One Tough Germ

Ace has had a cold/cough for about a week now. He was playing with Josiah on Sunday before church and accidentally coughed…all over him.

Fast forward to Monday and Josiah is now coughing/runny nose/feverish. Isn’t it lovely??

Did I mention that one of his top teeth is almost through?

Oh, and did I mention we are out of town with Mark on business training?


Ken Ham is Coming, Ken Ham is Comming!!!

We’re having a conference starting today at our church from Answers in Genesis! Can you tell I’m excited? Mark stayed home this morning so I could take Zoe to the school conference in the am and then we’ll be going tonight and tomorrow.

Now, for a potty update. Liam has no clue when he goes so I’m just letting him sit on it when he wants to and he goes, etc.

Everyone is sleeping better. Josiah is still waking up at 4 am on the dot and won’t go back to sleep until he snacks (not even ten minutes today) but he sleeps until 6:30 or 7.

I think that’s all the updates. I’ll post more later. Gotta go start some bread.


Josiah’s Seven Months

Ugghhh, I can’t believe how old he’s getting so fast. Time has truly flown by with him. Anyway, no stats this month. Just a couple of pictures. He celebrated month number seven by sitting up by himself for more than 2 seconds! He loves to eat, snuggle with mama, and laugh at big sis and big brothers.
This is Josiah’s “girlfriend.” She was born just five days after Josiah (and on Mark’s birthday). Lest you think Josiah is a giant, please note that his friend was actually 4 pounds at birth (she was a month early).


Neat Photography and Oh No What Happened to the Moon

The following was done with our rinky dink digital camera and my very smart engineering husband who figured out how to do this…I just played with the sparklers!

This is supposed to be a heart, but the camera got started a second late and our kids ran out of sparklers…no fair!

When we talked about planets a couple of weeks ago, we (mainly I) inflated all the planets we had received as gifts and we (mainly Mark) hung them up in our playroom/schoolroom/office area). Before we hung them up, though, we had to have a little fun with them.

Here’s Liam burning Ace up with the Sun!!! At least Ace is happy about it.

Josiah, the sleeper, likes the taste of the moon better. I guess it really is made of cheese.

It’s late, I’m extremely tired (Josiah no sleep this morning or late this afternoon), I’m goofy, and we’ve got MOPS tomorrow. More later.


Cute Kids

When Liam goes to put on his knight helmet and grabs his sword and shield he says, “Nice, mama, nice.” I believe he’s trying to say knight. Of course, when I told him to say it to daddy yesterday he said, “Knight.”

Josiah is trying to move around on the floor. However, he keeps going backwards and when he goes back a few times he realizes he’s getting farther away and starts fussing.

I got all the pictures scrapbooked that I had and I’ve ordered more. I’m trying to finish up last year and get Josiah’s baby book caught up. Then I can keep up with this year and try to finish 2006. Phew!!! One day I’ll enjoy my hobby again.


Well Checks & Josiah’s 6 Months

Liam and Josiah went today for their well check visits.

Here’s the scoop:

Liam is doing great. His height/weight are gaining and he actually jumped up a percentage. She noticed that he walks with his toes turned in and checked and said that it was due to the curvature of his leg and that would correct itself over the next few years.

Stats at 2 years are:
Weight: 28 1/2 pounds (50%)
Height: 33 inches (25%)
Head: 19 3/4 inches (75%)

Josiah’s doing good too. His cold has improved and she didn’t note any difficulties. She did say that reflux babies sometimes take longer to get over colds. He’s doing everything he should do. She told us we could increase his meals to three times a day, but I’m wanting him to nurse longer than one year, so we’re going to wait at least a month or two. We’ve started introducing him to a sippy cup but so far we’ve just put water in it. He’s getting to be a real treat and a definite momma’s boy. He will reach out for me whenever Mark has him. He loves his toys and smiling at his brothers and sister. He is working on grabbing his feet when laying down. He rolls from every which way and is working on controlling where he goes. His favorite thing to do as soon as I pick him up is grab both sides of my hair and do a face plant on my face…drool and all. He’s got two teeth still and we’re guessing by the increase in drool that he’ll have more very soon. He now sleeps about 9 hours during the night. His naps are getting better. I can now put him down and he’ll roll over and go to sleep. A lot of time, he doesn’t want me to rock him and fusses until I lay him down (sniff, sniff…they get big so fast).

Stats at 6 months are:
Weight: 18 lbs, 11 oz (65%)
Height: 28 7/8 inches (95%)
Head: 18 1/2 inches (90%)

Not much else going on. I made it to the gym two days in a row…owww! Hopefully, it will work out for me to go tomorrow, but I have to get ready for a date with Mark and a baby shower on Saturday. We’ll see!


Josiah’s Cuteness

Josiah has started this really sweet thing when he’s nursing. He actually did it a few weeks ago then stopped. So, I’m wondering if it’s because he’s teething.

When he nurses on the left side, he starts rubbing his hair and ear. At his early morning feeding this morning, he put his hand behind his head like he was all relaxed. It’s just so adorable. When he started doing it, he was really pulling on his ear and I thought he was going to hurt himself. He’s stopped tugging so hard now and just rubs his ear and hair or rests his hand on his ear. It’s only on the left side and usually only when he can really relax. If I try to move his hand, he puts it right back up there.


Josiah’s Eating!!

What do we have here?
Fussing for more!

All in all, he enjoyed the food. See we learned with the first two that trying to get cereal mush down them after having sweet mommy’s milk just doesn’t cut it. So, he got a little bit of applesauce (homemade by moi and Grandmere) mixed in. He really enjoyed it and now (I’m posting this on Tuesday) he’s gulping it down. He loves it bunches. Not surprised since he loves to nurse too.


Josiah’s Five Months

Josiah’s now five months old! I remembered that it was the 28th and not the 29th. He’s getting so big. He’s somewhere between 17 and 20 lbs…I’m banking close to 20 just because he’s so heavy!! He’s very social. So much so that he doesn’t want to nap! Bedtimes are going easier and Mark and I are enjoying not having to tiptoe around the house. He is reaching out for everything, toys, our food, our drinks. And tonight after church, he rolled from his back to his belly. He’s been going to the side for awhile but tonight he went all the way over. He was a little shocked he was on his belly but quickly went to chewing on his favorite toy. Here are some pictures (told ya they were coming).

A visit with Ge and Granddaddy earlier in the month! He loved laughing and watching them.

His new bather! What fun! Really it is!


The time has come, the time is now…

Josiah’s now in his room with “the boys.” We’ll see how it goes. We did some “creative” rearranging to fit the glider in there to help with getting him asleep.

And, since he’s decided that grabbing for mom and dad’s food is fun and he’s starting to fuss when he sees us eat, we’ll start baby food on Saturday.

He started on Thanksgiving day intently watching Mark eat his yummy Thanksgiving dinner. Today at supper, he grabbed my hand and was pulling it and my food forcefully to his mouth! Definitely interested.

We’ll see how he feels about oatmeal and applesauce (at least the applesauce is homemade) come Saturday!

His little body is working so hard on that second tooth. I can see the outline of it but it still hasn’t broken through the gums. It’s making him grumpy and he’s not sleeping well with it.
