
We have some friends who have bought a house about seven down from us. We’re excited because they have two little ones and one on the way.

Anyway, they haven’t moved in yet because it was a “repo” house and they had to do a lot of work to it (the previous owners took faucet fixtures, light fixtures, a toilet, and other things). So, their plan is to move in on Saturday. Carpet goes in on Friday and then move. Well, the mom needed a break and needed to get the closets painted (yucky ugly closets just don’t go with freshly painted walls…I love freshly painted closets it just makes you feel better to know your clean clothes are in a clean closet). Back to my story now, so I watched her two kids.

Yes, I had six children in my home five and under. It took them 15 minutes to have Zoe’s room so covered that you couldn’t see the floor. And in those 15 minutes I believe I broke up about 500 fights…I don’t understand how my kids can lose all social etiquettes when friends come to play. I guess it’s their age and their stuff playing a factor. What was so bad is that our visitors were somewhat descent. My kids were yelling and not sharing and hitting…ugghhhh.


Thrill Seeker

Which I am not. But apparently Zoe is. I took her to a birthday party at a local “amusement” park type area. They had a little kiddie roller coaster and other thrill type rides on a preschool child’s level. Zoe got me on the roller coaster and I gripped the handlebars in fear. The second time she got me on it I was more relaxed and could talk some. She threw her arms way up in the air when we went really fast.

That’s okay, I got her back when we went on the balloon ride and I made it spin really fast…and I got queasy…but that was fun…roller coaster, not fun. Luckily, Daddy can go on the big roller coasters with Zoe.

I’m thinking a trip to Carowinds is in our future.



Liam had to go to the doctor yesterday because he has had a persistent runny nose and then he started messing with his ears. Fortunately, it’s not an ear infection but could have been one as the ear drum was sucked in and would have allowed fluid to build up in the ear. He’s on an antibiotic now for the sinus infection.

While we were there, Dr. B asked if we wanted to go ahead and get flu shots. I know not everyone is for all that, but we are especially since we are constantly on the go and around all those germs. Well, usually, when they have to get shots, I have some prep time and get them psyched up for the shots, etc. No time for that yesterday. Ace was pretty insistent that he wouldn’t get a shot. Dr. B tried to reason with him:

“You need to get the shot so you won’t get sick and have to go to the hospital”

Ace (frowning and generally grumpy): “I don’t want a shot. I want to get sick.”

Oh well! I even tried the big brother protecting little brother since he is too young to get a shot…still didn’t work. But he got one and he was over it in little while (like a day).


Sleep Glorious Sleep

I just had to post this. I went to check on Zoe before heading to bed on Sunday night and this is how we found her. She was out cold and when she showed her the picture she didn’t remember it at all. Mark thinks she kinda rolled off the bed, but I think that’s how she fell asleep…my kids are good about wherever they are when the sleepy bug hits, they pass out. Notice the black shoe…she had some black shoes when she was two that she wore all the time even to bed…I guess it’s making a comeback except in a bigger size.
Mark’s curling up sleepy picture with Josiah. We have one of these with all the kids. I think it’s very sweet.

Okay, I wanted to do a post on sleeping. This is why…I absolutely dislike this part of new babies. It, of course, gets harder when you add older children who are demanding your time into the mix. I prefer to teach our children how to sleep rather than wearing them all day/night and or putting them in the crib and letting them cry for numerous amounts of time. I fret over their sleep and want so much for them to get enough sleep.

That’s not to say that Josiah doesn’t cry. He does…sometimes a lot if he’s over stimulated.

Each of our kids learned to sleep differently. Zoe, being the first, got to be rocked for 45 minutes to sometimes an hour. We did different things with her to help her fall asleep. By the time she was 14 months and in a big girl bed (Ace was on the way), she was pushing us away and wanting to lay down in her bed by herself. If she fussed, it was a little fuss and she was out in less than a minute.

Ace was a “butt” baby. He liked to be patted on his bottom and slept great from about 5 months on. By the time he was seven or eight months old, we would put him in the crib, he’d play for a few minutes and then he was out. One time I went to check on him during nap time and he was asleep sitting up against the crib.

Liam was a rocker for a little while, but really wanted to fall asleep where ever he was sleeping. That meant we had to put him in bed awake. If we didn’t do this, he would wake up within 15 minutes and be very upset. He did have to cry for a little while, but never more than 5 minutes.

On to Josiah. It seems that now, when we rock him, he won’t stay asleep. I think his sleep patterns are starting to get regular and he’s ready to fall into his routine (which we’ve found children do naturally on their own without being forced into one). Yesterdays naps were nonexistent, until late afternoon. At that time, I rocked him until he was calm, put him in his bed by our bed, and put my hand on him and held his paci in until he fell asleep. All told, it took maybe 10 minutes and he was out. I had to wake him up to feed him. We did this at night time too and it worked great. I did it this morning and he slept for 45 minutes. I’m hoping to get his morning nap going and bedtime and then work on the afternoon one.

And now, our children (with the exception of Liam the Explorer at the moment) go to bed by themselves and bedtime is very pleasant (with the exception of Liam the Explorer…we’re working on that though).


Roll Tide Anyway!

So, the last two weeks have been “disappointing” in the area of SEC football…but we’re still fans! Here’s proof:
Liam is watching a game (we didn’t realize Alabama was on until the last quarter and apparently, that’s the quarter to watch for us now). He LOVES football, baseball, basketball…pretty much anything with a ball. We’re still working on saying, “Roll Tide” but he’s coming around. Mark said he ran around the house with the football saying, “hut” and throwing it all afternoon.

Future football players, I guess!!!



Let me just say, that I did not threaten Mark to write that…he just did. I love ’em so much!

Josiah is showing a really goofy side to his personality…definitely fits into this family. He loves to laugh at anyone who walks by. And when you sing, his face lights up like a Christmas tree! Last night, he decided to get really mad when I had him on his belly and he rolled over! I’m still working with him on keeping his hands up so he can roll easier instead of just using his leg and hip strength. Something I just look for since our pt stint with Liam.

Anyways, after rolling over he stopped fussing and just looked at me and then smiled. A few minutes later, Champ the cat, jumped up beside him. He caught sight of Champ and grinned so big.

While preparing (fixing in the South) lunch today, he was very tired but I had to get it done, so I entertained him by singing and dancing. He smiled the whole time and when I stopped he started to fuss.

I’ll have some cute pictures of him just as soon as I find time to take them. It’s a MOPS week, so it’s been pretty crazy here.


It’s Potty Time…maybe

Yesterday morning, I was changing Josiah’s diaper and Liam came up to me and said, “potty” in his language and headed to the bathroom. I wasn’t quite sure what he had said, so I was about to get on to him for going into the bathroom by himself when I realized what he said. I went in there with him and helped him with his clothes and he went potty! As a reward, I allowed him to put toilet paper in the potty and flush it…what can I say…cheap thrills!

I really don’t have time right now to devote to working solely on potty training but we’ll try when we get a break in October and see how it goes. By try, I mean I’ll put him in training pants and see what happens.

No big rush since we use cloth. Although, I have to admit I would really enjoy just having to keep up with one set of diapers and diaper changing times…and cleaning poopy up from diapers would be nice to narrow down to one breastfed poop…

While I’m on the subject of diapers and bodily functions…I have never met a gassier baby than Josiah. Except now there are like three of them in church nursery. And don’t think that just because his poopy doesn’t stink his gas doesn’t…it does…bad…to the point of passing out. I’m very serious about this. When I remarked to him that his gas stinks works than his daddy’s, he got a big open mouth grin on his face and tried to laugh. I can only imagine what the nursery at church would smell like if all three of these babies started going at once! Ughhhh! Not only that, at ballet today he “passed gas” and one of the other moms thought her baby had a dirty diaper and she was a good bit away from us. Yes, it’s that bad! At least he’s not holding it in and getting crampy.
