What a Weekend!

We started the weekend off like we normally do…cleaning the house.  I know.  That’s really exciting.

However, Saturday afternoon, the women at our church (and my dear “little sister”) helped us celebrate Malachi’s coming arrival with a prayer shower.  It is such a blessing to gather with women and know that they are there to pray for our sweet baby and to celebrate  how God has already blessed us with him!  So much fun!

 How adorable is that???
 And, if you must know it was a chocolate cake thankyouverymuch!
 The spread!  We girls like to eat 🙂
We ate, we prayed and we played games…then some very gracious ladies gave Malachi some sweet gifts!  Ceili Rain was my on again off again helper.  
Okay, I don’t care who you are…baby clothes with little appliques on the back are just too cute!
And, of course, my weakness for homemade gifts…and he got quite a few…I was giddy!  One of them, that I didn’t include was a hat Tracy made.  I purposefully didn’t include it because I know she’ll work her camera magic on Malachi and the hat and I can’t wait to share those pictures.

Right before Zoe, Ceili Rain and I left on Saturday, Mark got a call from work.  He texted me to let me know he was on alert but didn’t have to go in.  Now, it’s very, very rare that he actually has to go in, but it can happen.

I was very thankful he did not have to go in at all on Saturday.  Because…when we got home from the shower, I was showing Mark all the sweet gifts when Ceili Rain and Bryant apparently took off with the baby bath soap…you know where this is going right?

I’m taking tags off and sorting and showing and we hear this blood curdling scream from Bryant.  The Destructo Duo had struck again.  They had gotten the top off of one of the soaps and was in the bathtub where, Ceili Rain felt it was her responsibility to bathe her brother.  With his clothes on.  She dumped about half a bottle of baby bath soap on his head.  Which trickled down.  Into his eyes and on his face.  She even got some on herself as well.  They got their baths early and praise God…yet again…no one was seriously hurt.  And Ceili Rain now understands that it is not her job to bathe her baby brother.  I’m not entirely sure that Bryant didn’t help her out a bit on the whole opening and dumping thing.  I apologize that we didn’t get pictures…it was a bit of a crisis moment, but I wouldn’t be a good blogger if I didn’t think throughout the crisis that this was going to make for a good post.

Then Sunday rolled around…Mark got a call before church that the same problem was going on.  Again, we praise God that he didn’t have any problems during church that would cause him to go in but he as soon as church was over…well, he got he call.  And he had to go in.  We even had to turn down a pizza invite from a visiting family and everything. (who really turns down pizza???)

The other problem came in that I had a pass to attend a pre-sale for a “friend shop” at a semi-annual children’s consignment sale for Sunday.  Now, I could have just gone with the crowds on Monday but noooo, stubborn me wanted to get it over with today.  We had a gracious friend who willingly went with me.  And all six kids.  We divided and conquered…and found some cute cheap outfits to boot!

And we shopped…for three hours (including standing in line to check out).  And the kids were awesome.  Well, as awesome as they can be when they were plum tired and hungry.

When we all got home (Even Mark was able to get home at a decent hour), we cooked up hot dogs and settled in to watch a movie.  Now, I’m not saying that Mars Needs Moms is a bad movie…just that I’m wondering, as I type this on Sunday, how many of the kids are going to come in to our room tonight to check and see if I’ve been beamed up to another planet.

And we capped off our busy weekend with Zoe (the one who doesn’t get sick) feeling congested and a bit feverish…hmmm.

I’m very grateful to have busy weekends to pass the time before Malachi comes…wonder what we’ll do next weekend?!


Why I Don’t Complain (okay, try not to at least)

We’re nearing the end here.  The pregnancy that began with so much uncertainty and a bit of worry is now nearing 40 weeks and  a very healthy and probably large, baby boy! 

I love a lot of the comments I get.  They include:
“You’re huge!”
“Are you sure there’s just one?”
“Looks like you’ve dropped!”  That’s an easy response:  “No, I just carry really low”
“Are you going to make it to your due date?”  (Um, pretty sure…it’s only a couple of weeks away…remember, February only has 29 days this year???)
“Aren’t you miserable?”
And a great comment last month from a lady at the check out line, “I hurt just looking at you!”  (to which I wanted to respond, it hurts looking at you too!)

I’m happy being pregnant.  Happy carrying my mover and shaker around.  Happy to have these aches and pains.  Even happy that I’m so low now my shirts don’t cover up my belly (okay, so I think my pukefest last week did cause me to drop a tad bit). 

Because I know every day he’s in there growing is another day he’s getting stronger and healthier.  We fought and prayed to keep him in there growing throughout the first trimester so keeping him in there until God’s ready for him to come out, well, I’m okay with that. 

It’s so hard hearing other women who complain about how hard it is being pregnant.  I’m not talking the casual chat but every time I see them, they want to complain about how awful pregnancy was and how ready they were at 30 weeks or so to get their kid out.  That just drives me batty. 

Especially when I turn around and talk to a dear mother who may have lost a child before she was ever able to hold them and cuddle them.  Or those who, for some reason or another, God has never allowed to carry a baby inside their womb.  I think about these women when I hear the complaints or start to complain to others.  My heart aches for them and I know that some of them would long, for just once, to experience the kind of discomfort I’m going through to get this little guy here.  I realize quickly that I have no room to complain. 

Now, I’m not saying I’m a saint.  Ask Mark.  He knows the aches I go through.  He tries to massage them out every night.  And, I do get a little short tempered with my kids during the day as I try to hobble over and teach a life lesson or an academic one for the one millionth time.

For the most part though, at the end of the day, I remember that it’s not just an every day occurence to have a child growing inside of me.  This little one is a gift (like his brothers and sisters before him) from God.  A tiny miracle God has placed in our family and I want to cherish each day I have him all to myself. 

Because, pretty soon, Mr. Malachi is going to be smothered with sloppy wet kisses and sweet little hands that are so anxious to meet, hold and love on their little brother!  And for that day, I have to say I’m truly excited!

And yes, as the day grows ever nearer, I will be expounding more and more on this little guy.  We’re playing the waiting game now…37 weeks and counting!


Malachi Update 36 Weeks

I do have a very good excuse for not regularly updating around here.  One word.  Illness.  It seems we are trying to go through all viruses before Malachi comes.  While I think that is super great, going through them all in one week…not so much fun.  Some of us have had nasty colds, one had a fever for 48 hours, and then there’s the stomach bug and we all know what that consists of.  I could go on and on about our immune systems but why I’m writing now is about the main man who will be the main event in a few weeks (give or take a few…and probably take.  We all know my babies like their cozy nests and have to be forced out).

What I failed to mention in our 20 week blog post about Malachi coming was that the placenta was low lying.  What that means is that it wasn’t even 1 centimeter away from the cervix.  That’s really close, and if it stayed in that position would have meant a c-section because there would really be no way to deliver a baby  without the placenta coming out first which can and almost certainly results in the death of both baby and mother.  Another reason why I’m so grateful for ultrasounds.

So, with a possibility of a c-section looming over us, we’ve trudged on through the pregnancy.  And really, there was nothing we could do.  There are no exercises, no special medicines or herbs to take to help make the placenta move…it’s just a God thing.  We looked up statistics and we were more reassured knowing that the numbers were on our side.  I believe it was like a 99% that a low lying placenta would “move” as the uterus grew.  I also knew that God knew what was best for both me and the baby.  I just prayed He would definitely give us a little heads up so that we can be prepared.  Trying to arrange care for children while mom can’t pick them up is a must in this here household.

So, as the date got closer, today marked the day I would have an ultrasound to see how big Malachi was and to see if the placenta moved.  We’ve been praying here almost every night and I’ve had several close friends praying.  And praise God…it has moved!  The sonographer couldn’t see all of the placenta because Mr. M is already head down but from the position of it and the position of my cervix, she felt most positive calling it clear and ready for delivery!  I’m still singing praises to God for this.  And guess what else…

This kid’s got some hair on him!  Look over on the right side…that little white spot towards the top of the solid black area…that’s his hair!  The sonographer and I just laughed.  She said it looked like a mohawk and I’ve already got one friend getting the hair gel and leather jacket ready for him!  At first, I didn’t buy that it was actually hair until she looked at some other things and came back and there was still a big ol’ splotch there.  So, either 2D technology has gotten that good or this kid is going to have a do to be dealt with!  It’ll be fun to see.  He also had his hand up by his face rubbing his eyes and just relaxing. 

It was adorable to watch and even though she woke him up from a very good nap (I know this because he spent the next 45 minutes kicking, stretching, poking and prodding), I loved every minute. 

We are all getting super excited about meeting this little guy!  Now just pray that an induction will not be needed!


How to Fit Five Boys in One Room

Welll, this was an issue we started discussing as soon as we found out Seven was really Malachi.  So, I went to trusty Pinterest to gather my thoughts all in one place.  We started with these ideas:
Source: fabric.com via Abbie on Pinterest

Fabric sample

Source: fabric.com via Abbie on Pinterest

Another fabric sample.

And an idea for beds to include this:

And this:

Our decorating and color ideas came from this bedding that we already had:

Source: target.com via Abbie on Pinterest

But before any of that could work in a room with five boys, we had to paint…and before we totally took the room apart, we remember pictures!

Sorry about the spots, not sure what was up with the camera.

Totally ignore that disheveled looking closet, the curtains for it will be coming later.  Ugh, I cringe when I look at that.  It does look much better now but still not fun to see every time you come in a room.

Before all the painting started, Mark and Granddaddy put their heads together to come up with bunk bed plans.  Granddaddy got the wood and cut it and even pre-drilled the frame and delivered it on Piano Recital day (cause he rocks).

I’m tempted to stop here and make ya’ll all wait until tomorrow to see what took place but then I think someone would come up with the cyber version of rotten tomatoes to throw at me so I won’t!

And this started…

Mark and I realized about an hour into bunk bed building night that two people, one of whom was in her third trimester were not really adequate enough to hold up these sturdy pieces of wood to build two levels.  So, reinforcements were called in by way of a neighbor down the street (he always comes to help…we really are wondering why he hasn’t ran away far far from here now).  So, thanks, S for helping with the project!

Not going to show the finished project yet…I had some art up my sleeve to do as well as a bit of refinishing.  And while I worked on canvasses, three very sad looking male faces appeared and requested ever so sweetly to paint one.  I couldn’t resist those big blue and brown eyes so an afternoon of painting commenced on their very own canvasses.

Not sure how we didn’t get a picture of Josiah in action, but he was there painting his square too.
And, when we visited Granddaddy Thanksgiving weekend, he showed us a chest of drawers he had picked up for $35!  No kidding.  Solid wood.  Just needed to be painted.  For those that don’t know, my parents are pickers on the side.  They have a booth at an antique mall where they sale their finds.  But this, this I was not going to let get away and gladly accepted it!
It had those missing drawers, I just had already taken them off to get the hardware off so Mark could sand it.
So ya’ll want to see the finished product huh???

As you enter you can see that beat up dresser all done.  Mark did add the knob to the door.  We kept the solid wood sturdy big dresser we already had and got rid of (well, it’s sitting in the schoolroom right now) the beat up smaller dresser.  We took the knobs off of that dresser and put them on here.  I already had the fabric for the boys’ beds and we had plenty of paint leftover from painting the previous dressers.  So, total cost was $35 for the dresser!  That’s my spaceship canvas that I freehand drew from looking at the pattern on the boys’ crib.

Bryant helped with the photo tour and please ignore any toys, this was prior to clean up time.  This is Josiah and Liam’s bunks.

And this is Bryant’s and Ace’s.  See the sweet little head peeking out.  Bryant got his mattress this past weekend and has transitioned pretty well to his big boy bed. (This is the part where I don’t admit that we tried to give up paci but Mark nor I could stand the screaming so he still has that and it’s probably a big part of the transitioning well.  Yeah, it’s going bye bye before Malachi is born though.)

 We put gutter bookshelves on the footboard of each bed and a push light (which is battery operated and they have to buy the batteries…some of them are already in need).  At the headboard we put their name canvasses that I did with their life verses on them.  Have I shown those yet?

My other canvas that I made…freehand…yay me.

This was the boys’ artwork.  I thought it turned out really well.  In an effort to control the art, I did sketch off the ship they wanted and outlined it and they did the rest.  I resisted any desire to control how they did it but I did limit their color choices to what we were using in the room.  Really, I did!  The end of the legs of Liam’s ship is fire coming out.  And my control of Bry’s hand was mainly to keep the paint on the canvas not  on the house or me.

I was kind of bummed that we didn’t get to do the beds L-shaped.  When we put them in the L-shape, there was no room to put two dressers and a crib so we had to think and rethink.  My dad and Mark wanted to make sure they were sturdy enough for, well, boys.  And that meant using a bit bulkier wood.  But ya’ll, these things will last for a long time!  We also had to factor in that the beds were tall enough to hit the fan.  Mark willingly volunteered to chop off a bit to make it work but we came up with this configuration and it worked.  I’m really happy with how it all turned out and the curtains on the beds are a super hit! This room was a month long project and every time the boys woke up it was kind of like Christmas.  They spent four days sleeping in the living room (on the sleeper sofa) and so they were truly surprised each time they awoke to find their room a little different.  It was a great treat for them and I’m so excited that they love it.

Now, I realize this is a long post, so next time we do a big project, should I just post as we go or wait until it’s done?  I love waiting so everyone could definitely see the finishing touches.  Sometimes I forget to post the finished product when I post as we go.


Our Attempt at Cool Pics

Tracy Carr (aka Aunt Tracy) met up with us in between our stops across the Southeast and did pictures for us for Christmas cards.  She also got some maternity pics and a few great candid shots.  I was so excited about these pictures!  She gets more and more better with each time.  We giver her lots of practice too!
Merry Christmas from a Bunch of Characters!
 Yep, this is our family…everybody running everywhere!
A great looking bunch of siblings if I do say so myself!
Note the tongue action on Ace!
Never one to miss out on a swinging good time.  One of the reasons Mark needs to win “Daddy of the Year!”

Check it out…Ceili Rain and Bryant know where their bellies are!  Except Ceili Rain thinks there is a baby in hers.

 She’s growing up too fast!

Probably one of my most favorite pictures of Ace.  He’s getting to be a young man.  Sniff, sniff.

Spanish moss and a toddler…what could be better.

These are my most favorite maternity pics.

And this is us making fun of all those “professional” maternity pictures where the mom to be looks like she hates the idea of a baby much less being a mom…seriously…it’s pretty awesome..smile moms!

Dramatic, no?


Seven is a…

I won’t beat around the bush so here it is!

In March, we will meet our newest little 


Isn’t he adorable?
Our newest one to the bunch will be named:

Malachi Ian to be exact.  Yep, we finally worked Ian into a name!  Malachi has been one of Mark’s favorite names for awhile now.  We had started out with another name but when I mentioned Malachi Ian, Mark was all for it.

Malachi means “messenger of God” and Ian means “God is gracious.”  We truly feel blessed to have little Malachi growing strong and healthy.  God has graciously blessed us with this little one (and all of our little ones) and we are reminded of that more each day.

The five oldest went with us to the ultrasound and they were all excited!  Ceili Rain wasn’t sure what to think and now she wants to see the baby all the time.  She is still insisting that he is a princess but she’s slowly realizing that we are talking about something totally different and is working around to calling him Malachi.

*And big thanks to Tracy for taking this quick shot with my rinky dink camera (and not her way super cool slr) so I could put it up on the blog tonight!  We’ll do it right when family pictures roll around!


Baby Update

We had a second doctor’s appointment today.  And since this is the chronicles of our life, I’ll put what all is going on (and mainly to help me remember in years down the road).  My first appointment was at 6 weeks.  And this is what the baby looked like:

That arrow was pointing the baby.  Now look to the left of the baby.  See that dark squash looking thing?  It actually went up and over the baby.  Pretty much surrounding the sac.  That’s called “fluid.”  It’s called fluid because, well, we’re not sure what kind of fluid it is.  The main thought is that it’s a clot like last time.  So, with that and a progesterone level, we were sent home for three weeks of “restricted activity.”  This time I was a bit more prepared.  Especially when I saw her doing the ultrasound and the big blob beside the baby.  I knew it shouldn’t be there.  Dr. J. even showed me how it went all the way around the sac.

My progesterone levels were taken that day too.  And they came back at 6.8.  That’s low folks.  That’s really low.  So, on progesterone supplements I go.  We’ve been this route before.

Fast forward to yesterday, and my now nine week appointment.  We praise God for seeing this:

Although it looks like a kidney bean with skinny legs, it’s a baby.  We also saw the baby kick his/her legs and when she went to him, and then back to him, he was in a different position so he/she is floating around nicely in there.

The fluid/clot…well, it’s still there too.  But a ton smaller.  Even the tech commented on how small it was.  I think she was a bit overjoyed to see that I was not having any problems either.  And I haven’t had a single problem…unless you count extreme hunger, extreme nasuea, and extreme exhaustion.

So, we were ready for questions for Dr. J when we sat down with him.  Why is this happening again?  Why the low progesterone?  Is there anything we can do about it?  What’s causing it?  Etc.   He was very good and patient answering the questions.  Here’s the answers:

Turns out it’s kind of just hit and miss about this happening.  It’s not because I’ve had a bunch of babies in a short amount of time or because I’m not eating right or any of that.  Mainly it boils down to two things…the blood vessels in that area are pretty  sensitive and if there was a bit of trauma to the area (a strain or something) then they could burst and cause a clot.  Also, it could be a clotting disorder…nothing serious…just something that could cause these hematomas.  Now, we could go through testing and pay a bunch of money to see if it’s the clotting disorder, but it still wouldn’t change the outcome.  It’d still be there and we’d still have to watch for a clot and if it was there then we’d still have to treat it the way we were, etc.  Mark and I agreed that testing just wasn’t really necessary.

The progesterone, turns out, can be low for two reasons.  The obvious one:  the baby is not healthy and will die in utero causing a miscarriage.  The placenta doesn’t kick in etc  In that instance, you could pump as much progesterone as you would like into someone and they would still not have a “successful” pregnancy.  We were in that boat with our second pregnancy and understand that plain as day.  Or two:  the clot can interfere with the levels causing the placenta and such to not be able to put out the progesterone needed for my body.  In which case, if you give progesterone supplements, it helps stabilize the pregnancy and keeps the clot from messing with the baby!

The second one, of course, makes the most sense since we’ve seen a healthy, right-on-schedule baby, and there was a big clot in the first ultrasound and a smaller one in the second and I’ve had zero problems.

It was nice to have those questions answered and to understand that there is nothing I could have or can really do to change what we have to do for this first trimester.

Dr. J is fully confident (and given my history, we are too) that after the first trimester, everything will stabilize and I’m back on track for a fun, healthy pregnancy…because having a baby in the spring is awesome!  Feeling good through holidays and not being hot and big!  I love it!

So, two more weeks of progesterone.  Three more weeks of “restricted activity” and we’re set!  I pray!

We’ve been blessed by people in our church and dear friends who have been providing meals, child watching services, and compaionship during these weeks.  It has been really nice to have some loads taken off of us.
