Josiah’s 10 Months

Josiah’s growing so fast! He has eight teeth, maybe more, but do you want to stick your finger in the mouth of a baby with eight teeth??? He’s eating like it’s going out of style! He still loves to nurse.

A funny nursing thing I’ve noticed is that when I even mention getting some “mommy’s milk” he spits out his paci, and “assumes the position,” complete with lips smacking!

Okay back to little JB. He’s also starting to commando crawl (belly crawl) more. He started to pull up onto his knees today and he also pulled up while holding my hands. He has got such a sweet personality…as long as mama’s holding him. He’ll grin and sometimes he squints his eyes when he grins. He’s really getting into laughing at everybody.

Just a few sweet words about my baby boy!


Adventures in Potty Training, Day One

Okay, so with this being spring break, I thought I would try to focus on getting Liam to use the potty. He’s got the concept down pat…he still doesn’t understand that he needs dry pants, though. So, with Monday being busy (I’ll post on that in a while) and Tuesday was errand day…that marked today as our starting point.

And…the results are…he’s had one accident. I started him off in Thomas the Train undies and that was when he had his accident. After that it was freedom time! He was going when he needed to and telling me when he had to go. I very rarely reminded him, but mostly he felt it and ran! I’m excited he’s done so well. So far, it’s just #1 not #2 yet.

My only concern…going out in public… as far as I know walking around without pants on is a faux pas in this area! So, I have three to four days to really work on it with him and get him undies!

Oh, and Josiah had roseola (well, he still has it). Roseola is a virus that shows up in a fever with no other symptoms. The fever lasts three to four days then AFTER the fever the baby breaks out in a rash. Ace has had it, and so I knew what was going on when I saw a rash on his belly yesterday morning. I called the doctor’s office to confirm. He just threw us off because he was getting over a cold along with the fever. The rash is not painful and in no way bothers him. It’s not even contagious…it just looks bad. So far, the rash is staying on his trunk area.

And…he’s got his eighth tooth in! We found it last night. He’s been in much better spirits today and he slept well last night…phew! Four teeth in less than a week is a bear! I’m praying for a break in the teething for now. He can handle lots of food with eight teeth.


Rough Go

Josiah started running a fever yesterday, while we were traveling out of town. I called the doctor and they called in a prescription for him. He is doing better today. He slept well last night. And he’s eating pretty good. I’m going to start keeping a food journal for him next week so we can see just how much he’s getting.

He’s nursing better, too. That could be because he now has seven teeth! They came in one right after the other starting on Thursday with the seventh finally in today. I’m expecting the eighth one to come in today or tomorrow!


Josiah’s Nine Month Check Up

Josiah had his nine month check up. He’s doing great in some areas. Including babbling and making eye contact. He’s also sitting up very well.

However, we have two areas of concern which in turn are prayer requests from us.

First, he’s lost weight. He’s down to 18 lbs., 4 oz. from 18 lbs., 11 oz. at his six month check up. Realistically he should be three or more pounds heavier from six months. Dr. B tried to reassure me that he’s been sick (but not that much). We talked about how he’s been eating baby food really well. He eats about two to three times a day. He’s taking most of our table foods blended up and loves them. In fact, he refuses to eat pureed/liquidfied baby food now! He’d rather eat food with texture and more flavor. He eats about 4 oz. of baby food at each meal…and more at breakfast as he has cereal mixed with fruit.

He also nurses five times a day. He was on a nursing strike but that was for only two days and he still nursed a little each of those days.

So, Mark and I are a little perplexed about why he’s losing weight. Dr. B. told me to “slap some butter on his veggies” and I will willingly oblige! I also picked up avocado (yuck) at the store and am mixing it in with his foods twice a day. I’m trying to give him foods that are high in fat but healthy.

His height has dropped in percentages, but he has progressed. Dr. B said this is a good sign that it’s not his thyroid or a growth hormone problem.

Secondly, he’s not crawling nor making an attempt to feed himself. He tried to pick up food but it’s almost as if he doesn’t register he has it in his hand and opens it. Dr. B said he’s a little weak/floppy (but not like cerebral palsy floppy) on the upper half of his body. We’re looking for/thinking about ways to help him strengthen his upper body.

As I said before, Dr. B tried to reassure me that everything was okay. But, at the same time, she wants to see him in six weeks for a weight height check. Dr. B doesn’t do anything over the top and wouldn’t want to see him unless there was a real need or concern…so…please pray.

Here are my sweet baby’s stats:
18 lbs. 4 oz. (10-25% down from 65%)
29 1/2 inches long (90% down from 95%)
18 3/4 inches head (97% up 7% 🙂


Sweet Sounds

I wish I had a video of this, but I don’t. Josiah is now making the cutest noises, along with the raspberries. This weekend, he was laying on the floor playing and looked up at Ace saying, “babababa.” So, we interpreted it as Bubba. Now when we try to get him to say it, he moves him mouth and occasionally gets the noise to come out. Very cute!

Oh, and a praise. Baby Emma came home from the hospital on Friday night. She still has sores but is healing much better. Please continue to pray for her and her family as they deal with the effects of, what they believe, is a genetic trait.


To the Park We Go

It’s Spring!!! I’m so excited, and so are the kids. They loved the warm weather today and we took advantage of it with a quick picnic at the park and a trip for our all time favorite ice cream. When we moved to this area (bc…before children) there were no parks. Now we have several to choose from and all are very nice for us and the kids.
Liam going at life with gusto!
Zoe making friends, of course!
Just hangin’ out.


On the Hunt and More…

We traveled to downtown to go on an Easter Egg Hunt. Zoe and Ace really got into the hunt and loved grabbing up eggs. Liam, not so much. I think he thought it was too much like “clean up time.” And so, he protested the whole idea. He liked seeing that there were prices (junk) in the eggs but only wanted to get that out, not actually pick up eggs. After going on the hunt, we went to Fort Discovery. It’s a National Science Museum and we all had such a good time. We only got to play on one level because the elevator was broken and if you think I’m lugging two kids in a double stroller up stairs…you’re crazy! Oh, Zoe and Ace wanted to get their picture made with “the bunny” as they called him. They had no clue who he was supposed to be. Personally, I find a mutant bunny to be a little scary. Oh well.

Zoe and Ace searching for the perfect egg.

“What am I supposed to do??”

At Fort Discovery…

“Cifford, mommy, Cifford.” Apparently, Clifford needed to hold Liam for a little bit.

My children–magnetic forces of nature!


And for good measure…

…pictures of Zoe and Josiah.
this was a sick day for me, so Mark took the picture…I did fix the hair, but she had lots of flyaways!

And, because this is my blog and I can write about what I want…just gotta brag for a sec…Zoe is reading now!!! She’s got her short vowel sounds down and read Hop on Pop to me on Friday (minus the long vowel words). Liam is now counting to 10 with a little help and he knows most of his letter sounds (thanks to LeapFrog’s Letter Factory DVD).


Better This Afternoon

We didn’t have to go to the doctor. Right as I was dropping Mark off, our pediatrician called (I thank God for her…if we ever have to leave…I’m kidnapping her…okay, I’ll pray that we can find someone half as good as her.) Anyway, she recommended that we try otc and if he ran a fever she would call in an antibiotic. I begged for a suggestion to help him sleep and she obliged…we’ll see how tonight goes.

Lots of fun today! I’ll post pictures this weekend from all our adventures.
