UPDATE: Apparently, at eleven o’clock at night, I can’t realize that I’m posting extremely large pictures and no titles…sorry! The pictures will just have to stay large but I did put a title in.
Posting for me two days in a row! This is a new record 🙂
Waaay back in October. Among our other adventures, we headed to a dairy farm that has just started a corn maze. It’s only twenty minutes from our home, which is amazing considering that we live in the middle of a city (a small city but still not full of cow farms!). We all had a great time. Not only did they have a maze but they had other activities too. Like…
Giant slides!
Swingy thingys!
That would be Zoe after the giant slide (I braided her hair…two hours of little tiny braiding the night before and she was most happy with the outcome!)
Rubber ducky and water pump races (this was one of the main highlights for our kids).
Hay Jumping (I’ll have more of that tomorrow)…do you see the look of pure joy on that boy’s face?!
Pillow jumping (a big inflated pillow…I just sat on it and was airborne several times…pretty cool but not fun for the younger ones).
Oh yeah, and the maze!
We got out with only a few wrong turns!
I think they spent an hour in the corn box! I was in there only a few minutes and I had it in my pants. Most uncomfortable.
Bryant enjoyed the scenery!
Yes, the corn box rocked! But wait, there’s more!
This one’s for Papa who asked if Liam was going to milk a cow. And he did!
So did Zoe!
And a petting zoo for Ceili Rain who loved the goats!
Yep, we had fun at the dairy and can’t wait to go back next year! The goal is for them to create their own creamery to process and sell milk from the farm. They are also renovating the dairy so that it can be toured. It’ll be fun to see what all they do next year!