Work and Play

We took Emmie to Shriner’s Hospital in December to get a second opinion on her scoliosis.  He confirmed that we were doing everything we needed to do for her right now.  He stated that she was not a candidate for casting because she was at the tail end of age and her spinal fusion in her neck.  So, we’re not sure what we the next step will be if her back continues to worsen.

As an aside, Shriner’s is a great facility and treated Emmie extra special.  We are so blessed to have two amazing hospitals within a day’s drive of us.

After her appointment, we went for some little play at the park in Greenville.  It was cold but so beautiful.

  A great place to run off some energy.

Fun footbridge over the falls!

On the way home, we passed by the Promised Land!


Happy Birthday, Zoe!

Zoe hit the big 15 in December.  We celebrated with a trip to church for Awana.  We also threw in a quick trip to eat out and cake.   

With Zoe’s birthday, we started a new tradition.  We decided to get them a Want, a Need, a Do, and a Read.  Zoe got her ASL t-shirt, pjs, a game, and the complete Chronicles of Narnia collection (something she had requested).  She is growing into such a beautiful and amazing young lady.   We thank God for allowing us to be her parents.  We can not wait to see where God leads her!


Christmas Randoms

Here lies a collection of our December activities that are too few to take up their own.  Enjoy!
A local church puts on a lights display that is insanely busy and huge…This was our second trip.  We didn’t get a chance to go last year but made sure we could get over there this year. Our local town’s Christmas parade is very near our house.  When we were parking and unloading, we noticed another large and familiar van…that of our neighbor’s.  Camping out with another large family, we also met yet another large family.  Naturally, we had to round up as many of our kids as we could to get a quick picture.  Nope, this isn’t all of them.  I think there were about 26 in all (but some kids were marching in the parade). Our church’s Christmas party meant Tobin got lots of snuggles. Mark and I were in charge of coming up with games and the cling wrap game was a must.  Wrap up gifts in cling wrap until you make a big ball.  The person sitting next to you rolls the dice.  When they hit a double, you pass the cling wrap ball to that person etc.
Aside from goofy things like a pack of silly moustaches, we also hid a gift card to a nice restaurant.   Facebooktwittermail

July Randoms

Lest you think Tot does not get the proper amount of spoiling since he has a new sister…We are equal opportunity doggy cuddlers around here.
Emmie doesn’t take formal naps now but she usually manages to grab a quick snooze during video times. We’ve gotten slightly in to painting rocks.  I decided to spread some awareness with our Super Ems rock. Cow Appreciation Day! We got our NF Walk Shirts in this year.  Super Ems and Pigtails!  Perfect! Zoe worked on her Book Adventurer Badge for American Heritage Girls.  She had to draw a picture based on a book they have read and then send it to the author.  Since the Wingfeather Saga is our favorite series, she worked on a quote and picture from that group and sent it on to Andrew Peterson, the author. We got rocked!  Emmie was excited to find these fun rocks at our house one day!

Sadness…when you bump your two cup glass measuring cup and it bounces off the counter and shatters on the floor.  Complete sadness.


A Normal Visit

Ge and Granddaddy live so close to where Emmie’s specialists are that we have to make sure we plan visits not just during appointment times.  July meant we could visit without any agenda except to just visit with them! We also got to celebrate some June and July birthdays. The kids re-learned how to play Five Crowns Ceili Rain and Silas each made a pen with Granddaddy (using a lathe).

And no visit would be complete without a trip to Steak n’ Shake for breakfast!  Granddaddy enjoyed a rare treat of snuggling with our Super Ems.
