
This just was not the fun day for the kids…at least in the area of injuries.

Ace fell going to Zoe’s speech and busted up one of his knees. Then as we were leaving speech a rogue basketball landed on his chest and face.

When we got home from ballet this afternoon, Liam tripped over a rock and scraped his forehead.

Zoe got out of bath this evening and went to catch up with boys and missed the doorway but met up with the door frame. She’s got a nice little goose egg on her forehead AND a fat upper lip. We were smearing witch hazel on the forehead in hopes it will not bruise too bad.

I’m glad they’re all in bed now.

**Ace got a HUGE bump on his head the next day. Zoe was spinning him in the swing and went a little too fast and a little too close to the playfort and whammed his head into it.**


Why I love being a mother!

Some sweet and fun pictures of my beautiful little gifts!

Our little pool and the kids had a blast…except when Liam got bumped (outside of the float) and went under for a few seconds!

We sing a song called, “I took a Bath in the Washing Machine” by Jim Gill…this is the “I Got Dry in the Dryer!”
Two clean and dry kids!


Quick Kids Update

Zoe is finishing up speech next week. We get the summer to break…but really the summer is for us to work on it together! She’s doing so well and working hard to get the sounds out and very patient when we correct her.

Zoe and Ace are now officially signed up for ballet in the fall. Ace has pleaded with us for several months now to take ballet and he is super pumped. Zoe is always excited about ballet. When Ace hits five, we may try him out in a children’s ensemble that teaches acting, etc…he really just wants to be up on stage entertaining people (yes, even at 2), so that would give him a good outlet to get his goofy energy out.

We got Zoe’s school books/workbooks in yesterday. One I’m sending back…it’s a handwriting book and all it has in it is the letters and lines to practice writing…we already have reusable stuff for that! She sat down in the hallway yesterday and flipped through all the books. I’m not sure how we’ll wait a few months before we start…we may have to delve into the workbooks some before August! Ace kept asking if they were for him, too. I think he may be too young for them, but I’ll try him out and see. If not, we’ll order some more for him…otherwise, we may just stick to the basics for him like cutting and coloring.

I would declare Ace officially potty trained. He has done sooooo well. We don’t even put him in a pull up during naptime. He does have to have one at night though. I’m so excited about how well we’ve all been about pottying!

Liam is climbing on everything! I had to put the chairs down so that he wouldn’t climb on the table yesterday (I couldn’t/didn’t have the strength to keep correcting him with my back pain). They were still down when the window guy came…opps! He continues to use only a few words, “dye dye” is back for “bye bye” and then he says “hi” to everyone he sees…whether they are looking at him or not. He also says “dada.” And last night, when I played “Where’s your belly?” He said, “ge-i, ge-i” for “get it, get it, get it.” He also says “Ka-e” for Katie, my best friend’s daughter and his “girlfriend.” So, he can talk but he is very particular about what he says…strong-willed child!

Josiah has squirmed down further and is now literally sitting on my lap. My braxton-hicks contractions (those that really don’t count as contractions because they are so irregular for those that don’t know) are getting a lot stronger. We’re praying he doesn’t send me to rest time and make us skip our much much needed vacation (and paid for). He wiggles and worms a lot. The other night Mark and I watched him doing a little dance as my belly kept moving up and down really fast. He’s going to be bigger than Liam but I’m not sure if he’ll be bigger than Ace. I got the letters to put his name up with and will try and get them painted and up soon. Besides that, and needing diapers, we’re good to go. We’ll get diapers at the end of the month and that should take care of that.

That’s all for now. Pictures later!


Potty Update & Ace’s Comments

So, he had an accident yesterday right after nap and it was a poopy one…but, he also made horrible faces while I cleaned him up. I asked him if the poopy felt yucky in his pants and he said yes ma’am! He did not like it one little bit. All dry so far today…and while I was talking to Annette (a friend) he was playing with Zoe…and he realized he needed to go potty and ran quick to the bathroom!

Here’s his funny comment for the day…I was helping him put on his flip flops this morning (he just wanted to wear them) and he stuck out his foot that had not flip or flop on it and said…

“Uh oh, my foot is backwards.”


Potty Update (for those that really want to know)

This past Friday, Ace, Superman (his toy), and I had a little talk. Ace asked me what he was wearing (pointing to his pants). I told him underwear and that Superman was a big boy and went potty. He said, “Like you a big girl, and Zoe a big girl, and daddy a big boy.” I told him yes. He told me he wanted to be a big boy too. So we talked more about how he had to go potty. This is something we’ve talked about a lot but this time, I encouraged Ace to take Superman to potty…and he did…and did so some during the weekend.

So, Monday at MOPS, I’m going around checking on the kids rooms and Ace comes walking out of the kids bathroom with his pants down asking for help. I go in and help him dress before he loses his dignity and his teacher told me he had asked to go potty. Then he said he had to go again during MOPS!!! YIPPEEE!

So, Tuesday he had one accident (mostly due to me not reminding him to go) and Wednesday we went back into undies (why, Superman of course). He told me he had to go potty once during supper on Wednesday but I mostly reminded/encouraged him to go through out the day and he had no accidents.

Today has been great! He’s gone to try and potty every time I’ve told him. He even told me before nap he had to go potty. I’m still putting training pants over him at nap. I’m hoping we’re in the last potty training stages. This still gives us about 10 weeks to get fully trained and comfortable before Josiah gets here! If he stays dry today and tomorrow, I’m chunking the training pants and we’ll just use disposable pull-ups for church in the morning.


It’s spring!!

Actually, I think we bypassed spring and are heading to early summer! It’s been nice and warm here. Yesterday, we donned swimsuits (well, I donned a sewing needle to make repairs and adjust straps on one of Zoe’s swimsuits) and headed to the backyard to play in the sprinkler. I’m looking forward to getting a “pool” and playing in it soon…minus sewing needle. Liam loved the sprinkler and I had to turn the water off on him. It was still pretty cool when we went out, so Zoe and Ace gave up the game after about 30 minutes. When I was drying Liam off, he was shivering cold. I love the boys’ swimsuits! I think they are supposed to be that long…I think they look like Little Men. Zoe had picked out a ballerina swimsuit this year and was doing ballet all over the yard!


Liam’s smiles

Liam has all of these cute smiles…so I thought I would share them and explain his meaning behind each one.
The “I’m cute and flirty” smile

“Impish” grin as termed by his babysitter (our friend). He looks mad in the picture but it’s more of an, “Look out, I’m trouble” type smile!
The “I’m a happy kid” smile!


Future Gardners

I had some extra potting soil from planting impatiens, and decided to let Zoe and Ace pick out a plant to pot and learn a little about gardening. Here they are with their plants…they are perennials and I explained to Zoe and Ace that they had to take care of their plants so they’ll get to see them year after year. It’ll be interesting to see how they do. Since Zoe’s attracts butterflies, we put them both in the butterfly garden (which is pretty with the goldenrod blooming…the columbine just finished and the lantana is starting to burst forth!).
Zoe’s purple pincushion flower. She wanted it to make butterflies come to our house.

Ace picked out dianthus for the red flowers.


Sunday “Mommy’s Away” Update

Well, mommy is nearly home, so it’s time to clean up all the spills, broken toys, and other signs of all the ruckus we caused while she was gone. The only problem overnight was when Zoe fell out of her bed. I guess the rain got her so knocked out that she didn’t sense she was too close to the edge. She was fine except for the scare, so I tucked her back in and we went back to sleep. This morning we were up, dressed, and out of the house by 7:45 a.m. headed for church, since I had to be at least present for sound check with the loaner sound board. All the kids were great and very helpful in getting out the door. Everything went well at church, except that I wasn’t able to go get Zoe and Ace so they could come in the worship service. After lunch and some roughhousing (and Liam being into everything), we headed for naptime. We are all excited about Mommy coming home today…she should be here very soon. This concludes the “Mommy’s Away” updates…your regular programming will resume shortly.



Saturday evening “Mommy’s Away” update

Well, our busy day is done…not much to do after naptime except eat supper and play outside for a little bit before the rain hit. One big rain so far and just a little bit of thunder and lightning. Looks like there is much more to come, though, during the night. That means Zoe will sleep very well.

Abbie seemed to be enjoying her trip. She said she had completed ~30 scrapbook pages. I really hope and pray those ladies have enjoyed themselves. They all deserve this kind of opportunity. It has really hit me these last two days the weight Abbie carries as she cares for the kids and takes care of our household. Even though this is not the first time I’ve had the kids by myself overnight, it’s always good for me to have this time with them as I remember and realize anew how wonderful and special my sweet wife is. She not only deals with all the questions and booboo’s and fits and attitudes and expectations and needs of the kids, there is a list of other thing she does, too. The list includes the following: planning meals, ensuring groceries are bought to fix those meals, regular doctor’s appointments, Zoe’s ballet classes, Zoe’s speech therapy, sick kids & the corresponding doctor’s visits, MOPs leader, her Character Creations card business, washing clothes, cleaning the house (except the floors), nourishing a -3 month old baby (that would be 6 months in utero, or ~26 weeks pregnant), etc., etc., etc., and last but not least putting up with me when I get home from work.

Thank you, Abbie, for all you do. Thank you for the love and devotion and care you show our family. Thank you for the example you are setting for Zoe. Thank you for loving me.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff…Abbie’s back tomorrow…I’m sure she’ll post something about her trip eventually.

