy.
 Family portrait on a pretty bridge over a creek.  We’re all there., I promise.

 This was a “fairy” house we found on one of the trails.  Too cute of a discovery and so thankful that my children take time to explore.  My type A had a goal in mind to just hike the trail and be done.

Malachi tried to clean up the campsite (with a wipe no less).

 We stopped at Dowdell’s Knob on the way down the mountain.  Absolutely gorgeous views.  Dowdell’s Knob was the place F.D. Roosevelt picked out as a prime picnicking spot.  He didn’t believe in roughing it though.  He had a grill and stone table built and would only eat when a white table cloth and china were brought out.

Camping sure makes some people tired.
We also stopped in Warm Springs, Georgia to check out the Little White House.  That was just as fun as camping and really neat to learn about one of our president’s who called Georgia his home (at least for a little while).  Quite an interesting man and family.  And, of course, I have zero pictures from that.  We were herding seven children in and out as they completed a scavenger hunt with the park worksheet.  
By the way, if you ever go to a state or national historic site or park, stop in at the ranger station to pick up a scavenger hunt or worksheet.  The national parks have amazing booklets and the kids get really cool ranger badges with the historic site name on it.  And it’s free!  I believe that a lot of museums are using them as well now.  For us, it’s a great way to make sure that our children are actually stopping to read what’s before them and they are learning a bit.

And one last thing.  There was a gentleman who was dressed up as FDR.  So we stopped by to talk.  Of course, he was totally impressed with the kids but he kept saying, “Ah, a bunch of Little Democrats.”  We just chuckled and didn’t say much else.  I was waiting for one of the kids to say, “Nope, not at all.”  But they didn’t, thankfully.  He definitely stayed in character though.


April Randoms

Get ready for a photo dump…but it’s full of all kinds of cuteness.

 Zoe testing out the creek in our neighborhood.  We went the next week with friends and had a blast.

 Mark was trying to get some yardwork done (with kids in tow) before a downpour.  He didn’t make it.  Neither did the kids.  Thankfully, they had the shed to seek shelter in.

 This is how best friends hang out.  Love seeing Ceili Rain and Megan (on the right) finally playing together (they spent most of their babyhood crying whenever they were beside each other).

 Big kids at testing.  Little kids got to hang out with mama.  I tried to plan something fun each of the three days.  We hit a local park and discovered they had installed a playground section for all kids.  My kids loved it!

 This is what happens when a baby comes to visit.  Our neighbor, A, asked us to watch her 3 year old and “wittle” baby.  Of course, my kids did not have a problem watching a baby.

 Rite of passage.  Ace is now one of our grass cutters.
 We went to a home school conference in May and the week before, I realized somebody needed to learn to sit still.  Let blanket training commence.

 Zoe is my designated Lilla Rose partner.  She enjoys going to shows with me and she gets better every time with talking to customers and showing some Lilla Rose Love when needed.  But on the way to shows, we must play with the phone.  I think this picture shows the real me.

Our conversation about the glasses goes like this.
Me:  Bryant your glasses are on upside down buddy.
Bryant:  But dey hurt my nose the other way.  See?  Dey don’t hurt anymore.


Project Fair 2013

Our local home school care group puts on a big project and performance fair every year.  The first year the kids just did a performance (handbells).  Last year, I made them do a performance and a project (they quoted poems they had memorized and then did the project).  This year, I gave them a choice.

 Liam chose dinosaurs.  We had a shoe box that had plaster of paris from another project.  He painted it and created his own diorama (or dinorama…haha) using some plastic figures we had.  I had high hopes of helping him sculpt them out of clay and then realized that I’m not that artsy and the best I can do with clay is a snowman.  Plus, this was his project not mine.  I was the printer and that was about it.  He even chose to wear his monster shirt because it looked like a dinosaur.  Then we picked out different dinosaurs and he colored pictures.  Of course, my ever social boy loved telling others all about his project.

 For over a year now, Ace has said he wants to be a geologist.  Except now.  Now he wants to be a comedian.  I digress.  So, he chose to do a project on rocks, gems, and  minerals.  He brought out his display.  Researched what he had and wrote up a bit on each.  He chose to type up the info and print it out (all on his own) and we found several cool kid sites that showed how rocks were created and such.  Pretty neat stuff.

Zoe decided to quote a poem by Ellen Watkins Harper called “Learnin’ to Read”  This was a great poem by an abolitionist. Zoe had to memorize it as part of her language lessons this year.  I love First Language Lessons of the Well Trained Mind.  She did an amazing job as always.  That kid would be able to memorize the dictionary if given enough time!


LGS 2013 (aka Little Garden Spot)

This year, our garden spot grew.  I told Mark I wanted one about twice the size as we had the first couple of years.  I have high hopes for this spot.  For one, we have an automatic sprinkler system.  That alone will probably save our poor plants.
We started from seed this year.  I had doubts when we planted them in the ground but our ever so patient Mark told me to wait and watch. And guess what?!  They grew!  Thanks to the beautiful blessing of rain every week in June, they are getting bigger and bigger.  I’m praying we start seeing fruit soon.  I know the kids will be thrilled with that.
Anyway, in April, Papa and Grandmere came up to help do our flood repairs.  Since they were coming up and have a truck, we begged for it’s use to get soil/compost from the Kricket Krap store.  Yes.  It’s really that and their cricket poo is world famous.  We didn’t get any but we did get some wonderful compost/soil that I think has helped our growing a lot this year.   I still need to put mulch over it.  That may be on our next year list. 

 Mark and Papa helped get us started and then quickly retreated inside to the air condition finish the bathroom floors.  At first, my blessed city kids freaked out when they realized there was cow poo in the mix (Poor Zoe was wearing her flip flops).  Slowly, but surely, they all got in to it and we eventually got the job done and the truck mostly rinsed out.
