We have happiness…

Well, sort of. Josiah actually was a little more cheerful today and even Zoe remarked that he didn’t cry all day long. He did, however, take about an hour nap on the couch (and me) this morning, which is HIGHLY unusual. He woke up from his afternoon nap crying and didn’t stop until I rocked him to sleep tonight. Yeah, long afternoon and morning. He was wailing through Kroger and didn’t even want to play at Chick-fil-a. Again, very unusual for him. He finished up his steroids today. We’re praying the “old ‘Siah” returns very soon.

Besides that, not much to report. We’re still gearing up for our very busy week which begins tomorrow night and will end Monday morning.


My Day

Okay, I have to admit that my previous post was really boring…but I’m excited about it…along with something else we’re getting FOR FREE…stay tuned for that…I’ll even include pictures. I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat waiting.

So, on with our day, in pictures no less!

Josiah’s on steroids for croup. Do you see how happy he is on steroids? One more day to go and we’ll be done with them. Mommy will be really happy with that. Plus, they are making him tired and that just adds to the fun. Yes, he was like this all day. With the exception of eating a bowl of cheerios this morning. Yes, he’s on the counter, but I was right there with him. No, Ceili Rain was not in the bouncy seat on the counter (this time). She was napping.

There was a little light in the day…

TA DA! She is smiling. I know she looks like a manic woman in this picture…sorry about the angle. She was looking up at me and I had the camera a little low…so no, it’s not gas!

Woohoo! I’m a happy baby with a full belly.

It’s been impossible to catch her smiles due to her a few things. First, she can sense a camera a mile away so you have to sneak up on her. Secondly, before today, she was only dishin’ them out every once in a while and only to particular people. She’s a little picky about who she shares her smiles with. However, this morning she was cheesin’ it big time at breakfast. And when she took a good nap this morning and then nursed well, I thought we’d try again…and I happened to have the camera capturing Josiah’s super mood, so I got a few pics before the “get this nasty dirty diaper off of me” crying ensued. I love this little girl and her crazy hair! I’m working on getting a picture of that and then we’ll run a poll to decide if it’s more Don King or Kramer. I’m leaning toward Kramer because it’s getting kinky curly.


Going to Cloth

Nope, not talking about cloth diapers. I did that here.

I’ve noticed recently that we fly through napkins. 500 napkins can last us about a month around here. They’re used for everything from wiping noses to cleaning spills. So, I’ve taken the plunge and just ordered cloth napkins. One hundred of them to be exact. I hope it’s worth the money we’ll save to have them.

On another note…Josiah is now asleep in my arms. He’s been grumpy since Saturday and I blame it all on that stupid Orapred which, my lovely pharmacist friends told me we could not stop until he’d taken all his doses. Thankfully, he’ll be done with it tomorrow. Just in time to be in a good mood for all our festivities this weekend.


Injured/Sick List Updates


Ankle’s much better. You can actually see her ankle bone which is a marked improvement since Tuesday. She is not complaining about it hurting and is walking on it just fine.


Has croup. He started barkin’ like a seal last night. Thankfully, the steam shower helped. I thought I detected stridor (a raspy sort of breathing) this morning and Dr. R (one of Dr. B’s colleagues) confirmed it. He got a dose of steroids (to pump you up!) in the office and I’m going to head out sometime today and get the prescription filled for the other two doses. Still running a fever some.

No one else is dow n yet. We’re praying that no one else gets sick as we have a very busy week ahead. Praying extra hard that Ceili Rain doesn’t get sick as that could not be really good for such a young baby (I was going to put small…but she’s not really that small).


More Time with the Fam

Day Two of our visit brought about some play at home and a local park. We then loaded everyone up…after the two youngest boys got a nap, and headed to see Monsters vs. Aliens which was pretty funny. The political comedy made the movie if you ask me. It was very neat in 3D too! Okay here’s more pictures…

All the girls!

Cousin J was great with Josiah.

See my muscles!! Before you all ask about her face…we’re not sure but we think she may have had an allergic reaction to either something I ate or something that was on Aunt Yaya. For now, the only thing I can think that I ate that would cause a big welp and red breakouts is peanut butter so I’m hiding from that for a little while and then we’ll try it again later.
‘Siah the red nosed silly kid…Everyone, sing with me!
Uncle J would rather play with them when they move and talk, but we did manage to get him to hold Ceili Rain.

Cousin E, no doubt helping one of ours off a slide!

This concludes our weekend pictures. Our family had such a great time with you guys, Aunt Yaya. Thanks so much for coming up and taking time out of your crazy busy schedule to hang with us characters! We love you!!! Can’t wait to see you again.


Yeah, I Don’t Make This Stuff Up

Zoe was showing me a beautiful dance Tuesday morning. When she went to twirl, her foot didn’t follow and she fell on the floor. She complained a little about the pain but then got up and kept going. However, she continued to mention here and there that it was hurting pretty bad. By the evening, she said it was hurting worse. We sent her on to bed thinking she just bruised it badly.

In the morning, she woke up to a nice tennis ball size swollen ankle. I thought that it was just a sprain and started icing it and keeping her from running like a wild child through the house. It still wasn’t down by the evening so we wrapped it up and went to church. I stopped her pediatrician in the hall, told her what was going on and asked if she could look at it to see if she needed an x-ray. Sure enough, she said yes.

Where Zoe is complaining about the pain is where a growth plate is and a typical place to get a stress fracture. Dr. B wrote a script for an x-ray for the morning.

I took her in for the x-ray this morning and it didn’t show any fractures at this point. Dr. B gave orders to ice it and medicate and elevate until the swelling goes down. If it doesn’t improve by Monday, we’ll call her and then she’ll send Zoe on to orthopedics.

All this and then Josiah woke up this morning with a low grade temp. He’s acting generally yucky and so now they are all piled up on the couch for our sick day.

And…on the way home, God watched over us. Or I should say watched over a driver. He had a small truck and decided to cross over four lanes to turn onto the interstate. However, I was in the first lane he wanted to cross over and he almost ran into the side of the van. I looked and swerved just in time and caught a look of either complete surprise (because it’s hard to see a big red van passing you) or complete disgust (because I was in his lane). I didn’t slow down to confirm the look. I realized later that we would have been okay, but the driver of the truck would have been in a world of hurt…thanks to our big van.


The Yayas

My sister, Aunt Yaya, and her family came up this past weekend to visit and meet Ceili Rain. Woohoo! We had a wonderful visit and the kids were just excited to see their cousins. To start out our visit, we went to a local science museum. We spent the whole day there, no naps, no nothin’ but lots of hands on fun and playing. They were wiped out by the time we left.

Ace with cousin E and a very large magnet.

Umm, yeah, this along with the “Enter” and “Exit” signs at the hotel my sister stayed at really bothered me. Notice the major grammatical error. And the signs at the hotel, “Enter” was on the right hand side and “Exit” was on the left. That would work…if we lived in England.

Liam has Aunt Yaya wrapped around his finger!
Rowing a boat with Cousin E.
Cousin J and Zoe ready to explore the world of maps.
The pyramid Zoe and J built by themselves.
Explorer Josiah stopped for a bite to eat.
Ceili Rain was clearly bothered by all the lights, noise, and general busyness of the museum.
Josiah became a weatherman for the day.
All the boys checkin’ out the river!