Super Wy!

We took supper over to Kevin and Tracy who you may remember from here. I had to bring my camera as I only had a few beautiful pictures of this sweet boy. He has this cute little head crinkle he does and he looks like a little old man…simply adorable.

Ceili Rain’s feet are on the right and big W’s are on the left. Yep, his feet are almost exactly the same size as my five month old. She has these petite little feet and he has these massively big ones!

Can my kids resist holding a baby??? Nah…they loved it.

“Give me the baby!!”

Why are you taking these pictures, woman!?!


Where’s the Beef??

We finally jumped in and did it. We purchased 1/4 share of cow. The best price we could find was a place in South Carolina. The plan was we would travel an hour away and meet them at a market and pick it up there. However, the processor labeled it wrong and as such we had to travel to a farm two hours away to pick up the beef. It just so happens that the farm, Sharon Rose Farm, had “Family Day on the Farm.” So, after rushing to a birthday party and then rushing to leave, we hit the road to travel. We would have made it for more festivities, but we took a wrong turn (if only we had a GPS, huh Grandmere) and got there just a little late. However, the owners of the farm were extremely nice and gave us a tour and gave our hot tired children water. The kids got to run around and, hopefully, learned a little about farming (school day).
The farmer uses these old Farmall tractors and he had two of them out. Liam and Josiah were enthralled. They loved climbing on them. Oh, that’s a prince or a cowboy on Liam’s cheek. I didn’t hear the conversation between him and the artist but it looked like a doozy.

She’s a tiger…look out!!

The funnest thing was meeting the baby chicks. Now, folks, these aren’t laying hens. That’s right! I just held and petted someone’s supper. He was so cute and fluffy though. I love baby chicks. I remember my grandmother hatching and incubating them (mostly laying hens for them) when I was growing up…ahhh, nostalgia. None of the kids would pick them up.

Don’t you just love the way my face “glistens!” It felt like 100 degrees in there as they were “incubating” the chicks.
Freshly weaned baby pigs. Here’s your bacon and sausage.
They also have a milk cow. In South Carolina it is legal to sell raw milk, but you have to be liscensed (and raw milk dairies, so I’ve heard, are much much cleaner than regular dairies…I’m just saying). This is their milking trough/area. Liam thought he’d just have a little seat here.

Uncle B raises free range chickens (for food) and I thought he would get a kick outof seeing all their many cages.
I think Josiah was trying to whisper escape plans…not quite sure.
Someone’s steak, burger, and other assorted meats (Sorry if your vegetarian…I’m not, obviously). Liam asked me why the cow had to die and I borrowed an answer I read from Uncle B and Aunt B, “That it had done what God had created it to do” He was very happy with that.

We were too, as we had some sirloin tip roast kabobs marinated and grilled today! Yum yum.

This is only the bottom half of our 20 cubit foot freezer. It barely took up two shelves! So, see not much room needed for the food.

We purchased the meat from Native Meats. We did not buy a box but emailed them personally about purchasing the 1/4 share cow. We got 70 pounds of meat out of 1/4 share.


The Fam

I love these guys! I am truly blessed with a beautiful fun family.

These were taken while we were visiting family 4th of July weekend. Carey Jenkins was our photographer and she was great working with eleven children and six adults! Here’s just a glimpse from that day. If you live in her area and are looking for a photographer, giver her a call!!

My dad saw this picture and got his breath caught up! Yep, that’s a lot of kids!!

How adorable is he?!?


It’s Snowing!

We made snow last week using Insta-Snow. The kids loved it. It was not my intention for it to cover the kitchen floor, but it happened. I took it away shortly after and put it in the freezer. My intention was for them to use it to make snowmen, however, they took it out side with some friends and made snowballs and had a snowball fight. Oh well.
But before all that, the boys decided to throw it on each others heads.


How to Cut a Toddler’s Hair

Blurry pictures included…but see if you can focus on his face.

I’ve cut the boys’ hair since Ace was born and I realized how much cheaper it would be for me to do it. I’ve gradually cut their hair shorter and shorter. This summer I pretty much buzzed it. It’s cool, easy to do and they love for the “tickle monster” to get them. This was Josiah’s second time with the clippers. He loved it! Really! After Ace got his hair cut he was trying to jump in the seat and get his done. When I turned on the clippers he just giggled and curled up.

Hence the reason I’m holding his head down!

He’s not upset, he’s just in the motion to pointing to his hair.

The day after he got it cut, he woke up and started rubbing his head.


Soccer Camp for Ace

Ace enjoyed soccer camp last week…much more than his sister (it was too much running). He got the hang of the techniques they taught and seemed to really enjoy himself. I like these two hour camps for five days. The kids get to try out different things and it gives us a good view of whether or not it is their “bent.” While Ace enjoyed the camp, he told me he didn’t really want to play it this year.

After spending 30 minutes clutching me on Monday, he warmed up to the coaches and also made friends. A little too friendly for me…this little girl followed him around and kept trying to hold his hand…but he just took in stride, one of the benefits of having a sister I guess.

Friday, the other kids got to enjoy it too!

Zoe playing heads/hands (whatever she called out they had to do the opposite).

What Ceili Rain enjoyed most out of the whole week…sleep when she could get it.


Cloth Times Two!

Since I still have two babies in diapers, I thought I’d get them together for a little photo session. One pink, one blue…too cute if you ask me!

And they love each other too! Josiah was thrilled to have some one on one cuddle time with little sis! She tolerates him pretty well.

To read a little more about cloth diapering you can look at my post here. Still a big big fan of BumGenius!


I’m Chikn Enuff for Free Food!

So, we participated in National Cow Appreciation Day last Friday and dressed up for free food…all of us except for the one who has no teeth to eat chicken and always gets her meals free.

I wish I had gotten a better picture, but they were hungry, it was crazy, and when we started dressing them they just wanted more and more stuff. I really thought we’d have a couple of kids who didn’t want to dress up. I was wrong. They all wanted spots and signs and ears. Liam wanted cow fee, so I made a couple for his hands. I dressed in all black with white spots (don’t think that I’m not too scared to make a fool of myself for free food). Mark had on a white shirt with black spots and put them on his jeans as well. Josiah was the only protester, but Mark managed to get a spot on his back. We spent $4 to get a milkshake…that was it folks!

What’s really funny is Mark and I made a deal that we wouldn’t go out to eat this month, unless it was free. Ta da!


Splash Time

Our local library has a playground behind it. They’ve recently added a splash/sprinkler area and another playground for larger kids and swings. I love where we live! Anyway, the kids were able to go for the first time last week to the splash area with some friends…

So much fun, you can lose your pants!

Josiah wouldn’t get in. He loves the sprinkler area at our pool but this was new and not something he was up for. He spent the whole time walking around getting muddy and very hot.
