Zoo Trip 08

We went to the zoo last Friday with some friends from Mark’s college days. They have a 15 month old and are expecting another little one in October! It was a lot of fun. Surprisingly, the kids did not pitch fits while were there. Liam loved the monkeys. Zoe liked the meerkats and Ace enjoyed the elephants. Josiah just enjoyed getting down to play at the end of the day.

Anyway, enjoy the slideshow!

And here’s a video of Liam “talking” with the animals. Actually, he’s trying to keep from getting nipped at by the goats.


Neat Photography and Oh No What Happened to the Moon

The following was done with our rinky dink digital camera and my very smart engineering husband who figured out how to do this…I just played with the sparklers!

This is supposed to be a heart, but the camera got started a second late and our kids ran out of sparklers…no fair!

When we talked about planets a couple of weeks ago, we (mainly I) inflated all the planets we had received as gifts and we (mainly Mark) hung them up in our playroom/schoolroom/office area). Before we hung them up, though, we had to have a little fun with them.

Here’s Liam burning Ace up with the Sun!!! At least Ace is happy about it.

Josiah, the sleeper, likes the taste of the moon better. I guess it really is made of cheese.

It’s late, I’m extremely tired (Josiah no sleep this morning or late this afternoon), I’m goofy, and we’ve got MOPS tomorrow. More later.


Well Checks & Josiah’s 6 Months

Liam and Josiah went today for their well check visits.

Here’s the scoop:

Liam is doing great. His height/weight are gaining and he actually jumped up a percentage. She noticed that he walks with his toes turned in and checked and said that it was due to the curvature of his leg and that would correct itself over the next few years.

Stats at 2 years are:
Weight: 28 1/2 pounds (50%)
Height: 33 inches (25%)
Head: 19 3/4 inches (75%)

Josiah’s doing good too. His cold has improved and she didn’t note any difficulties. She did say that reflux babies sometimes take longer to get over colds. He’s doing everything he should do. She told us we could increase his meals to three times a day, but I’m wanting him to nurse longer than one year, so we’re going to wait at least a month or two. We’ve started introducing him to a sippy cup but so far we’ve just put water in it. He’s getting to be a real treat and a definite momma’s boy. He will reach out for me whenever Mark has him. He loves his toys and smiling at his brothers and sister. He is working on grabbing his feet when laying down. He rolls from every which way and is working on controlling where he goes. His favorite thing to do as soon as I pick him up is grab both sides of my hair and do a face plant on my face…drool and all. He’s got two teeth still and we’re guessing by the increase in drool that he’ll have more very soon. He now sleeps about 9 hours during the night. His naps are getting better. I can now put him down and he’ll roll over and go to sleep. A lot of time, he doesn’t want me to rock him and fusses until I lay him down (sniff, sniff…they get big so fast).

Stats at 6 months are:
Weight: 18 lbs, 11 oz (65%)
Height: 28 7/8 inches (95%)
Head: 18 1/2 inches (90%)

Not much else going on. I made it to the gym two days in a row…owww! Hopefully, it will work out for me to go tomorrow, but I have to get ready for a date with Mark and a baby shower on Saturday. We’ll see!


Kids Pics and catching up, again.

Okay, the pictures are up and running. I just remembered I forgot our Christmas Day pictures and will have to do those later. Here are the links to the pics:
Liam’s Birthday
Zoe’s Birthday
Christmas pre-travels part 1
Christmas pre-travels part 2
Christmas pre-travels part 3
Christmas pre-travels part 4
Tracy, the babysitter, Kevin, her fiance, and the kids reading a book!

Daddy’s workout! He’s working on a video to help other dads abuse…I mean use their kids for weights!


Happy 2nd Birthday Liam!

Liam actually made it to 2 years old. His birthday was yesterday and he celebrated with…a fever! Yes. Fortunately, the few children we invited weren’t able to make it. Ge & Granddaddy were able to come up and his babysitter and her fiance came up. Liam’s a big sports fan, so we celebrated with football things. This is one of the better cake decorating jobs I’ve done. Unfortunately, the icing on the letters messed up and the a and a ‘p’ were messed up.

Waiting to blow out the candles.
Gettin’ the hang of presents!
Okay, guess what was the big hit of his gifts…that’s right the football helmet…and uniform.
Our bobble head doll!

Granddaddy trying on the helmet! Liam’s uniform came complete with pads and a chin strap all with Alabama colors on it!!!


Zoe’s Birthday Celebrations

Zoe’s actual birthday was on the 20th. We were able to celebrate with Mark’s parents. But, I thought I would post pictures from her party which was the 29th all together with birthday so there will be a mish mash of pictures.

Zoe had a “Groovy Girls” Party. I made her cake to look like a fun and funky flower. So, how did I do???
The highlight of the party. Zoe received a Webkinz. She knows what these are because of her cousin who has several. She was so excited. For those that don’t know. Webkinz are stuffed animals that come with codes to register the stuffed animal online and then you can do all sorts of neat games and fun stuff online with your “pet.”
This was a present from Ge and Granddaddy. Ge and I had more fun with it though…lots of Raggedy Ann memories!

Opening presents at Papa & Grandmere’s!


Tellin’ time, football, and more…

We’re still fighting the cold around here. Zoe’s up next with it. She isn’t and, my guess is, won’t run a fever with it.

Here’s a Zoe funny: She has been learning to tell time. While we were visiting my parents, we went out to eat and the establishment had the penny candy/toys in the little dispensers (although they weren’t for pennies but actually quarters and some two quarters). So, naturally, the “grands” decided to ask their “grand” parents for some money to get something. It just so happens that one of the cheap toys was a digital watch. Zoe saw and immediately wanted it. She got it and proceeded the whole night to announce: “It’s 7:31 mommy.” Walks away…”Mommy, it’s 7:32 now.” Walks away. “Mommy, oh, mommy, guess what it’s…7:33.” This continued on until she went to bed. My parents, the whole next day, kept asking her what time it was to get her going again! Mark and I were anticipating her getting up in the middle of the night to tell us it was 4:00!

Football funny: Liam got a football man that you bang on and he kicks a ball (Headbangers, I think?!) at my parents’ home. It was the first gift he opened.

“butball!” he exclaimed
“Yes, Liam. That’s great. Here, open the rest of your gifts.” mom, Granddaddy, Ge and the like.
“No, butball, open peese.” Granddaddy proceeds to open the football guy up and Liam starts to playing.
“Oh Liam, isn’t that great. But you have other gifts to open. Don’t you want to open these gifts up?” me hoping he can open his so the rest of us “adults” can open ours.
“Nooo, no, no, no.”

He did eventually get to opening gifts and still went back to the football.

Can you guess what his favorite sport is? His birthday party this year is going to be football. I found a football cake pan at Wally World. He saw the cake pan and exclaimed, “butball, burday cake.” Oh yes, that’s what he’s getting for his cake. Too cute.

I promise pictures are coming.


Happy 5th Birthday Zoe!!

About this time five years ago, I was getting ready to deliver our first born child and only daughter. I could never had dreamed what a blessing she would be to our lives. She is growing to be such a sweet and lively young girl and soon a young lady. She is full of life, which is what her name means.

Today, we celebrate with family and then next weekend, we’ll have her party with her friends! She got a special treat of breakfast out with Mark and I while the boys played with their Grandmere. We all three enjoyed it. Even if we had to wait 30 plus minutes for our food and Mark’s strawberry banana pancakes had onions in them. It was fun to be out with just her.

So, if you read regularly. I know it would thrill Zoe to have a comment posted to wish her a happy birthday!


Just Some Cute Kid Pics…

This is for Mrs. C who made this cute outfit for Ace…just wanted to show that we were able to use it one more time! He looked as adorable as Ace did. What a beautiful outfit!!! This was on the way to church last week. It was in the 70s when we left for church. Today, it was in the 40s!
Zoe and Liam sharing everything…even germs! Yum!

“Come a little closer, darlin! I’ll give you a kiss you little Ladybug!”

Helping to make and decorate cookies!
