My Blankie

Josiah and Liam received these blankies in the mail today from Ge. They were both so excited about them! Josiah had to take his nap holding on to it (I wouldn’t lay it on him because it’s so hot!). Thanks bunches Ge! They must have felt your love because they’ve been cuddling with them all day!

And I do mean nap, not naps. I put him down about 15 till one…he didn’t really start acting tired until around 11:30 and then it was too late for a morning nap, so I fed him and changed him and laid him down. Not a baby much longer.

Oh, we’ve figured out the reason he’s not walking much is because when he does try, he runs…can’t go far if you haven’t figured out how to walk yet!


And we’re…

Standing, standing…and falling, falling!

Josiah started to practice his standing technique yesterday! He sat down on a load of laundry (clean and folded, Thank you very much…and thanks to Mark) and then stood up and tried to step forward! So far, he’s made it one step before doing a face dive. But he thinks it’s pretty cool being able to stand up and try to reach mom or dad!


Josiah’s First Haircut

I’ll post on Josiah but first. Doesn’t this hairstyle just fit Liam! Unfortunately, we give him a bath at night and I just don’t have time to do it right in the morning! I think it’s pretty cute though!

Okay, here’s the befores:

And a side view…just turn you head, it’s late and they’re already posted 🙂

Here’s the afters:


Josiah’s New Tricks

Sorry I haven’t post in a couple of days. I’ve been trying to figure out lesson plans on top of trying to figure out Zoe’s phonics (she’s reading on a 3rd grade level but comprehending on about a 1st grade..there’s no way I’m starting out with “I says ‘i'” again…she’d be totally board). And on top of that, trying to figure out new software to put everything in and organize it! Loads of fun!

Anyway, here’s a video of Josiah’s new tricks! He’s quite the show-off!


Josiah’s Check Up and Busy Busy!

Josiah had his 12 month check up today. It turned into a sick visit as he started running a fever yesterday and it got up to 103! She checked for strep but so far, it’s negative. He had a great check up and was lucky to not have to vaccines because of the fever, as of now. No problems, good muscle tone, should start walking soon, the works. He waved at Dr. B and Liam was so sweet and kept talking to Dr. B. Very cute. I kept wondering where my children were. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them so sweet and quiet and nice in the doctor’s office…very nice.

Here’s Josiah’s stats:
22 lbs 2 oz (40%)…that’s a great jump from our April weight recheck at 25% and 19 lbs, 4 oz.
30 3/4 inches tall
19 1/4 inches (97%)

He’s dropped off on his height gain so now his height and weight are proportionate…instead of being tall and skinny. I don’t have the percentages for his height, she didn’t write them down…could be because Liam was showing her his new shoes for the umpteenth time!

We are going today to meet with the social worker for our first visit in our home study. We have another visit next week and then a home visit the following week. Phew! Trying to get stuff going. We have to travel 3 hours away. We don’t have anyone to watch the kids, so they are coming with us. Please pray that behave and are as good as they were at the doctor’s office. I’ve got a bag of goodies and snacks, so they should be well manned. If all else fails, we’ll get out the dvd player and let them veg in front of it.


Happy Birthday Josiah!

We were so excited to celebrate Josiah’s first birthday today! It really does feel like the time has flown by. He is such a joy to have in our home. At one year old, he is crawling on all fours…not the belly slide anymore. He loves to talk. Playing with his brothers and sister is a joy for him. He is climbing on anything he can reach. He loves to pull everything off the coffee table. Food is his friend and he enjoys being with it very much…however, he still loves to spend time with mommy nursing (twice a day, yippee). He can win you over with the biggest smile that says, “I’m going to get into something, just watch.” He absolutely loves playing in the water, be it the bath, pool or the cat/dog water bowl. He sleeps about 10 to 11 hours a night before spending time with mommy. He takes two naps each about 2 to 3 hours long (yeah, I know, it’s really nice).

We celebrated today with some friends over for lunch. Ge & Granddaddy came up and celebrated too. We had a yummy lunch followed by yummy cake and Josiah enjoyed his “smash” cake. Then he opened presents. He didnt dive into the cake too much. I’m afraid I filled him up on lunch but he did enjoy the sweetness and got a little dirty.

I’m afraid we have a ton of pictures, so I put it on a slide show. Thanks Tracy and Mark for taking so many pictures! All in all, it’s been a fun day. I’ve really enjoyed it since this is the first first birthday I haven’t been pregnant and feeling blah!

So, enjoy!



It looks like Josiah is sticking with his brothers and sister in weaning himself. We’re really laid back about how our kids nurse. I’ve think I’ve mentioned before how I nurse on demand and that they have all fallen into a great little routine/schedule…on their own minus the tears and hassle of following a book. So, the same is true for the ending of their nursing. They’ve all just gradually drop nursings about every month. One at a time. I watch to see if he’s interested around the time I usually nurse…if not, we don’t worry about it and he just eats his meal with us. He was nursing three times a day and quickly dropped his late afternoon nursing last month. I thought that with the way he had his early morning nursing and bedtime nursing that we would be doing this for at least three or more months.

I was excitedly thinking that! I’m not the mom who just nurses because I feel I have to. I love spending that quiet time with my babies and feeling them close to me. Very bonding and very beautiful the way God has equipped me to be able to feed them.

Well, yesterday he didn’t get up until 6:30 (in the morning) to nurse. And today he didn’t wake up until his regular time (between 7 and 7:30) and didn’t want anything to do with nursing.

I’m sad and a bit surprised. This is the first time I’ve had a child almost weaned and not been expecting another one. It’s kind of nice but still sad that my baby is getting bigger and instead of worrying about him getting enough milk, now I have to worry about whether he is going to find the electrical outlet!


Josiah’s Eleven Months

Ummm, bad mother here. We’re getting ready to see family this weekend, so I forgot to post Josiah’s eleventh month. So, here goes…

He is still growing and definitely going to be eating us out of house and home. I’m wondering if I can teach him how to cook at one years old. He’s a mockingbird and copies a lot of our sounds and facial expressions. He’s started to learn how to clap. He loves to say dada but not mama. And if you ask him where dada is, he’ll look for him until he finds him. In the car, Ace is his entertainment and Ace knows it. He’s still not sitting up from laying down, although Mark said he did it in the crib the other day. He can crawl in his one legged way all over the place and is getting pretty fast. He likes to pull up on me and for me to hold him under the arms while he walks. He just started shaking his head yes when we lay him down to change him…that’s our opportunity to brainwash, I mean, teach him, to obey by asking yes or no questions.

And last but not least, you know when he is really happy when he grins so big that he squints his eyes. He’s such a joy in our family. I’ll post a picture after this weekend, but if you must see him now, scroll down and look at our Asheville pictures.
