Much Better and Happy New Year!

Josiah’s doing much better. I almost called Dr. B back on Tuesday he was still feverish and just plain not himself. However, Wednesday dawned with a continued fever that came down on it’s own and he played, laughed, and was generally the old ‘Siah. The only thing was he didn’t eat as much as usual…that’s changed today and he’s eaten a little more. His nose is still a little congested but he seems to be doing much better.

On that note…Happy New Year! Not much planned for today except a real lunch or dinner cooked by moi and cleaning to get ready for an in-law visit (and because we need to clean). Hopefully, I can get lesson plans in for this month since we start back on Monday…and I’ve only got two in the computer!


Welcome Winter with a Cold!

We’ve had our first visit to the doctor, unscheduled in over 9 months yesterday. Josiah is sick with a double ear infection. He’s had a bad runny nose for a few days and it just escalated in to crying fits on Sunday night until about midnight on Monday morning. This also included a nice fever. Mama’s instinct (God-given, of course…and yes, I do believe God gives mama’s insight into their kids) kicked in and we headed to the doctor in the morning. He’s on a mild antibiotic for 10 days and if that doesn’t help, we’ll swap to something stronger. So far, I can’t see any difference. He’s still acting sickish and has a fever, but he did sleep good yesterday afternoon and last night. He is a pitiful sick little boy…and this is the first time he’s really gotten bad sick…except for a sinus infection or two.

Off to work on lesson plans…I think!


Family Pictures

We get family pictures done every year. I would love to be one of those mom’s who does the pictures like every six months, etc…but we just can’t afford it. I have a friend who told us about Portrait Innovations a few years ago and we willingly make a trek to one each year as the pictures turn out awesome and they are very reasonably priced. Recently one opened up where my parents live, however, we could not get schedules to coincide with going there so we had to travel to another one! They take a ton of pictures and Mark and I were really brave in letting the photographer know what we wanted this year. Without further ado…the pictures.

I just pulled these from our cd, so I didn’t get a chance to crop any…sorry!

This year, we picked out pictures to keep that really went with each child’s personality. However, there was some other really good ones I wanted to share. I’ll point out the ones we actually bought, though as wall pictures (since they’ll go up on the wall for a year!).

Zoe’s picture to go on the wall!

I’ve always wanted a picture of her twirling since that’s what she loves doing!

Contemplative…we didn’t choose this one because she was playing with her wiggly front tooth…I still like it though.

Ace’s flirtatious wall picture!

We just had to get this one. I think I’m going to put it up in the boys’ room.

Does this say All-American or what???

My football lover!

Liam’s wall picture…gotta have that mischievous grin.

The, “What did I do now???” look

Full force loveable boy (and our wall picture)

Yeah, he was a challenge to sit still…but he liked this rocking chair so we threw it in.

Aren’t they beautiful!?! I love my kids and all the great photographers at Portrait Innovations.

Stay tuned for the football story and maternity pictures!


First Words…for the Granparents

So, in the past 18 months, Josiah’s words have accumulated into “ba” for ball, brother, bye. belly and bath. No mamas, no dadas. Just “ba” and a few others.

Over the past few weeks he’s added more words and today he melted Mark’s heart. I was talking to Mark and holding Josiah and I asked Josiah if he wanted to talk to daddy.

“Daaad-da” he said and grinned wide. Mark got to hear him too!

Here are a few other recent ones. Sorry, no video…but we did finish most of school today, so there’s a plus!

“Go Coug!” for “Go Cougars!” That’s actually on video and he says it anytime he sees football or some other sport on tv. The Cougars are my dad’s team that he coaches for.
“Aaace” for “Ace” He started saying this word just over the past couple of days. When I can get him to say it, he takes off in search of Ace and then tries to tackle him.
“Teee” for “tree”

That’s all I can think of now. He’s getting to be so cute and full of fun. Still loveable too.


Josiah’s 15 month Check up

Went today for Josiah’s 15 month check up. He’s doing excellent on the chart side of things. He hit a growth spurt and is filling out and up.

He has this skin thing in his mouth where the side of his mouth is still connected to his gums on the upper side. Kind of like the thing in the front (which he also has and has taken care of some of it by trying to climb the bunk bed) where the upper lip is connected to the gum just above the teeth. There’s a medical term for it but I didn’t write it down because it’s not serious. Anyway, Dr. B looked at the sides of his mouth and said surprised, “I’ve never seen that before!” Well, well…I’ve stumped our most trusted and experienced pediatrician…way to go, huh! Dr. B felt like it wouldn’t really cause any problems except with foods that may be a little sharper. She did tell us to check with the dentist to make sure nothing else needed to be done about it.

His speech is very little but he’s still got a few more months before we start talking about him needing some extra help. That’s why I like Dr. B…she is very laid back about things but knows when to jump in and take action. Alright enough bragging!

We are going to try a little soy milk and yogurt to see if we can get some calcium in him. He just absolutely refuses milk, even with chocolate or strawberry mixed in. Of course, he’s always been weird about what he drinks and really prefers water over any other drink (yes, even juice…wouldn’t take it at all when we introduced a cup).

He’s doing great though and here are his stats to prove it:
Weight 26 lbs 2 oz (75%…was 40% at 12 mths)
Height 33 inches (90%…not sure how much up from but he’s grown taller)
Head: 19 1/2 inches (97%)

I found his Trick or Treat costume at Wal-Mart today for $10! He’s going to be the cowardly lion. It’s for 12-18 mths but I tried it on and it fits, barely. Don’t worry, I’m still making Ace’s (tinman) and Liam’s (scarecrow) costumes. I’m also adding the red bow to Josiah’s to make him extra cowardly.

And another thing…check out Safetytat. I ordered some for our adventurous Liam and got them in today. They are temporary tattoos with your phone number (cell or whatever you designate) on them so if you get lost in a crowd they can find you by calling the number. I’ve been wanting to get them but haven’t had the chance, until now. With Liam always taking off and Zoe sometimes in Lala Land, I think they will be really useful.

Don’t forget to vote in the poll to your right as to whether we’re having a boy or girl…all in good fun!


Very Interesting…

Josiah, my 14 month old is wearing the same size that my 2 1/2 year old is wearing in shorts. Fortunately, Liam can wear 2T shirts but the 2T/24 mths shorts still fall off of him. So, Josiah and Liam will be sharing 18 mth clothes for a little while. I thought possibly that some of the 18mth clothes might be too big for Josiah, but not so far…chunk-a-monkey!!!
