Tuesday, I took Ceili Rain in for an ear re-check and to basically have the doctor tell us she had an ear infection.
Yesterday: We picked Josiah up from Sunday school only to realize about all the way through worship that he was running a fever. Let it be known that a family of seven can not leave a service without leaving with flair! Although no children caused a scene imagine seven people getting up (well six, since Ceili Rain can’t walk) and trying to sneak out right before the pastor’s invitation.
Anyway, after some discussion with Mark, we decided I would take him to the after hours clinic. Two hours later, I left with what I needed since he had an ear infection in his right ear and came home to eat lunch, er, I mean, supper, um, a very late snack. Oh, and nurse Ceili Rain (who is feeling much better).
Next, Zoe’s been complaining about her stomach the past two days. Typical for her to complain one day, especially if she is not eating her fruits and veggies like she should. Anyway, two days in a row is odd. Usually, she can go to the bathroom and be fine. So, while I sat in the living room trying to eat quickly and trying to figure out if Zoe can go to Awana, she turned her head on the loveseat and threw up…then looked at it and started to run…then threw up…then stopped and threw up…then ran to the bathroom after we started trying to tell her to go in there and threw up on the toilet seat. All the while, between “episodes,” exclaiming, “I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” To which we had to explain it wasn’t a problem…not to worry…and that she was definitely not going to Awana. She said her tummy didn’t hurt when she “released” her stomach contents, but I’m just hoping that was the reasoning behind the stomach pain. We shall see.
Three down…two to go…NEXT!