It Just Keeps Getting Interesting

Tuesday, I took Ceili Rain in for an ear re-check and to basically have the doctor tell us she had an ear infection.

Yesterday:  We picked Josiah up from Sunday school only to realize about all the way through worship that he was running a fever.  Let it be known that a family of seven can not leave a service without leaving with flair!  Although no children caused a scene imagine seven people getting up (well six, since Ceili Rain can’t walk) and trying to sneak out right before the pastor’s invitation.

Anyway, after some discussion with Mark, we decided I would take him to the after hours clinic.  Two hours later, I left with what I needed since he had an ear infection in his right ear and came home to eat lunch, er, I mean, supper, um, a very late snack.  Oh, and nurse Ceili Rain (who is feeling much better).

Next, Zoe’s been complaining about her stomach the past two days.  Typical for her to complain one day, especially if she is not eating her fruits and veggies like she should.  Anyway, two days in a row is odd.  Usually, she can go to the bathroom and be fine.  So, while I sat in the living room trying to eat quickly and trying to figure out if Zoe can go to Awana, she turned her head on the loveseat and threw up…then looked at it and started to run…then threw up…then stopped and threw up…then ran to the bathroom after we started trying to tell her to go in there and threw up on the toilet seat.  All the while, between “episodes,” exclaiming, “I’m so sorry.  I’m so so sorry.”  To which we had to explain it wasn’t a problem…not to worry…and that she was definitely not going to Awana.  She said her tummy didn’t hurt when she “released” her stomach contents, but I’m just hoping that was the reasoning behind the stomach pain.  We shall see.

Three down…two to go…NEXT!


A Full Foliage of Fall Festivalllnnneesss

Trying to figure out if that title makes sense…hmmm.

Anyway, our church hosted a fall festival this past weekend and we survived delighted taking all of our children to it.

First, we caged them.

Then, we spun them around until they got sick (not really…no one got sick that we know of…our kids have excellent inner ear abilities, including that you can spin Zoe around a ton and she comes off walking straight as an arrow…probably because I spun her one too many times in the office chair when she was a toddler).

Thirdly, we stuffed them full of cotton candy…
…as big as their heads.

Josiah decided to save some for later! And this picture and the videos below made it all worth it.

Look at the Lights! from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.Next up, more spinning!

Attacking siblings from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.And then set them to attack each other.
After that, they crashed, hard, in their beds dreaming of all the candy they had in their sacks!


Pumpkin Patch

For your viewing pleasure…our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch…in pictures (with a little narration from moi).

This was pretty much his demeanor the whole trip. Lovely huh?! The boys’ behind us were part of a group who’s moms pretty much let us parent them. One little boy tried to throw a very large rock at some of the children before I told him (several times) to put it down.

Craft time! Lots of glue and small wiggly eyes. The kids enjoyed it and I had plenty of “glue skin” to play with the rest of the trip.

See? Happy Josiah.

Hay ride time!
Almost a smile!

This sweet little one has two older siblings who were with us. She thought the straw was awesome! Later she somehow managed a Cheese Nip down her onesie (saving it for later).
Most of the gang. Notice Josiah is absent.

He finally perked up when he found a granddaddy long legs (spider).
He is our boys’ boy.

And now we have our pumpkins that were not really picked from a patch…more like they bought pumpkins and threw them in this little area…the children, none the wiser and still enjoyed picking out a pumpkin.

Zoe’s BFF, Laura, came along even though her little brother was sick…they piggy backed in my van…cuz’ it’s a cool ride.

Ace’s BFF, Jack, who is Laura’s brother. He had a good time!

Liam enjoyed picking up the pumpkins, getting me to take a picture and the subsequently throwing them down.
Finally! A smile! Josiah was smiling because he was picking up the pumpkins and throwing them down (wonder where he saw that??).
Ta Da! Josiah loves getting pictures taken. We survived and had a great time! Thanks Kristina for letting me borrow your two!


How to Potty Train a Boy

Okay, so this isn’t really on how to potty train a kid. I will say, though, that each child is different and so is each family. So, potty training is different for everyone. We typically start each child off the same way (at least after Zoe) in putting them in undies at 2 and then setting a timer, taking them every 10 to 15 minutes, giving them juice, and giving them a treat when they go. After that, I gradually move into where “I’m” the one potty trained and take them at certain times during the day until they get the hang of it. As I mentioned here, I didn’t have to do that gradual thing with Josiah. He (along with lots of cheers and praises and examples from his brothers) did it himself. So, what is life like with a twenty seven month old potty trained little boy? I give you Josiah, the undie boy!

I told him to put them on and then watched as he stuck them on his head and said, “Ho, ho, ho.” Then, when I pulled out the camera he said, “Take picta of me mama.”

As for potty training books, I would recommend Potty Training in One Day along with any potty videos or kids’ books. I was going to post a link to this book but I’m not sure which one it is. I borrowed it from a friend when Liam started training. And, honestly, I didn’t follow it to a ‘t’ but I did use some of the activities with Josiah and with Liam. Liam was fully potty trained at 2 1/2 (as was Zoe and Ace) A children’s potty book was passed down to us from somewhere and that was staple while Josiah sat on the potty. That book, The Little Engine that Could, and two animal books got us through many trips to the potty.


Yeah, I Make This Look Easy

I do declare that I now have four day-time potty trained children! Wooohoooooooo!

Two weeks ago, I decided to put Josiah in undies when we were home. I knew it was going to be a little work because we go to the gym twice a week and are out and about with other activities but we just had to bite the bullet and do what we could with what we got.

So, a week ago from Tuesday, I stuck Josiah in undies and set the timer for 15 minutes. If he went, he got jelly beans and I set the timer again. If he didn’t go, I gave him one bean and set the timer for 10 minutes. Wednesday we had gym and church so no undies. By Thursday, I had him in undies, didn’t set the timer, and he started telling me he had to go some and I was also taking him a lot. Friday was crazy, so I didn’t fool with undies until that evening after naptime. Still was telling us when he had to go and still taking him some. By Saturday, he was doing really well. Sunday was church so it was back in pull-ups.

And on Monday, he pooped, peed and did all the other things you want your kid to do in the potty so you don’t have to clean up their rears a ton every day! Monday was my official declaration of potty trained…especially when he said he had to go 100 billion times (“go pa pa” is his telling of choice) and only had two accidents.

Today, Thursday, he’s made it through two undies tests…church and gym and stayed dry through both. He has had two accidents today though because he’s in the concentrated play stage…but he has gone a lot. He realized what he was doing, stopped himself and finished in the potty. He’s also decided that he wants to stand up to go. Which is fine but given my incident with Liam earlier this year, I’m anxious to see what the outcome (no pun intended) will be when he does have to do #2 (I’m praying he’ll sit for that one).


Sew Lovely (or how we like to torture our kids)

My friend and I, on our excursion without kids and Mark’s lovely introduction to what it would be like with nine children six and under, found this adorable fabric and grabbed it up to be cheesy and make A-line dresses (not paid to link to them or give free stuff…just a disclaimer) for our girls who are roughly four months (the older ones) and four days apart (the younger ones). The babies were thrilled with this idea and chose to let us know by their cries of sheer anger happiness.

Okay, so they weren’t completely angry with us!
Yep, their best friends!

I used the different animals on the pattern in the girls’ shirts, cut them out, stuck some double sided fusible webbing on them and slapped them on some $3 long sleeve shirts for the boys! They turned out might cute and took about 2 minutes (but if anyone asks, it took forever and I gladly labored over it).
This here is James…he’s into a little bit of everything and is equally adorable…especially since what hair he has sticks straight up on his adorably drooly head.

And what photo shoot is not complete without Ceili Rain and Megan…

Screaming! In case you are wondering, I made Ceili Rain’s shoes too…they look a little better than last time…at least they keep her feet warm!


I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Obviously, I was not shoveling it in as fast as big brothers wanted. After taking something into the kitchen (which is a couple of steps away) I hear, “fee, CeiRai Mama.” And turn around and see this…
So then everyone else wanted to get on the act but only one other little person wanted their picture taken…
Is that a look of sheer terror on her face???


Bamapalooza Wrap Up

And now we’re ending our Gatlinburg vacation with group pictures (wipe those tears away, I’ve got some cute pictures of the kids coming up).

Yep, this is par for a family picture. Someone making silly faces. Check. Ceili Rain screaming because she’s hungry and tired. Check. Josiah with his finger up his nose. Check.

This is all but one of the kids. Zoe is holding A and Ace gets the screaming Ceili Rain…although she kind of looks like she’s smiling. One of the kids, R, decided he didn’t want to get a group picture. It didn’t help that we were all getting ready to leave the kids with the BDs as well. Here, we also have Josiah finishing off what was in his nose in his mouth (ewww, gross).
When we all went out to eat, we attacked found an older couple sitting at the gazebo to get our picture. I must say, if you are ever in Pigeon Forge you must eat at The Pottery House at Old Mill Square. Wonderfully beautiful atmosphere! The food was excellent. My only qualms was that it was raining and we couldn’t eat outside by all the pretty waterfalls!
Group picture! Ten couples and nine children six and under!! What a good time!


Putt Puttin’

On Wednesday of our vacation, all the ladies (including the baby ladies and BDs) headed out to shopping. The boys’ headed out to play putt putt. It was raining but Gatlinburg took care of that with indoor mini-golf. Mark said everyone had fun. Since I wasn’t there, I’ll let the pictures (mostly) speak for themselves.

J with his daddy R.

M with R and E.
Uncle E discussing his scorecard with his mummy (I crack myself up!).

No trip is complete without finding something to climb on!
