Ace Man

When he was a toddler, he would tell people that his name was “AceMan not Ace.”  
In some respects, he’s a typical first born boy.  He’s pretty responsible.  Loves to follow directions (most of the time) and can share with his brothers…but then there are some days…
I guess, if you want to call it that…he’s our strong willed child.  He loves to do things his way and he hates to change from one thing to another if he’s not done with the first thing.  
He is also our cuddler and resident baby lover (although he and Josiah compete for the baby-lover title).  He wants to always be holding your hand, or sitting in your lap, or right up next to you.  A challenge for my non-physical self.  You haven’t been hugged until you get one from the Ace Man!

He loves to be silly and make others laugh but that’s rare that he’ll share that with others…he’s our most shy and most quiet around strangers.

But, when he gets to know you…watch out.

Grandmere and Papa (as well as me), think he’s a little Mark.  He not only looks just like Mark at his age, but he has a lot of the same mannerisms and attitudes (so says Grandmere and Papa…and Uncle B).

If you have a knight, Narnian, or legos…he’s your instant friend!  Oh…and books…but it has to be a boy book…none of this “Little House” girly stuff.  Give him swords and chivalry and he’s all about it!



She’s the oldest!  The true Mama In Training (what we call MIT).  She loves to please Mark and I do her best at anything.  She HATES not being able to get something on the first try (just ask her piano teacher). 

She’s mostly quiet, but when she does talk…she most certainly has something to tell you.

She adores her little sister but does not enjoy getting her dressed in the morning.  I think each day, she’s seeing how much fun it is to have a little sister.  Yes, they are “buddies” and she takes that job as seriously as a seven year old can.

And she loves arts and crafts.  Mark would say she’s just like me and she does seem to enjoy the crafty side of life.  She loves her parental one on one time and I think as she gets older she treasures it even more.

I love watching her grow in Christ.  She is not only my daughter but my sister as well.  She can ask the best questions during family worship from a maturity that I only wish I had as a fairly new Christian.  She can also make some pretty awesome points and draw out some amazing examples to what we are studying. 

She can be a bit sassy (see the picture above) and she’s very good at telling her brothers what to do.  Almost too good.

Mark and I are so blessed to have her as our first born.  I can’t wait to see how God shapes and molds her as she grows to be a young woman!


If You Give a Mom a Sewing Machine…

she’s going to go shopping with a friend and purchase some fabric.

Her friend will look at the fabric and they will decide to make matching skirts for their daughters for pictures…

If the skirts are a little too short for their long legged daughters, the daughters will request a ruffle to go on the bottom of the skirts.

If the other daughters are too tiny to care about modesty, they’ll need pants instead of skirts to match their big sisters.

Then the moms will realize that there is plenty of extra fabric to…
make a pillowcase top out of.

While sewing the ruffles on the bottom of the skirts for the long-legged daughters, one of the moms decides the older girls (with hair) will need matching headbands out of the leftover fabric.

And then the moms, who have sewing machines, will wonder, breathlessly, why they didn’t just purchase matching outfits at a store…

Oh yeah, this is why! 

(It’s safe to say that we used just about every inch of the fabric we purchased and probably spent about $15 per child on the outfits, if not less.)

Like that last picture???  Stay tuned this week for some more from our “joint” photo shoot with Kimberly S. Busby Photography!  You don’t want to miss more pics of my precious children and some stranger’s kids, right???


Busy Day-Bryant Update

It’s been a busy day and I’m just now getting to update. 

I had my 28 week appointment.  Now, if you’ve followed the past two blogging pregnancies, then you know that means two things. 

Glucose tolerance test. 

Rhogam shot. 

The first is what all us incubating mamas have to go through.  Since I “flunked” the one hour test with Ceili Rain, there’s a pretty good chance I’ll not pass this time.  At least that’s how I think.  I talked to Dr. J about what to do if I fail.  He went over the rules and regulations I’ll need to follow to monitor my glucose level so I won’t have to go in for the three hour.  I’m not kidding when I say I almost passed out from the fasting part of the test.  Mark can attest to that.  He met me at the door after it and I believe I must have looked pretty white because he sent me to lay down pretty quickly.

Next, up was the rhogam shot for all us mamas who have a negative blood type.  Since Mark is a positive blood type, if my blood mixes with a positive baby, it could mean some serious problems with the baby.  God has blessed us, so far, that the shot has been effective in keeping me from becoming “sensitized” to my baby’s positive blood (and so far, all our kids are positives)…which would not mean a problem for the current baby but future babies.  The rhogam shot is what helps, should the baby’s blood, during pregnancy or birth, become mixed with my blood.  So, at 28 weeks and then after a delivery (or a miscarriage), I have to get “the shot.” 

Now, if I could get a penny for every time a nurse or administration person looked at me and commented sweetly, “Ohhh, is this your first.”  I’d have been able to pay for supper in pennies.  (not really…but it seems like it).  And if I could have had a video camera, when I sweetly replied, “No, this is my sixth.”  Just to capture their faces…that would have been priceless.

Aside from that…Dr. J still ranks high on the coolness factor because I don’t have to go in for another six weeks!  I think he must read my blog and know of the adoration our family heaps on him!  But seriously, it’s not just that but that we know what to look for, we’ve “been there/done that.”  And this pregnancy (aside from the first trimester) has been “uneventful.”  It’s nice that he’s not treating my pregnancy like a “medical disorder” and trusting us and my body to do what it’s got to do.  So, at my next appointment, I’ll only have a little ways to go…and that’s when I’ll inform him of the no “i” word approach!  We’ll see how he handles that one!


Meet Bruiser

She has a mysterious red mark on her chin and this evening, with both parents in the room, she fell and busted her cheek and got a scratch on her eye. Then, she was playing with a ball during family worship and dove, face first, into the floor…not sure what caused that but she wasn’t happy afterwards. It looks like we’ve been slinging her around by her face.  See???

I think I may need to buy her full body armor before she starts walking.  Or at least a helmet.


She’s now talking…her first word is “Uh oh.”  I think that’s appropriate given she’s not the most graceful on all fours (or twos with support of a steady object).  And I’m not kidding about that being her first word.  She makes “mama” and “dada” sounds but not to call Mama or Dada.


She loves to demonstrate her new word in some delightful situations.   Here are just two:

The other night, she was having a tough time going to sleep.  As we were getting ready for bed, I heard her fussing and went into her room.  She was standing up in her crib saying, “Uh oh, uh oh.” over and over again.  I picked her up and realized she didn’t have her paci in her mouth or hand.  She started reaching for the floor looking down saying, “Uh oh.”

She also laughed when I handed the paci and Raffe the Giraffe to her! 


I got her up from her nap the other day and discovered that she had managed to pull up her long skirt and pull off her diaper which was not protected by a bloomer (lesson learned).  I asked her where her diaper was and she said, “Uh oh” and started reaching for the playpen.


And just this week, she’s learned a new word, “Hello.”  (Nope, still no mama or dada…there are more important things to talk about).  She opens and closes her hand and says something pretty close to “lolo.”  She also grabbed my cell phone and did the same thing!  



We’re dealing with another bout of illnesses right now so I’d thought I’d share some words of wisdom from our little 4 year old that I’ve been saving up.  Prepare to laugh…okay, at least giggle a little or chuckle to yourself.  Or just maybe snicker.

Me:  Liam, thank you so much for being obedient and listening and being a helper when Daddy was sick.  You did such a great job.

Liam:  CHOMP!  I ate your glasses.

On an errand running trip with just the two us.

Me:  Liam, let’s get these blueberry plants because it’s cheaper.

Liam:  CHEAP!  CHEAP!  CHEAP! (throughout the whole store)

At supper just last night, he was sitting beside me as we ate and he looked up at me, in all seriousness, but with no amount of panic on his face and stated:
“Mommy, a beast just bit me.”

I looked over at him and then down and in my most calm voice stated, “No Liam, you don’t have your fork on your plate it’s in your lap and you stabbed yourself with it.  Put it where it belongs and eat.”

Never thought I’d say that before.


Happy 1st Birthday Ceili Rain!

Yep, I realize that she has been one for over a month now.  Yep, there are a ton of pictures on this post.  Yep, there are two little girls who look the same age celebrating a birthday.  It’s one of my best friend’s daughters…this is the one you’ve seen throughout the blog and we both have told them that they are BFF’s so not to fight it…since they are four days apart and we’re not sure where we’ll be if/when they move back here (they are being transferred out to another state…army)…we decided to be cheesy and celebrate their birthdays together.
So, less talk…more pictures:

She’s not sucking on her thumb…I think she’s chewing on her fingers here.

Meg Meg had a fever this day so the thrill was not so much there as it usually is.

We got “the girls” these little crawling dolls that Ceili Rain has enjoyed watching, in store, for quite some time.  They crawl and make baby noises…and, in the store, they don’t have an off button that can be reached.  Yeah, I walked through Wal-Mart with two plastic babies googoo and gagaing in my shopping cart.  I am not ashamed.

Bags are as much fun as boxes.

Cake Time…and a rush to get it out before Megan just completely lost it.  You can tell Ceili Rain’s just anticipating somethin’ good.
I made the cakes.  From scratch.  First time to do that.  It was a yellow cake with strawberry filling (first time to do a filling) and cream cheese icing.  And yes, it was very tasty.  I can not find my yellow cake recipe but I know there’s a link at this place…somewhere.  And the strawberry filling is so easy you’d freak out…it is from a search on Recipezaar.  The decorations are a la a quick JoAnn’s search and edible images (not that healthy but just too cute).
Our little “twins”
I made cupcakes with the same yellow cake batter and then put a little dab of the strawberry filling in each (baked).  Then topped some with cream cheese icing and some with chocolate icing.  I think we all enjoyed that.
Megan’s big brother James enjoying some cupcakes with his daddy!

Still going at it!

Sugar overload???

Time to get cleaned up!

Sick Megan all clean and ready to rest!

Much cleaner!

Uncle Kevin reading to the boys…

And putting one little tired  Super Wy to sleep.  Yes, that is Liam picking his nose.  I’m so proud.

And in case you’re wondering about Ceili Rain’s tongue sticking out…

It runs in the family.


Curls??? Seriously???

So, I’ve been pregnant, well at the end of this pregnancy, a total of 56 months (counting our miscarriage).  And never have I gotten what I have now.

Look closely, my dear friends and you will not see the straight fluffy thick hair that has once graced my head…nope…it’s been exchanged for some curls and LOTS of waves!  And none of that has been chemically altered (okay, the color has but not the waves and curls).

Yep, you can say I’m pretty pumped to be sporting my new lively volume lifting do.  See, I have a sister who has the funnest spiralest springy curls…and she and her husband passed those on to my beautiful niece and nephew as well.  I’ve always envied her cute set of  curls.

When I was in seventh grade and she was in ninth, we went to have our hair permed (the thing to do in the late eightie/early nineties).  I had visions of sweet spirals abounding from my head.  But alas, all I got was a little bit of wave that fell out.  Not too far after that, my Nana, got another perm for me (having been her who allowed me/paid for my first perm).  Again, not much result except a little bit of burnt hair that had to be cut shoulder length and turned out to be a nice do for me.  But my sister, with her delicate fine hair…had curls abounding and, at that time, the “big hair” that every girl tried to achieve with as much Aqua Net as they could talk their mother into purchasing.  While walking into the bathroom when she was fixing her hair might have required a chemical mask…it was still pretty cool that she had the “in” hair…while I dealt with the dull straight hair.

Do you need a tissue for my sad tale???  I hold no grudges against my sibling and love her hair…she still gets those bouncy curls, although she straightens them more often than not now (or did last time I saw)…but she has options to what she can do with her hair.  My options were…pull up, put down, and occasionally, flip out, flip under.

But now, dear readers who can’t believe I’ve written this much on the thickness of my head hair, now, I’m in the game…I’ve got options too!  Or I will, if I can figure out how to style/tame this mop on my head!  I noticed spirals popping up near my ears a few weeks ago…and then noticed that there was no way I could get my hair to just dry straight.  And when I didn’t put anything at all on my hair, well, that led to a bigger than life eighties hair do that is not in style right now.  So…trusty Facebook to the rescue, I left a comment on my status that I needed advice on curl boosting products and several friends gave me tips on what to try with my hair.  I honestly didn’t think any curl boosting products would work.

But they did!
And while there is a fine line between wavy and out of control to some bouncy curls and lots of wave…I’m getting the hang of this new do and hope it sticks around after Mr. Bryant makes his debut!
And to prove that my hair is was straight and really thick…here’s a picture from February:
So the poof and wave were starting but not quite there yet!
The only thing I’m worried about is that my mom said she got wavy/curly hair when she was pregnant with me.  Is that a sign of things to come with dear Bryant?  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!


Easter Celebrations

I know I”m a week or so late on this…but I’m getting there.  We had a quiet Resurrection Sunday morning.  The afternoon and evening were full.  But we did go to church (with two children under the influence of medicine used to reduce fevers).  And afterwards, while I packed, Mark took pictures:

 Ceili Rain did have a bonnet but it was no where to be found (hence the reason she has her hair in her face).

I made the girls’ dresses using the Girls’ 1914 Dress Pattern from Sense & Sensibility Patterns.  It wasn’t extremely easy but the results were wonderful!  I thought they both looked adorable.  Now, I will say that Ceili rain’s dress was a bit snug (which it wasn’t last month when I finished it).  Any little girls that need a cute pink dress let me know!

Ahhh…the missing bonnet.
The end of the sisters photo shoot!
It was at this point that Josiah’s medicine kicked in and Liam’s wore off.  He spent the entire photo op in the van.
