
It’s been a few weeks.  I’ve collected a few more sayings from Liam…enjoy!

Talking with Ace about his bike that he received as a Santa gift last year…
Liam:  You know, I got that bike from…um…what’s that guy’s name?


Liam: Daddy, when I grow up and my belly gets big, I’m going to have a baby.

After allowing them to watch a movie in my room in the middle of the day: AWESOME! Mommy, you’re awesome!
(if that’s all I have to do to be awesome, so be it)

Liam marched into the kitchen from his bed one night and announced:

“I have two things to tell you. First, Josiah called me a poo poo head. Second, I want to go to sleep.”

And as he walked back to bed, “I know how to go to sleep Daddy.”

Mark mumbled something.

Liam:  “Turn my light off.”


What our week was like…

And that about sums it up!
Ace started on Saturday throwing up.  Twenty four hours went by and no one else was sick but he was still puny.  Forty eight hours passed and still no one else was sick but he still felt puny.  But the, Monday afternoon Liam started moping and then decided to throw up.  As we finished singing during family worship Monday evening, Ceili Rain decided to throw up.  At that point, Mark and I converted beds to towels and passed around the buckets.  We’re thinking Zoe had a mild form of the bug on Tuesday because she didn’t eat anything.  Josiah, who loves to touch and hug everyone (including his baby sister) and then stick his fingers in his mouth has not gotten it.  I’m not quite sure how he escaped it but he has.

And then Wednesday, sitting in Zoe’s debate club with ten minutes to go (she’s too young for debate but they offer a public speaking and apologetics course for her age.  I kid you not!  I jumped on that as fast as I could…anyway), I went down.  Thankfully, I did not reveal what I had for lunch to the entire crowd but we high tailed it out of there asap and I made it home and curled up in bed with some horrible stomach cramps. 

So now, we are praying we’re all on the mend!  Until the next round of illnesses…


Say Hello to My Little Friend

In our morning chores last week, I sent Zoe out to put some cards in the mail.  Upon her return, she did what she always does, left the front door open (the screen door was closed).  I walked into the living room, saw the door open, and started to ask her to please close it but stopped when I noticed something big and brown on the floor.

Hmmm, I thought,  that is a huge leaf she brought in.  I took a few steps closer and realized it wasn’t a leaf but a frog.  I know frogs aren’t yucky.  I know they are just one of God’s creatures and can’t hurt.  But for some reason, I also knew I wasn’t about to try and pick it up.

So, I called the boys to see if they would pick it up and take it out.  Nary a one volunteered (this is the time I miss living out in the country and near a creek where they can do country boy things).  So, I took Zoe out the back door and towards the front with the intentions of shooing it out of the house.

By the time she got to the front door, the frog had jumped under our shoe bench.  The bench is too long to pick up and shoo him out (especially since my brave knights wouldn’t fight for me), so I did the sensible thing.  I called Mark.

He laughed and told me to move the bench away from the door and put a bucket on top of him.  I put the phone on speaker so Mark could laugh at our adventure and found the necessary supplies.  Since I couldn’t move the bench and place the bucket at the same time, I handed the bucket to Ace and asked him to put it over the frog.

It’s at this point that all children who are capable of walking (that’s five if you’ve lost count), were gathered around the bench awaiting the viewing of “the frog.”    I moved the bench and as I did so Ceili Rain plopped down next to the frog.  She had no clue what was going on and just sat there.  Ace froze and wouldn’t drop the bucket.  Even after much encouragement, he wouldn’t move.  I grabbed the bucket and plopped it on him.

Then, after talking to Mark, I grabbed a file folder and pushed it under the bucket while “the frog” hopped on top of it.  And then I (all alone but with five little followers) carried the folder, bucket and frog outside to where his home should be.

After lifting the bucket, it was at this time that Liam bucked up and got the courage to touch the frog.  He touched it several times but never picked it up.  My poor, sheltered, posh little boys.  Next summer we shall spend every day in the woods chasing and identifying different creatures of various sizes.  Yeah right…it’s too hot for mama to do that!  Oh Mark…

Our Little Friend
Liam got brave after the frog made it out of our house.  He decided to touch it.  Several times.


Character Ed

This labor day marks the start of our new school curriculum.  Over the course of the summer we studied Pilgrim’s Progress and continued with Math but now we’re about to embark on the nitty gritty.  
Where the kids “do” school…This came after they almost took each others lives while sitting at the six foot table (okay,not really but it did get pretty violent)
I know you’re just aching to know what we’re doing in school this year so let’s get right to it!
We’re starting up a Circle Time which I learned about at Preschoolers and Peace.  In our Circle Time we’ll 
  • discuss a character trait and what God has to say about it via a recorded message from Dad.
  • go over Awana verses for the week.
  • learn about one of the 21 Rules of Our House by Gregg Harris.
  • read a book (we’re currently reading Big Truths for Little Kids by Susan Hunt
  • learn a catechism (no, we’re not catholic…Catechisms are questions and answers about what we believe…more on that later).
  • handbells
  • Spanish
  • History 
  • and Science.
In the afternoons, I’ll do individual instruction in Math and Phonics (all the kids are working on different levels, so it’ll be better to do it when younger ones are sleeping).
I’m pumped about Circle Time because it includes all the children and I get to spend time with all of them.  This saves us a lot of headache trying to focus on what they are learning individually and trying to keep the younger ones from stealing crayons or pencils or just talking.
My curriculum hub.  Aka, the former entertainment center.  It’s been converted thanks to a little help from my handy man Mark!

So here’s what we’re using for all our curriculum:
History:  We’re going full force in to Mystery of History Volume 1, Creation to the Resurrection.  I am so pumped about this.  There are tons of things to do and LESSON PLANS, which my over organized brain craves.  Get ready to see a lot of crafts and folderbooks!
Science:  We’re still using the God’s Design series and this year we’re focusing on Heaven and Earth.
Spanish:  I was able to purchase Power-Glide Spanish and think it’ll be a great introduction into Spanish and not too much teaching on my part (because I don’t know a lot of Spanish).  Once we finish it, we hope to prove to Mark that we’re ready for Rosetta Stone…wish us luck!
Zoe and Ace are working through Saxon Math 2 and Liam is doing extremely well in Saxon Math K.  I was going to wait with him until next year and just do it with Liam and Josiah at the same time, however, Liam is more than ready for math so we’re going with it.
Liam really is starting K4 Phonics with a little bit of Letter of the Week (from Confessions of a Homeschooler) thrown in.  As I did with Zoe and Ace, I’m using Abeka.
Ace is in 1st grade Phonics.  Although he reads and comprehends at a higher level, he still needs to learn a few special rules and a lot of grammar (like not capitalizing in the middle of a sentence).  Again, it’s Abeka.  
Language Arts:
Zoe is now in to Language Arts.  I began looking a week and half ago at some Language Arts curriculum, not feeling satisfied with what we had.  It was either too advanced in some areas or too easy in others.  And we both were getting frustrated with it.  So, I went to My Father’s World’s website (because I’ve been eyeing their curriculum for a long time) and looked at their suggestions for Language Arts.  After a little more research, I decided to go with it.  We’re also going to attempt to work through a book a month.  I wanted to start with Chronicles of Narnia:  TheVoyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis (it’s coming out in movie form ya know), but our study guide is backordered.  Not sure what we’ll start with now.
So, Zoe is using Primary Language Lessons by  Emma Serl, Writing Strands 2 by Dave Marks, and Spelling Power.  And get this, it’s all non-consummable (my heart just skipped a beat)!  That means that I can use and reuse and co-use with all of my kids.  I’m buckling down on her handwriting this year because I know she can write neat if she takes her time.  She’s none too thrilled with this idea, but she’ll get used to it.
Zoe, Ace, and Liam are all working through A Handwriting for a Reason (Zoe at B, Ace at A and Liam at K).  Since Liam taught himself to write his name, we thought he could do well with learning how to write other letters of the alphabet!
And thus begins our schooling for the year.  I’m so excited about the curriculum but even more excited to see how much the kids are going to learn throughout the year!


Future Engineers

We bought a bouncy seat for Bryant at a consignment sale..however, when you put him in it, he was laying down.  So, I found another seat on line that was cheap and met my decor requirement of either elephants or spaceships.  This one had elephants.

When it came in, Mark had some helpers putting it together.

Sometimes you need a college degree to put these things together.


Family Visits

While I should be working on lesson plans, I decided the wait was long enough and here are the pictures from our weekend a couple of weeks ago to honor and say goodbye to Mark’s grandmother.  As previously, there were 13 children and six adults in one house.  And the ages of the kids this time were 10, 7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2 mths, 1 mth.   I may have been the only one who felt this way but at one point I looked at all the kids gathered together and wondered where the rest were.  It just didn’t look like that many kids all together.
Bryant & K meet
Book time with Grandmere is always a must!
Miss G was my shadow for a couple of events and so enjoyed watching Bryant.
Papa got some good Bry lovin’ in.
I’m probably getting this wrong but I think this is TJ.  If not, it’s N.  I’m still not good at telling them apart.
Now, I really don’t know who it is 🙂
He, I know.  This is H.  And behind him, a very small Ace man.  We enjoyed watching videos from a looong time ago.
So if that was TJ above this would be N and if that was N above, this would be TJ.
Watching the videos.
J loved holding little Bry.
They almost look like Siamese twins they’re so close…and both have spit up cloths over them.
Brotherly love!
Cousin love
And lots more cousin love.  Zoe got a quick hold of K before they headed out.


Party Time!

Party Day arrived and after five days of telling Ace that he turned six on his birthday, he finally believed us (he thought he was going to be six at his party).
Lots of pictures less talk!

This year’s cake request: Blue dinosaur with red polka dot sprinkles (hey, it could’ve happened…have you ever seen a dinosaur with skin on???). Made by using a cake that fell apart and cream cheese icing smushed together and molded to look like a dino, covered in blue dyed buttercream icing…verdict: Adults thought it was yummy. Kids tolerated it and quickly took off to play the Wii.

Look what we installed in our house just for Ace’s party!!! Nah, we actually went off location (which is a big first time for us…didn’t think I could plan and get ready for a party at my house after just having a baby). This is our Family Y (YMCA). They just moved into a new facility without a big play gym and I was iffy as to whether it would go well. The kids loved it. As a friend said, “They make their own fun!” The above is actually the toddler nursery room.

Ace enjoyed climbing but he had fun on the Wii more!
And everyone on the Wii had an audience.

We did manage a game of “Pin the Skull on the Dinosaur” planned out by one of my best friends, Tracy.

And, yes, the pinata did get destroyed…

And there were a few tears shed…as is tradition for the pinata scramble!


Getting Ready to Party!

The morning before the party, I woke up and asked the kids if they wanted to make a pinata.  Why not?!?  It’s not like we had anything else to do.  Mark just laughed at me and so, the challenge was on to occupy their time and prepare for a party complete with a homemade pinata.

I’ve made one before with my mom, so Mark and I thought for sure the kids would enjoy it.  Zoe and Josiah did.  Ace and Liam weren’t thrilled about getting their hands dirty.  Mark and I had a blast.  This was his first pinata making experience.  It was ready to decorate the next day.  I decided that since Ace chose a dinosaur birthday cake, we’d make a volcano pinata.

Saturday morning…trying to get it decorated before the party that afternoon.

While I painted, Ace and Liam got the party favors ready.
Ta Da!!!  It turned out pretty good.  Although I did have to tell some people what it was supposed to be!  It really didn’t matter what it looked like…the kids just wanted to know what was inside and grab for it!


Surprise Visits

While waiting on Bryant, my best friend planned to come visit.  We were thrilled and prayed and prayed Bryant would come while she was here.  Alas, God said no to those plans.  But, while they were here, we had a wonderful visit.  My kids didn’t know they were driving nine hours just to visit us.  So, it was exciting to see their reaction when they pulled up.  The kids were pretty pumped and even though they hadn’t physically been in contact with each other (only visually…through Skype) they all picked up right where they left off!  Running and screaming and singing, “There are no cats in America” only a few minutes in to the visit.

Our husbands both speak computer…and so…this is what we found the first night we were all visiting.  Mr. John came up a day ahead because he had to work at the local fort this week.

This is what you do with nine kids when it’s bedtime.  Actually this is only six of them.  The crib kids (or ones who need to be contained during the night…except one of them who was still awake), got to sleep in pack n’ plays and various ensembles throughout the visit.  Now, here’s the ages of our kids…7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1.  Yep…just imagine the decibel levels which led to this the following day:

We loaded them up as soon as a jumping place opened and threw them in.

The one year olds were super tired and just wanted to go to sleep but we convinced them to drive for a little while.

  We’ve taught our seven year olds well, I think!  These girls will talk on the phone for over an hour…every day if we would let them.
Kristina tried to line up the kids who were only semi-tired to get a quick picture.  Jack, the six year old was right behind Ace…I promise he was there.
Believe it or not, the next day was even more busy.  Since I was a day past due, we decided to see if we could get Bryant here by tie dying nine shirts and then heading for the pool.  I did not get pictures because we were all pretty busy.  Guess what?!?  Bryant still didn’t come!!!
You can see most of the t-shirts here.  Eight out of nine kids looking close to the camera (even though the humidity wreaked havoc on my camera)…not too bad!
James’s favorite saying, “Bye bye, see you soon.”  He was waving bye to us as they were getting ready to hit the road.  I was so grateful for the distraction and busyness of having someone in the house while we waited on Bryant.  Plus, Kristina was a big help too.  I actually got to sleep in one day till 7 even with Ceili Rain in our room.  The noise level was amazing but so much fun to know they weren’t fighting but enjoying each other. 


More Liamisms…

So, we had friends visit from far, far away last week.  The dad is in the army and worked while here.  He got up the first morning in his army uniform (camo) and came and ate breakfast acting pretty normal.  However, as soon as Liam saw him his eyes got very wide.  He was quiet for awhile and then asked, “Are those your pajamas?”

He was pretty much in awe when I explained that Mr. John was actually in the army and he had to wear that work, etc.  Then Liam decided that meant he was going to fight the “bad guys.”   Then I had to explain that Mr. John was a computer army man.  Still didn’t lose the awe factor on him though.

A very overly tired Liam on the way to get something to eat:  I’m looking for cars with trees on top of them.

Ace (who somehow knew what he was talking about):  Those are Christmas trees and it’s not Christmas.

Liam:  I know.  But they are saving them.

Zoe:  Ohhhh, Because it’s Christmas in July in some places.

Me:  Um, Liam wouldn’t know that because he can’t read.


Liam:  Mommy, do some men marry old ladies?

Me:  Yes, Liam, Daddy did.

(Mark is 20 months younger than me)

Liam:  Mommy, do you remember when Santa got his hair cut off?

Me:  Um, no.

Liam:  You don’t remember that story?

Me:  No.

Liam:  I’ll tell you.  Remember he killed the lion and then he went to the bad place where that mean woman was.  And he got his hair cut off.

Me:  Oh, yes, I remember when Samson got his hair cut off.

Liam:  Right, that’s what I was telling you about.
