The Futur(ity)

We had the opportunity to attend The Futurity for the first time this year.  Usually, it falls on a day/week/month when we are traveling (I know…stand back in shock).  But, this year it didn’t.  Wondering if it has to do with a little one who is baking away in my belly. 

And since I know everyone knows what the Futurity is, I won’t bore you with details.  Okay, I’m kidding.  We really had no clue what we were going to until we actually went.  It was a field trip of sorts and an extremely nice gentleman met with all of us to explain what we were actually going to see.  So, here’s the lowdown that you can just skip if you already know what it is.

The Futurity is a week long cutting horse competition held every year in our town (okay, it’s a city).  Cutting horses are trained to cut away a cow from a herd so that he/she can be treated, branded, or just looked over.  They were used primarily out west (which explains why I never heard of it.  I believe my granddaddy, daddy, and uncles just used a barricade of sorts to brand the cows…yes, my granddaddy was a cattle farmer and my uncle still is).  Anyway, while the cowboys were out on the “range” so to speak (I feel myself turning more country as I type), they got bored watching cows eat grass and whatnot.  So, they started competing to see who had the best cutting horse.  This naturally grew in to a big competition with big prizes.

Now, this is a horse competition.  So, what happens is, the cowboy or cowgirl rides in, picks out a cow from the herd and gets her singled out from the rest.  Then the cowboy or cowgirl relaxes her reins and the horse takes over.  And that’s the amazing part, to see these majestic animals do what they are trained to do with little to no involvement from the rider.  It was also fun watching some of the riders because, well, some of them were big ol’ boys!    Each horse gets about 2 minutes to cut away a cow.  And all of us totally loved it.  Mark swapped his regular off day to go with us and that was such a blessing!

Of course, our resident animal lover was beside himself!  Horses and cows everywhere.  He was saying “Horsie, Cow, Moooo!” almost the entire time. 

The John Deere tractors on display were a nice treat too.

 This is for my niece J, it was really neat to see several girls/women who were riding horses competing.  Their horses scored very well too!

 Still loving it!

*And since this was a field trip, most of these pictures were taken by the kids.  In all, they took over 100 including some of someone’s shirt.  I pricked some of the best to share though.


Malachi Update 36 Weeks

I do have a very good excuse for not regularly updating around here.  One word.  Illness.  It seems we are trying to go through all viruses before Malachi comes.  While I think that is super great, going through them all in one week…not so much fun.  Some of us have had nasty colds, one had a fever for 48 hours, and then there’s the stomach bug and we all know what that consists of.  I could go on and on about our immune systems but why I’m writing now is about the main man who will be the main event in a few weeks (give or take a few…and probably take.  We all know my babies like their cozy nests and have to be forced out).

What I failed to mention in our 20 week blog post about Malachi coming was that the placenta was low lying.  What that means is that it wasn’t even 1 centimeter away from the cervix.  That’s really close, and if it stayed in that position would have meant a c-section because there would really be no way to deliver a baby  without the placenta coming out first which can and almost certainly results in the death of both baby and mother.  Another reason why I’m so grateful for ultrasounds.

So, with a possibility of a c-section looming over us, we’ve trudged on through the pregnancy.  And really, there was nothing we could do.  There are no exercises, no special medicines or herbs to take to help make the placenta move…it’s just a God thing.  We looked up statistics and we were more reassured knowing that the numbers were on our side.  I believe it was like a 99% that a low lying placenta would “move” as the uterus grew.  I also knew that God knew what was best for both me and the baby.  I just prayed He would definitely give us a little heads up so that we can be prepared.  Trying to arrange care for children while mom can’t pick them up is a must in this here household.

So, as the date got closer, today marked the day I would have an ultrasound to see how big Malachi was and to see if the placenta moved.  We’ve been praying here almost every night and I’ve had several close friends praying.  And praise God…it has moved!  The sonographer couldn’t see all of the placenta because Mr. M is already head down but from the position of it and the position of my cervix, she felt most positive calling it clear and ready for delivery!  I’m still singing praises to God for this.  And guess what else…

This kid’s got some hair on him!  Look over on the right side…that little white spot towards the top of the solid black area…that’s his hair!  The sonographer and I just laughed.  She said it looked like a mohawk and I’ve already got one friend getting the hair gel and leather jacket ready for him!  At first, I didn’t buy that it was actually hair until she looked at some other things and came back and there was still a big ol’ splotch there.  So, either 2D technology has gotten that good or this kid is going to have a do to be dealt with!  It’ll be fun to see.  He also had his hand up by his face rubbing his eyes and just relaxing. 

It was adorable to watch and even though she woke him up from a very good nap (I know this because he spent the next 45 minutes kicking, stretching, poking and prodding), I loved every minute. 

We are all getting super excited about meeting this little guy!  Now just pray that an induction will not be needed!


Meet Igor #1

Okay, so it’s not really Igor, it’s actually this:
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

It’s a kids’ hammock/swing called Ekorre from Ikea that we were crazy enough to ask for for Christmas from my parents! And they were crazy enough to get it for us! Not just one, but two! No joke.

Mark had to put up reinforcers in the ceiling to make it hang safely but he got them up and now we will introduce you to what we lovingly refer to as Igor.

Bryant wasn’t too thrilled with it…hence no picture of him.  Mark just go the second one up and we now are awaiting the shrills from the kids of “Wow!  Mom and Dad a swing in our living room!  You guys are the coolest.”

Still waiting…


Happy Birthday Liam!

Liam turned six right before 2012!  It was a fun day and his request this year was to go to Chuck E. Cheese.  Not that we have anything against Chuck E. Cheese but going on a winter night to celebrate a birthday…not something we plan to do again.  But, he had fun nonetheless (except when we lost him and when I found him I let it be known not to run off from us again…yeah, that wasn’t so fun).

After his Chuck E. Cheese trip we came home, ate ice cream cake (and for some reason didn’t get a picture) and opened gifts.  I think he had a fun full day!

We got him a bigger bike. Without training wheels.  His reaction, unfortunately, was not as excited as we thought it would be.  His main problem, he can’t ride it alone yet.  After we explained that daddy would help, he cheered up and was super excited!

I can’t believe six years ago I held a tiny baby (okay, tiny for me…7 lbs 4 oz after having one over 8 1/2 lbs is tiny).  Now he’s getting to be so grown up!
