All of Ace’s Birthday Celebrations

So, on Thursday, Grandmere got up and took Ace to breakfast. A nice treat for him! We then packed up and headed to the free movies that our theater offers during the summer. We met up with some MOPS moms and enjoyed a movie and then headed to ice cream…for lunch. After that, we went home and ate crackers and chicken salad and then went to nap time. Did I remember the camera? Nah!

When Mark got home we ate supper and then feasted on cake ice cream and a surprise store cake from Mark. Then Ace opened his presents from us, Grandmere and Papa , and his Aunt & Uncle from Mark’s side.

Woohoo! An Alabama jersey.

For those that wanted to know what we got Ace….it was a basketball goal! And he and Zoe and Liam loved it.
Saturday was the day of Ace’s party. We were supposed to go to a local park complete with two playgrounds and a nice water fountain to play in. Unfortunately, the morning dawned with clouds and then rain! Yuk! So, we changed locations to our house. The prince party was celebrated as at least 13 kids ran to and fro in our home. Loads of fun.

Ace loves babies and one of his friends’ little brothers came along to the party!

Yo ho a pirate’s life for me!
One of our friends holding a friends’ little sister.
Enjoying a romp in the boys’ room.


Through the week

Mark’s mom came up on Wednesday to help us celebrate Ace’s birthday and to spend time with the rest of the “grands.” I have to admit she was a wonderful help and blessing as I prepared for Ace’s party, etc! Thank you A TON Mrs. C for all your wonderful help. Ace was all about Grandmere this week and sooo loved having her here. Here is what we did to occupy their time!

Painting Gypsum figures…with a little bit of paint all over themselves!

And just for good measure, here are some cutie pictures of Josiah.

Pondering life in the bath! We’ve given up on the space consuming “baby baths” and have successfully used the bathroom sink for Ace, Liam, and now Josiah. I have to admit that Josiah is pretty long and is squished in the sink, though. May have to move to the bigger kitchen sink soon!

Snoozing in his Snugglenest! I think he surrendered to Grandmere’s soothing techniques.


Kid Sayings

I just gotta write these down before I forget. Humor me!

We had a sweet neighbor bring us supper tonight. This marks the end of our blessings of other people cooking. Now Mark has to put up with my cooking. Anyways, we were eating dessert (yummy cookies) and Zoe and Ace were discussing who made them. They are very curious about who made things and they always want to know if God made them. Ace popped out with:

“Miss Carol made these with God.”

Just now, Zoe was dressed up as a “pretty princess” and kept saying, “I need to go to a meeting.”

“What’s a meeting?” Ace asked.

“I don’t know, but I have to go to a meeting.” Zoe announced.


Honeymoon’s over!

Well, Josiah’s in the full throes of reflux. He started spitting up pretty bad at church yesterday. Mark and I are noticing that he is getting a little more fussy after eating and then burping (which he does a lot of and is another sign of reflux). I also didn’t know that hiccuping a lot is a sign of reflux…he does that a whole lot. He’s not screaming in pain and he’s still sleeping fairly well at night (except last night when we heard him refluxing and then woke up crying). Sleep during the day has not been so great but that could also be because of his sweet siblings who go full force during the day.

We’re kind of waiting to call the doctor and hoping this is a mild form of reflux since most of the symptoms have just started showing up. I don’t want to have to use medicine unless necessary. I’m waiting to see the hoarse voice and screaming in pain which would be good signs he’s in a lot of discomfort.

I would alter my diet but if my pregnancy reflux is any indication, a ton of different foods are causing him to have reflux. I would have to be reduced to eating bread only to keep him from refluxing.

I was a bit miffed because he hasn’t had any major problems (minus the hiccuping) until now. However, when I looked up when it could manifest the information I found said it could be between 1 to 3 months when symptoms could be noted….and Josiah is 3 1/2 weeks old. That’s just different for us. We noticed Liam’s symptoms from birth. He would spit up and choke a lot due to the reflux and was promptly diagnosed at 4 weeks.

For now, it’s just a wait and watch.


Ace’s Build-a-Dino

Ace received a gift certificate from Build-a-Bear for his birthday. So, we decided today to use it. We thought it would be fun to get up, get ready and go to the mall and have breakfast at Cinnabon (yummy) and then head to Build-a-Bear for Ace. We arrived at the mall at 9:00.

Now, I should preface this story by saying that we are not frequent mall goers. It’s pretty far out from our house and we usually don’t need stuff there, except vacuum cleaner bags (and that’s not often). The last time we went to the mall had to of been for Zoe’s birthday breakfast and a trip to see what Santa looks like (that was back in December and a tradition I started when she was just a year old).

So, we arrived at 9:00 because usually the mall opens somewhere around 8:30 a.m. for the mall walkers and people who want breakfast at Cinnabon or Chick-fil-a. The mall was not open and not set to open until 9:30. Okay, we thought, we’ll wait. We waited until about 20 till 9 and they finally came around and opened the doors.

Yippee! we thought, now it’s time for the cinnamon rolls. We got to Cinnabon and she informed us that they did not open until the “mall” opened at 10. Ughhh! So, now that’s changed. We skipped over to Chick-fil-a and got our yummy breakfast and then headed to Build-a-Bear. A little grumpy about the change because I’m not waiting until 10 to eat breakfast (although we practically did today). We usually go to Cinnabon for Zoe’s birthday…I guess now it’ll be Krispy Kreme. The mall just hasn’t been the same since a man decided to do a driving tour through it in March of this year (see the video below).

So, we got to Build-a-Bear Finally!!! Ace decided he needed a dinosaur after pretty much choosing and changing his mind about every other animal in the store. He got a little shy when he was stuffing it but picked back up as he cleaned it and then picked out the outfit. Yep, it’s Super man! That, he had no problem choosing. And the name for said dinosaur…Jakers (his favorite tv show as of now). So, it’s Jakers the Superman Triceratops. He hasn’t let go of him since he got him. Zoe grabbed up her Build-a-Bear bear from a trip long ago and they played with them all day! Only Ace did the BAB and Zoe was excellent about it. We all got to put hearts in him though. Liam was in awe of everything. We’ll take Zoe and Liam back on their birthdays to do the same thing.
