Quote of the day

While at church, Zoe told a friend of ours (while we were already in Sunday School), the following:

“My baby brother Josiah got out of mommy’s tummy and he weighed like 2 pounds.”

“Don’t you mean 9 pounds?” our friend nicely asked.

“No ma’am, 2 pounds.”

That would have been very easy to deliver although not very healthy for little Josiah!


The Kids Today

I am working on my labor/birth story for Josiah but just had to post how cute the kids were.

Zoe kept checking on Josiah all day and kept saying, “Still asleep!”

Ace loved climbing up on the couch and giving him kisses on his head. He would rub his hair and say, “I have to kiss my friend Josiah.”

Liam was very distraught when Josiah launched into a crying fit and reached out to hold him and try and comfort him. Also, Mark discovered the reason for Liam’s grumpiness yesterday and some of today…all four of his eye teeth have broken through his gums!


Update on Liam

I forgot to include this yesterday. Liam started running a low grade fever on Monday afternoon. He was very clingy and cuddly which is unlike him. We thought that he was okay because his temp started going down on its own yesterday morning but then went back up that afternoon. I called the doctor and since he’s had amoxycillin (spelling??) before for his ears and they didn’t clear she called in a prescription for zithromax. She confirmed what I thought, that his ears were probably still infected and he just needed a stronger antibiotic. No more amoxycillin (spelling??) for him!

Today, he is much better. No fever and good attitude! I’m glad it’s something treatable and not contagious so he can hold Josiah when he gets here!



Zoe has the bug…she’s not acting like she feels too bad. But she’s laying around in my bed right now. She’s actually acting pretty goofy and talking a lot. Some of things that I did when I was sick as a little girl. So, we should have a fever today and tomorrow and then hopefully just the sore throat on Saturday and we’ll all be able to go to church on Sunday (if Mark or I don’t have it).

She informed me that when she gets cold she gets “dots” on her arms.


Liam and Ace

Liam started running a fever on Friday. I took him to the after hours clinic on Saturday and he had fluid in both ears and ulcers on his throat. He’s being treated with an antibiotic. The fever broke on its on on Saturday night and he’s back to eating and drinking normally.

Ace woke this morning with a fever and generally not feeling good. We just got back from the doctor. The in-house strep test was negative. His throat is red and pussy like strep. His pediatrician thinks it may be just the same viral infection Liam had but in-house strep tests can sometimes be negative. They’ll call tomorrow if the overnight culture is positive. Please pray he gets over this soon so he can be around baby and me whenever the baby comes!!

Still contracting 🙂


Belly Pics and Pregnancy Thoughts

I wanted to get some pictures of the kids with Josiah in utero…however, I’m not so confident in my stretch marked plagued belly to show it off…so, we got some cute pictures of them touching my “clothed” belly. Zoe was more than cooperative. Ace was a little hesitant. Liam, we had to ask where my belly was and take the picture before he pulled my shirt up.

We are all getting excited about Josiah coming. I’m anxious to get through vacation before he comes. I have enjoyed this pregnancy. However, this past month has found me more physically limited and frustrated than I remember being with the others. I’m hurting a great deal more due to vericose veins and of course, my contractions are getting stronger. The back pain is minimal (with that minor episode a few weeks ago) but the big bulge in my front keeps me from doing a lot of things. I have all of Josiah’s things ready and we’re ready to pack our bags (which I’ll do after vacation). I haven’t registered for the hospital yet but plan on getting the form to do that this week when I go see my doctor.

I would like to have a minimal intervention labor and delivery which means no induction…a first for me. The epidural was not very pleasant last time and scared me because I felt a weird pain on my right side from the epidural going in. I had very little pain block on the right side with both of Liam and Ace’s births and my left side was so numb with Liam that I couldn’t put weight on that leg for several hours after birth. So, with God’s help and my trusty mp3 player…oh, and my wonderful birth coach, Mark, I should be able to get through labor…provided I can start without pitocin. We are praying for a safe and healthy delivery no matter how he gets here!


Some nice pictures of our kids (from April)

I was waiting to post these pictures because we wanted to give the gifts to our mom’s for Mother’s day. Each year, I make a scrapbook page for them to frame for the year. I started this three years ago with Mark’s mom. I gave her the scrapbook page and the frame one year then another scrapbook page and the scrapbook to keep it in the next year. We started it last year for my mom and this year she got her scrapbook to keep the pages in. We had some really good pictures this year, so I had trouble just making one page…I had to do two this year. It’ll be interesting to see which pages they choose to frame and which to keep in the scrapbook. We took “non professional” pictures for the spring in anticipation of getting some good professional pictures of all six of us in the fall/Christmas time.


Here we go…

Well, Liam almost made his first trip to the ER. I know I keep typing that every time he hurts him self but he’s gradually getting worse and worse.

Yesterday, while at Mark’s parents home, he was banging on their storm door (which has glass on one part). Mark and I were packing up and had just headed out of the bedroom to find Liam (the other two were outside). As we headed out, we heard what we thought was Liam clanging around then shrill cries. Mark got to him before I did. He had busted out the glass on the storm door and busted up two of his fingers on his left hand. I was okay until we couldn’t get the one finger to stop bleeding.

We thank God that Mark’s brother is a vetrinarian and was able to help evaluate whether stitches were in need or not. We did the pressure thing and then bandaged it up. Right before we left, we looked again and it was doing good. It only started bleeding again after we took the gauze off of it.

Where he got the deep slice is where he bends his finger (on the pointer finger), so after getting home last night, we put a popcicle splint on the finger and used that all day today. It’s healing very nicely and isn’t bleeding anymore but he did give us quite a scare.

He has no qualms about using his hand all bandaged up! I said he was my daredevil!


New Words

For books, movies, ballets, whatever that has a mean part but then a nice part (fairy tales, happy endings), Ace calls it, “Me-nice.”

“Is it me-nice, mommy??”

Oh, and a while back, if he wasn’t listening to what people said or he didn’t hear it he would say, “Icahearya.” or “I can’t hear you” really really fast.


One Big Update!!

Ughhh, sorry for not posting sooner. Our days have been filled with three preschoolers and nights are full of construction.

We’ll start with construction…we’re pretty much done. Still waiting on shingles, door knobs and a/c vent covers. However, WE are not done with construction. We got closets up and we’re using the bathroom. All that is left to do in our master bath is paint the trim and put up some blinds! Our closet needs the trim painted and the rest of the closet furniture installed (shelves/drawers). And yes, it is WONDERFUL!!! I love our closet and all the room we have in there. The bathroom is very luxurious…at least it is for me. I have gotten to take a bath and when you take a shower, you don’t bump into the wall or the curtain! The boys’ bathroom needs to be finished painting, trim needs painting and a new mirror and shelves for their closet installed…that’s all! Ha! That’s a lot. I’m pushing to finish up so we can clean the house next week.

Of course, our bedroom has to be painted and furniture removed and one piece added. The windows should be in in a few weeks and then the boys’ bathtub should be ready to rebath in July.

We went to see the baby doctor last Thursday. Josiah is doing fine. It was a quick visit and we go back the day we leave for vacation for a quick check. I’m gaining my usual large amounts fo weight (not sure how with all this reflux) but no concerns from my doc!

Zoe finished speech and ballet last week. We were thrilled with that. I have pictures from ballet and will post when I get caught up with everything else. She also finished up Awana on Sunday night and sang so pretty in choir!

Ace is pretty much potty trained! Keeping up with Zoe, he is really potty trained with #2 but #1 needs encouragement and reminders to go. Last Tuesday, we were so rushed and busy with ballet right after nap time, that I forgot to remind him to potty. I had intended to remind him when we got to ballet but it was very crazy. So, we were halfway through supper and I remembered that he hadn’t gone potty. He looked at us and said, “I just tee-teed a wittle bit…it’s just a wittle.” Hmmm?! Sure enough, he had gone just enough so he wasn’t uncomfortable but then finished after we prompted him to go.

The day after all the bruising/bumps/scratches incident, Zoe was spinning Ace in the swing. Ace was on his belly. Well, the swing is attached to the playfort and there is a big post in the middle. As I was saying, “Zoe be careful of the post…” she spun him around and his head whomped on the side of the post. It was a pretty hard hit and he didn’t even cry. I panicked thinking, “Well, this is our first er trip.” But he was fine and no concussion…thanks dad for teaching me how to look for those! He had a mean looking bruise that was conveniently covered by his floppy haircut.

Liam is…well, Liam. He’s into everything. We are anxiously awaiting doorknobs to keep him from diving head first into the toilets. He is still learning how NOT to climb on the table when we tell him to. He’s also picking up words…..one of which is “mama” Yippee! I now have a place in his vocabulary. He’s also saying “ba” for ball. And today we are working on “Papa” and “Ge” and the other grandparents (although those two names are the easiest). So far we have “Pa” for Papa and “Ge” and a big grin for Ge. Zoe is “oeeee” again with a big grin. Ace is “Aaaaa” with another big grin. Dada is always a treat to say and so is bye bye which is still “dye dye” and sometimes is actually “bye bye.”

I went today to get yet more work on my root canal. That lasted right at three hours…phew it was long, but thankfully not very painful…I almost fell asleep in the chair. One more visit should get the crown on and we’ll be done with that tooth.

Last up tonight is ballet graduation and I’m hoping they present the kids with their certificates before the end of the performance. That way, we can leave when the kids start getting zonked!

I’ll try and post pictures this week…no promises though.
