Another Big Girl

Ceili Rain decided last week to learn how to climb into her bed.  Since she’s an independent little thing, I started to fear she would try to climb out how she climbed in (diving head first)…the floor isn’t as soft as her mattress.  So, Mark and I discussed it and realized the time had come to take down the railing on the crib and make it a toddler bed.
Guess who was super thrilled with her new bed?!?

The first night, she got out of bed at least once.  This is where having sisters share a room comes in handy.  Zoe informed me in the morning (after the first night) that she had actually gotten out a couple of times but the last time, she got what she wanted and climbed back into bed.  Since, she’s really not gotten out much.  If she has, Zoe’s put her back in bed without our help.

Mark made this crib and we’ve always had a baby in it, so we’ve never taken it apart.  Since Bryant and Ceili Rain were a little closer in age than the rest of the kids, we kept Ceili Rain in her crib.  So, she got to be the first one to use it as an actual toddler bed.

I can’t believe how big she’s getting and how independent.   Last week as well, she started trying to use a regular cup and has been pretty successful at it.   Now, I’m in search of cups for her…anyone know where to get 7 ounce plastic purple cups?


It’s off to Ge & Granddaddy’s

A couple weekends ago, we headed to Ge & Granddaddy’s house.  They had not gotten to hold Bryant since he was born…so he’d grown a little…
 but he’s still cuddly.

 We got to go to a high school game where Granddaddy used to coach.  Liam used Granddaddy as a chair while we watched the game.  I think he had the best seat in the house.

 Granddaddy put Mark to work cleaning out the fish pond.  Ceili Rain was a bit in awe of the fish.

 Mark got a nice little workout in the 90 degree fall weather!
 Taking a break from football to blow bubbles.

Again, the best seat in the house!


In His Shoes

So, I’m getting lunch ready and I hear Liam and Josiah discussing something and climbing into the Freedom Center.  I walked into our bonus room and found this.

“I’m Daddy!”  Josiah announces. (by the way, those are clothes boxes.  I was in the process of swapping clothes out…it’s finally fall weather!)
Those are pretty big shoes to fill! 


How Does Your Baby Grow…2 mths

So, I took Bryant & Ceili Rain in for well checks on Friday.  They are both growing on target and doing well.

Here’s Bry’s stats and since he tied Josiah for weight and height at birth I’ll throw his in to compare and for fun, here’s Ceili Rain’s

             Bryant                                   Josiah                                 Ceili Rain
Weight  13 lb 12 oz (90%)                 14 lbs 13 oz (97%)             13 lb 12 oz (75%)
Height   26 inches (over 97%)            25 inches (97%)                  25 3/4 inches (90%)

Dr. B said that Bryant is “off the charts” for his height.  He bypassed ‘Siah by 1 inch.  So, he really is a tall baby! 

Ceili Rain is doing well too…here’s her 18 mth stats:
Weight:  24 lbs 15 oz (60%)…this is a good improvement from her 15 month check up.
Height:  32 3/4 inches (80%)…still not as tall as any of her brothers or sister at this age so I remain with my guess that she’ll be our petite one! 

She’s enjoying being a big sister and loves to give kisses over and over to Bryant.  She also loves baby dolls, her brothers and, in her eyes, Zoe can do no wrong.  She acts as though she is the same age as her older siblings and tries to do everything they do and gets angry when she can’t or isn’t allowed.  And her favorite song is “Roll over”  which I will have to get on video.  We’re working on teaching her “Roll Tide” but she hasn’t got that down yet.


Happy Fall Ya’ll

Even though it’s still in the 90s and supposedly “fall,”  I had to share how our little fashionista plans to dress for the cooler weather!

I found these crocheted hats on ebay at a steal of a price and was able to purchase two for Ceili Rain and two for Zoe.  Yes, they have the cuter than cute big flower clips.  We just happened to not put it on when she put the hat on.

Don’t let those sweet curls and smiles fool ya.  She whipped that hat right off .2 seconds after I turned the camera off.  We’ll work on it and she will enjoy being stylish for the fall…she will I tell ya!


What We’ve Been Up To…

I feel horrible that I’m not updating the blog everyday…but it has been a little hectic around here.  I believe when I did my school post, I failed to mention that Zoe was taking Speech and Apologetics through the local debate club.  So, that, piano, Awana starting up and other various extra activities, including actually teaching my kids has been occupying my time.  Oh, and that handsome littlest man who is too adorable…Mr. Bry.

Speaking of which…here’s some pictures we took of him when his Papa & Grandmere came to visit.

I caught a smile!
 And the end of a smile…
And getting some Grandmere love!
My “little Bee” as I like to call him (bless his heart, he’s got so many nicknames but this one is pulling out in front…basically because he doesn’t seem that little), is growing, eating and sleeping like a baby should.  
He’s two months old today and, thanks in part to cloth diapers and genetics, can fit into some six month clothes.  He can also fit into some 3-6 month things but is trying to outgrow them.  Considering I just purchased a bunch of 3 to 6 month clothes at consignment…he’s going to be in them at least until the weather gets a tad bit cooler (any day now I pray).  
He’s super sweet and sleeping anywhere from five to ten hours at night (I kid you not…those 10 hour stretches are awesome because it means I get about six hours of sleep in a row).  He does nap some during the day but nothing regular.  Considering, from research, that baby’s sleep just doesn’t regulate, physically, until four months, I’m grateful for what he does get.  He’s really good at putting himself to sleep or content to snuggle and cuddle and let me rock him (something big sis Ceili Rain didn’t enjoy after just a little time).
The smiles are so often now and he gurgles and coos along with them.  He loves to “talk” to us about any and everything…especially between sides while nursing…which causes quite a bit of a distraction in the middle of the night…but, we “discuss” how nighttime is for sleeping and he just coos and smiles, finishes eating and drifts off to sleep!
I will try to get more regular about posting.  I’ve got several things I want to share but just haven’t had time to get pictures and do posts. 


What We Did…

When Papa and Grandmere came up a couple of weekends ago…guess what we did???

Zoe is getting super better at balancing!  She’s also being pretty patient about it.  Liam really, really, really needs to have his training wheels either off or moved up and it looks like Josiah’s close to needing a “real” bike soon too.  Even Ace is getting brave at riding his bike. 

Now if we could just have a little bit cooler weather (going on over 100 days with it being over 90 degrees) then they can get in more practice.



It’s been a few weeks.  I’ve collected a few more sayings from Liam…enjoy!

Talking with Ace about his bike that he received as a Santa gift last year…
Liam:  You know, I got that bike from…um…what’s that guy’s name?


Liam: Daddy, when I grow up and my belly gets big, I’m going to have a baby.

After allowing them to watch a movie in my room in the middle of the day: AWESOME! Mommy, you’re awesome!
(if that’s all I have to do to be awesome, so be it)

Liam marched into the kitchen from his bed one night and announced:

“I have two things to tell you. First, Josiah called me a poo poo head. Second, I want to go to sleep.”

And as he walked back to bed, “I know how to go to sleep Daddy.”

Mark mumbled something.

Liam:  “Turn my light off.”


Before & After

I believe Mark’s about to remove GIMP from my computer if I keep playing with these pictures!  
The hands are Ceili Rain’s and her Papa’s (and I believe she’s not going to share Papa, hence the reason I say her Papa’s).  Papa and Grandmere came for a visit this past weekend and were tortured by played with the kids while we attended an Awana Conference (which rocked)!
