Thanksgiving Photos #3

Here are the last of our Thanksgiving Pictures. These were in Oxford.

Zoe wants a new bike for Christmas, so Papa took out the trike they have and let her practice on it. Basically he pushed her down the hill in their back yard and she peddled. Her favorite part of the ride was riding over a stump and falling over. She thougt that was really funny. As well as riding into a tree…not sure if a bike would be the safest gift for her!

How silly is Ace-man???!!!

Papa & Grandmere took the kids to the playground and had a lot of fun with slides and swings!
Liam loved the tunnel!


Thanksgiving Photos #1

Okay, here’s the first of the Thanksgiving photos. And here is a general run down of our travels. We left Augusta right after Zoe’s ballet practice on Tuesday and after a last minute change traveled 4 hours to Oxford. Spent the night in Oxford. Traveled one hour to Boaz to see my (Abbie’s) granddad and Aunt Mary. Left Boaz and traveled about 3 hours to Newnan to see my parents and have Thanksgiving with them. Spent Thanksgiving in Newnan. Friday we went shopping and left Newnan around lunch to get to Oxford to see Mark’s parents and spent Friday and Saturday until lunch with them. Yes, we were tired but we had a great time visiting.
Zoe with Great Granddaddy.
My granddad lives on a farm and has several cows (raised for meat). Ace loved seeing the cows and my cousin, Wes (who is way too old now…in tenth grade…I remember when he was a babe), came over and tried to get the cows to come to him. Ace loved Wes and went right to him for hugs and high fives. This is Ace getting his hand stuck in the fence…not sure why!

Ace with Granddad…of course he showed out for him and did all his great silly expressions.

Zoe and Ace being too cute!

Liam getting a quick shot with Great Granddaddy.
