As we left church so cheerily on Sunday night, Zoe was swinging her bag (because she was mad that she wasn’t getting her way) and Liam was walking behind her. Consequently, Zoe walloped Liam with her bag, smacking him right in the eye. I took him inside to see if she had actually hit the inside of his eye. I noticed a little blood in the tears so I started to go back to get a paper towel and ran smack into our pediatrician, Dr. B. I love Providence and Dr. B! She looked at it but didn’t think it had actually hit the eyeball, just around it. His eye was nice and swollen before I even finished talking to her, so I headed back to get a little ice. I thought I’d share (for the grandparents) a picture of Liam’s first nice black eye.
Update: I wrote this post on Sunday night thinking that his eye would turn black…but it didn’t (hooray). Instead, Josiah decided to take a nose dive (or rather lip dive) down some concrete steps at a Valentine’s day party at a friend’s house. I haven’t got a picture of his fat upper lip, but will get it tomorow and post it…it’s a beauty!!
At breakfast on Friday, Ace began talking to Zoe. Now, mind you, I was in the room and heard the whole conversation.
Seriously, he turns to Zoe.
Ace: Zoe, sometimes at night, when Daddy is not in the room and Josiah’s awake, we whisper to each other.
Zoe: Okay.
Me: That’s fine, Ace. You can play as long as you stay in bed and are quiet.
Ace: Yes ma’am. And Zoe, sometimes at night, when Daddy is not in the room and Josiah’s asleep, I open his eyes and play with his eyeballs.
Me (stifling a laugh): Okay, maybe we shouldn’t do that because that would wake Josiah up or you could hurt him. How ’bout you just whisper to Liam instead?
Josiah’s had a runny nose for almost two weeks now…chronic runny nose and then we noticed on Thursday that he had a lot of ear wax coming out of one of his ears. So, to be on the safe side, and to get rid of the obvious sinus infection, I took him in to the doctor on Friday.
As we waited to be called back the kids entertained themselves with the new video game and the tv. They were quiet and having a generally fun time. There was one other family in there with sick child/ren and that was it. So, when they called Josiah’s name, the sick room cleared out.
The grandmother who was with the mom (because she had like two children and that’s just too much to handle at the doctor’s office…sorry for the digression and sarcasm…but seriously…needing help with two children at the doctor’s office…come one!) had to remark, “Oh my gosh…are they all with you?! Bless your heart. They sure are good.” See, when they called Josiah back I said his name and all four got up and left the room without whining or complaining. They know the routine, we’ve been there so often!
I was nice and just smiled a little smile and shephereded them to the nurse. As we walked out of the room, however, Josiah turned around and blew them a big ol’ kiss!
I don’t have to say anything now…they’ll do it for me! He, he, he!
I was able to convince Dr. B and her staff to allow me to bring three kids in for their well-checks instead of the standard two. Zoe’s was for six years, Liam for three, and Josiah for his 18 month. This all went down on Friday at 8:30 in the morning…oh yeah, I got the kids up and ready by then…no matter they had a nutritious breakfast of pop tarts on the way there.
It went over okay, besides that Ace had to act out because he wasn’t getting any attention. Problem solved when I didn’t allow him to have the “reward” of a lollipop or sticker…and no I didn’t give in to the screams and utter embarrassment he caused in front of the staff or our doctor, who happens to go to church with us.
So here’s their stats:
This’ll probably be the last time I post Zoe’s stats as she’s a girl and probably would get embarrassed at some point that I put her weight online. Oh, a funny was that Dr. B asked Zoe if she knew all her letters and was learning her letter sounds. She just politely said, “yes ma’am.” and nothing more. I nicely slipped in that she was reading on a 3rd grade level and Dr. B was happy with that. I wonder if she thinks I’m exaggerating, but Zoe was leaning over her reading all her paperwork that she was writing on, so maybe not.
Anyway here go the stats now:
wt: 75%; ht: 93%; BMI: 40% So, she’s a little underweight…go figure…look at her percentage on height!
wt: 50% (that’s stayed the same percentage from last year); Ht: 40%; BMI: 60% (not sure how that came out…if you’ve seen Liam in person you would see he’s the skinniest of all our kids and he’s a decent height. I wonder if he fidgeted when she checked his height.)
wt: 74%; ht: 90% (I got some tall kids I guess)–He came out just fine on the ear check. She felt his spech was good. He can say about 20 to 25 words or so…that I can understand. He still won’t drink cow’s milk and barely drink’s soymilk but Dr. B said to make sure and buy the calcium fortified juice for his morning drink (my kids only drink juice and other “flavored” drinks at breakfast and on special occasions).
That’s it. Zoe was such a big help and went with Liam for the weight/height and blood pressure checks as well as his eye checks and when he got to pick out a toy.