Still Dealing

We’re still in the midst of the sickies. Ace was pretty okay all day yesterday. Temp only got up to 99.6 and came down on its own. He woke up this morning saying he still felt bad, which to me meant he was wanting some sympathy words and treatment. At least that’s what I thought. He climbed on the couch after breakfast and proceeded to distribute his breakfast contents all over the couch. I got a towel pretty quickly (but not before he had finished) and rushed him off to a bathroom. Then, I tried to start cleaning up the mess.

My gag reflex is in full gear with this pregnancy and I didn’t quite make the clean up before I got sick too. Ughh!

I did get Ace in the shower and the couch wiped down, though. It’s easier to do on an empty stomach.

I also got a puke bucket ready (you know, a plastic trashcan that’s been cleaned out…I’m so sympathetic to the sick) and planted him back on the couch. He’s gotten sick one more time (but hit the bucket) and now his stomach is empty. He even told me he was done throwing up. We’ll see what happens when I put food in his mouth.

We’re just very grateful it’s not something else. I was thinking it might be Fifth’s disease which is not something I really need to get while pregnant, but when he started “releasing” his food, I knew we were in the clear for the good ol’ nasty stomach bug that’s going around.

So, instead of traveling tomorrow (and possibly at all this weekend), we’ll be having Thanksgiving here again.

I’m off to start preparing our meal. I love traditional Thanksgiving food and even more so now that I’m confident I can make it!


A Few Ceili Rain Things

1. Zoe’s (or should I say, “the girls”) room is getting a redo this week! I’m so excited that we are able to paint and rearrange for Zoe and Ceili Rain. Right now, it looks as though we’ll start Josiah in the “big boy bed” with big brother the first of December. Zoe’s getting a flowery girly room with lots of bright girly colors. I think she’s pumped. Of course, we’re painting it pink. We’ll get the paint sometime before Friday and start painting on Friday. Mark got Ceili Rain’s closet converted into a changing table/closet for her. Still some rearranging with other things in there (mainly Zoe’s toys) and it’ll be good to go for her. For those that don’t know, Zoe has two closets. One is rather large and the other is a smaller, standard size. Ceili Rain will use the standard size for now.

2. Ceili Rain is very low. I mean extremely low. Yes, I know that according to old wives’ tales that babies carried low are boys, but apparently Ceili Rain didn’t get the message…or she’s grown another appendage since the ultrasound a few weeks ago. I can feel when she squeezes by my bladder and that warrents an immediate trip to the bathroom. I feel kind of bad for my friends and family, but sorry, you guys, you’re not allowed to rub my belly to feel her move. I’ve had a couple of acquaintances at church ask if she’s moving and then put their hand on my belly. I either tell them, no, or I just say yep, and she’s way down there…and try not to actually show them as that would be inappropriate to show in public! Mark has felt her move and so has Zoe…which thrilled her to death. On the plus side of having a low carrying baby, she isn’t kicking me in the ribs (like three of the others did) and I can actually breathe fairly easily!

3. In one of Zoe’s creative writing assignments last week, she was asked to draw a picture of a blessing from God. She drew a picture of her holding Ceili Rain. To say this girl is excited about her little sister is putting it mildly!


Two Weeks Ago

Two weeks ago today, we found out that our fifth (actually sixth) blessing would be a girl! Yippee, Ceili Rain is on her way. Now we are busily preparing “the girls” room for a new little girl…more on that next week.

Also, two weeks ago, I was busy at a ladies’ night at church, when Zoe accepted Christ! Calling home to tell Mark I was on my way, he exclaimed, “Your daughter’s heading to heaven.”

My first thoughts were not good ones and I didn’t associate his statement with her eternal state but just her present physical state. After catching my breath and stepping back on the gas, and Mark apologizing profusely, I realized what he meant.

He told me that after family worship that night, she told him that she needed to ask Jesus in her heart. That took him by surprise, but he quickly put the boys to bed and sat down with her to talk about all the reasons she felt she needed to do this now. According to Mark, she was pretty firm on the sin in her heart and her great need for Jesus to fill up her life and for God to forgive her of her sins.

We are still feeling so blessed by God that He called her out at such a young age to follow Him. Definitely nothing, we’ve done. We’ve shared Christ with her when she’s asked about salvation, eternal life, and the most important to a little girl…how she can be a princess like mommy (we are adopted by Jesus, the King of Kings…see…princess).

I talked with her in the morning and she was pretty set that she had accepted Christ. She shared with me what that meant and was so excited.

So, we’re giving God all the glory for our sweet girl’s eternal decision to follow Christ. I’ve waited for two weeks to share, because I thought Mark might want to share, but then I finally asked him and he said I could share.

She has a new Bible and a real Bible cover which she thinks is cool. We are seeing little fruits coming up as she is learning more about self-control and already growing in Christ. She is being discipled by us through a neat study called, I’m a Christian Now. Our church requires children to complete this study before being baptized, which we are glad that she isn’t just “dunked” and moves on. She is learning what a life changing decision she has made and how important it is to follow through with God’s commands, including baptism.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for her as He reveals His glory and presence in her life!


Baby in the Belly

I know I’m posting a lot about Liam, but he’s being really cute lately…

He announced tonight that his belly was getting bigger because there was a baby in it. I asked him what the baby’s name was.

“Ceili Rain.”

“Well, what’s my baby’s name in my belly?” I inquired.

“It’s Ceili Rain too.”

He then poked his belly out for me to tickle and pat like he does mine (except I don’t have to poke my belly out).


Turning a Corner

I hesitate to post this, because I don’t want Liam to turn another corner and go back to his old self. However, Mark and I are so excited that it seems that Liam is turning a corner with his sleeping. He no longer screams, kicks, yells, and fights us when it’s nap time or night time. He actually just lays down and goes to sleep like his brothers and sister! We are thrilled. I think a lot of it is maturity, and the rest is the consistency we’ve had with him. Up until this weekend, Mark would sit outside his door and have to go in every few minutes to discipline him. Up until this week , I would have to lay down with him for nap time to keep him from beating up Ace or running rampant through the house. Now, I can sit and do my Bible study while I wait on him to fall asleep. Ahhh!

He’s also doing a little better with potty training. I know I haven’t posted awhile on this…as it’s still ongoing. Currently, I am potty trained, which means, I send him at certain times during the day (not set times, just when I remember, now, really). I’ve noticed a couple times this past week where he will go potty without me having to tell him. Of course, the #2 is pretty much completely potty trained, but #1 is still a work in progress. I’m excited that he’s actually going more frequently without me having to tell him. I hope it keeps up.

His behavior is slowly getting better and he’s turning into quite a cuddler. He hugged and loved on me a lot this past weekend. He is still pretty argumentative, and can be quite disobedient, but we’re starting to see a more loveable, sweeter little boy emerge! He’s been getting a few compliments in his classes at church, too. That makes it so much nicer.


I Don’t Want It…

So we’re visiting my parents this weekend. It’s been fun. My birthday is coming up so the pampering has begun…sort of!

Anyway, my mom prepared chili for supper and the kids gathered around to eat. Liam looked at it and throughout Mark’s prayer was mumbling.

“I don’t like ‘dis. I don’t want it. Whine. Whine Whine.”

Mark said amen. Then Liam chirped in, “Okay, I’ll twy it.”

Silly boy!



Pumpkin’ Paintin’

As soon as we got home last week from the field trip, Zoe asked if she could paint her pumpkin. Last year, we carved them, but for some reason this year, she wanted to paint them (much to Mark’s’s hard carving little pumpkins). So, we painted pumpkins on Saturday…

Liam’s pumpkin was a beautiful shade of…purple and black when he finished with it.

Ace decided his pumpkin would get dressed up…as an apple (it was red alllll over).

Zoe eating her pumpkin candy while contemplating how her pumpkin would look.

We started Josiah out with finger paints thinking that would be easier for him. However, he saw that everyone else had a paint brush and he wanted one too…

Ta Da!

I think it’s a punk rock pumpkin!
