Busy Busy…

We have had a wonderful very busy May and going in to June.  Including a Transue Invasion!  That alone explains why I haven’t been blogging!

So, to start off my reentry into the blog world, here are some beautiful pictures of Malachi taken by the very talented Aunt Tracy.  Stay tuned because our annual/semi-annual family pictures have been made and we are all anxiously awaiting the results!

I could come up with several captions…
“Superman!  Away!”
“Who’s cute?”  “Me!”

Either way this is one of my super favorite pictures and was on the birth announcements (that one day I will post here).
 Mama Hen?!  Yes ma’am.
His shirt says Baby Geek spelled out using the Periodic Table of Elements.  Yes, I found it on pinterest!
This daddy loves his babes.
Set for takeoff!  Aunt Tracy made the hat and we had to squeeze it on his big ol’ head.  My babies and their big heads (and bodies and such).
Dinos like pacis too!
Another favorite.  The Bible is opened to his birth verse.  Psalm 111:4, 7-8

 How awesome is this?  He has no clue what’s in store for him.

And while I’m looking at these pictures, I’m caught off guard by how big this boy has grown!  He started rolling over yesterday (6/13) from his back to his belly.  This week we had to make a run to Target (or Tarjey…depending on how upscale you want to sound).  I thought I had plenty of summer 6-9 month clothes but when we pulled the bin down, I realized I didn’t!  All of my boys were summer boys with the exception Liam and he stayed pretty small so I never bought 6-9 mth boys.  Six to nine months ya’ll…he just turned three months old.   Don’t let the size fool ya.  He looks a bit chunky but his clothing size is mostly from length!


Malachi is 2 Months Old

I’ve been trying to post this for two days now!  Every time I sit down something calls me away.  Mainly, answering questions as the kids finish up their projects for the end of year project display with our homeschool care group.  Besides that, there’s recovering from vacation last week (which was awesome…and I will post about that later too).

Anyway, Malachi turned two months old on the 9th.  I can’t believe how big he’s gotten and how old he’s gotten at the blink of an eye.  I do believe it goes by faster the more we have!

He had his well baby check and is growing great.  He even cooed at Dr. B and smiled for our favorite nurse (because her shots are fast and don’t seem to hurt as much, oh, and she also knows all our kids by sight/name) M.

Here’s his stats:
13 lbs.  4 oz (84%)
24 1/2 inches (93%)
16 2/8 inches (81%)

I thought his head was much bigger than that.  It seems so heavy.  Well, it could also be that it seems heavy after I’ve punished my body by exercising.  That’s usually when I can’t really lift my arms up past my waist…no kidding.

Anyway, he’s tracking right on with all the other two month old kids we’ve had.  Josiah seems to be winning the race for the biggest two month old.  Malachi falls in third place if you really must know how he’s tracking (Bryant in second).  Either way, this kid eats well so I’m not worried about his growth.

He also sleeps really well.  At night.  Don’t ask about the daytime.  Usually nurses around 9 or 9:30 and doesn’t get up until 6 or later the next morning.  He has had some occasional growth spurts where he gets up at 4 or 5 but still…that’s seven or more hours every night.  Yes, I’m totally thrilled.  I have done my fair share of late night screaming fests…we just have had a bit of a respite with the last four.  And we are so grateful.  Now, if I could just get to bed early, then I might have a decent rest too…but that’s my fault.

How adorable is he!?! 

And as far as my recovery from the c-section.  It’s going really well.  I’ve really felt good and my energy level is up and up.  My scar is healing fine and I’ve not had any other complications from it.

I’m determined to get in to shape in 9 months or less.  That means down to my original clothing size before Ceili Rain…which is about where I was when I got married.  So, to accomplish this, I started exercising about three weeks ago.  I’m using T-tapp and I love it.  My legs and arms and now stomach are a bit shaky after I finish a workout but my muscles are trying to get used to being used.  My goal is to exercise every other day with T-tapp basic and the walking dvd and then bike on the weekends (mainly as a reward…I just can’t drive myself to running…but if I’m being chased…well, a run is in order).  I’m slowly getting into that routine.  I’m enjoying it and slowly starting to see changes besides the shaky arms and legs.  I’ll write more about t-tapp later, but for now, I attribute that program to helping keep my blood sugar levels in check during my pregnancy with Malachi.


Bath Times

First home bath
The peanut gallery!
Ceili Rain hasn’t missed a first yet!
First sink bath.  Note Ceili Rain helping.  Again.
Oh yeah.
He loves baths.  Well, he tolerates them.  He didn’t make a peep during his first sponge bath and his first tub bath.  Just kicked and move.  I think he likes being sans clothes (we call that “nekkid” in the south).


Malachi in March

Today mark’s Malachi’s first month here!  I still can’t believe he’s a month old.  My recovery is going really well.  Malachi is doing great too.  Sleeping, eating, and that other stuff.  I do have to brag…Malachi is our fourth child to sleep through the night (five hours or more), at before a month.  Now, don’t start hating.  I’ve done my share of up every two hours and walking and crying babies (okay, Mark’s done his fair share…he’s our primary nighttime parent…His choice…again, don’t hate.  I’ve tried to convince him to let me do it but he won’t).  I don’t sleep train them to do this.  They just sleep long stretches at night.  Can’t explain why!

Also, he marked his four weeks by starting to smile.  He started out smiling at my friend, Kristina on April 2.  We thought it was a fluke, but the next day he smiled at Mark and me.  We were pretty impressed with his toothless grins and he’s offered them up to his brothers and sisters too.  I’ll get those pictures up soon.

On to a smathering (I just love that nonsensical word), of beautiful Malachi pictures.

A dear friend from church.  We actually met when she was posting on a forum about moving to our area.  I’ve been so blessed to get to know her and her amazing and wonderful family!
Our awesome babysitter!  She loves babies and my kids.  That’s a plus in our book!
Another friend from church.  She’s like a substitute grandmom to my kids!  Even the boys…who seek her out to get paper airplanes!
He loves sleeping with his hands clung together.  Praying…
Two Weeks

 Yo Peeps!


Malachi…for the relatives

Our Chi (like the greek letter…at least that’s how I think you spell it…anyway), is growing and doing all the baby things he should.  And, apparently, I did not plan any baby pics for this week…so, to satisfy the family…here’s some more pics of Malachi!
Relaxing before hitting the road…that was the calm before the storm (of siblings)!
There is a baby in there…#6 was not feeling up to snuff so he didn’t make the pic.
 For some reason, Malachi’s head is the favorite resting spot for several siblings.
More cuddles.
Josiah totally rocked the baby holding.  Malachi was a bit cranky about being passed around but Grandmere helped Josiah get him to sleep.  It never phased Josiah that Chi was crying.
Of course, Aunt Tracy had to get her hands on him!
And so did some friends from church.  J was able to get Malachi asleep as well!


More Praises for Malachi

I needed to write these down before I totally forget:

Babies over 8 1/2 pounds have to have their sugar tested at birth and then an hour later.  We’ve had three over 8 1/2 pounds (are you surprised) and we knew Malachi would be number four.  Ace and Bryant both had low blood sugars after their one hour.  So, we were able to talk to the pediatric nurse before hand and told her what we wanted to do should his level be low enough for them to want to give him formula (our wants were for us to give it to him in a syringe and she was totally good with that).  His level at birth AND an hour later was super!  No formula…which was probably good because the circus of nursing when numb from the chest down did not need to be repeated so quickly.

My babies are all jaundice.  We always thought it was because they are breastfed and we believe I make skim milk.  They get really jaundice.  Not critical and need lights.  But, usually about 8 to 12 hours after birth, they look like they’ve been overcooked in the tannin beds.  So, we were prepared.  When day dawned on Saturday, Mark opened the blinds and sat with Malachi near the window.  And we looked at him and realized he was white.  Very white.  No jaundice in sight.  By the evening, we were all perplexed and finally mentioned something to the nurse.  She said that his bilirubin levels were really low and she started telling us all the reasons for jaundice babies.  We stopped her when she mentioned that baby’s blood was A or B and mom’s was O or O negative.  I fall in to the O and negative category.  And all six of the others are A, B or some combination.  Except Malachi.  He’s O positive!  No worries with jaundice.  And it was very weird bringing home a “white” baby instead of a yellow one!  I, however, still had to get the Rhogam shot.
