I just have to say I am one of few women that I know who enjoys a good NCAA football game…and a good high school game if it’s my dad’s team I’m cheering on.
We were getting ready for the Bama game (which was not very good and the officials and commentators drove us crazy) and Liam yelled at the television (I have no idea where he gets the idea to yell at the tv…definitely not from me):
“You guys are going home.”
It was pretty funny because Boston College had pulled it out to win in the last forty seconds, so really, they were all about to go home. And, of course, because we laughed, Liam had to say it over and over and over again.
Lots of new and exciting things happening here. Okay, not really. Except that Mark got my plants in the ground (I pick them/he plants them…I like this set up). I started a Bible study on Saturday mornings and think it’s going to be great. Finally ordered a maternity pillow that should keep some of my pregnancy induced insomnia at bay…but only if we can keep my knee from hurting and my mind from racing.
And our big thing is we are seriously looking at getting a larger van this month. A local credit union is offering a good interest rate, so Mark is cautiously looking into getting one now instead of in January. I’m doing the legwork for the van search. Mark gets to do all the negotiating, discussion with bank and dealers and such. Again, I like this set up! But please, all 11 of my friends and family, pray for wisdom as we go through this car buying process again. At least, our current vehicles are paid for which is a little lighter load to bear.
Our friends were over last night and didn’t notice the olive oil spill. Phew! Zoe had a blast singing a song that she and her friend had made up. They sang it over and over and over and over…again. Apparently, this song came from being the first and only ones in Sunday school for a little while last week. Really, it kind of tickled me to see Zoe building up healthy and fun friendships. She’s really growing up and enjoying being with other girls more.
This was just going to be about how cute Liam was, but I digressed. Oh well!