Let the Wedding March Begin

So, what would make me load up my family and trudge a ton of miles and two days to Houston, Texas.  This person right here would.  This (the bride) was my best friend in high school.  We shared many late night talks ranging from my love for Mark to political issues and even theological ones.  Even though she abandoned me to go to U of A (that would Roll Tide Country), we still managed a couple of good late night talks…which included my mom waiting up until the wee hours of the morning for me to get home.  Of course, as she trudged through medical school our visits were less frequent and even more so as I abandoned our home state after Mark and I got married. 

I have been praying for God to bring her husband for a while now.  She loves children and wanted so much to be a wife and mom.  I was so excited when she told me about who she was dating.  And then brought to tears as she shared the first time he said he loved her was when he asked her to marry him.

And so, on Saturday, we were able to watch them make a covenant with God and each other to stay together forever as husband and wife.  It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony.  And then we celebrated at the reception…

Zoe was pretty impressed with M’s dress.
Who’s that handsome man with the beautiful baby??
Let them eat cake!
Zoe was equally impressed with the flower girls dress and had to look at it really closely.  It really resembles the dress she wore in the wedding she was in.  
The boys enjoyed getting some tackling loving from a sweet little girl.  No, this is not Ceili Rain but she loved Liam and Josiah and was not shy to show it.
Aren’t they adorable.
Bubble Time


Park It

 On Friday, we went to the Health Museum.  That was a bust.  In between, the indoctrination/brainwashing on evolution (yes, we’re creationist) as a fact, we then tortured Zoe by making her walk through the human body.  Well, not the real human body.  It was a neat part of the museum that had different rooms for each system.  Very cool, actually. Zoe didn’t think so, and showed us that by screaming at the top of her lungs as we drug her (yes, kicking and screaming no less) through each room.  I’m no psychic, but I just don’t see medical doctor or nurse in her near future.  She finally lightened up when we got to the brain and saw some optical illusions.  But then lost it when Mark and I guessed how old we were going to be when we’d die…and also did a photograph age progression (me at 60, not very pretty).  We had to miss the 4D movie (much to Zoe’s relief) about the human body because of school groups and the museum’s lack of planning.  No big deal (as I said, Zoe was relieved), and Zoe and I headed to a bridal luncheon which was yum yum.  While we were chatting with people we had never met (a big part of our trip as this was to celebrate a friend from high school from fourteen years ago), she mentioned what a great park there was right near the Health Museum.  She casually mentioned they even had a train there.  My ears perked up.  A train, Josiah is our choo-choo man.  I think, if he could communicate clearly, he would request a life size train for the back yard.  So, having totally messed up Friday (oh, Mark had a migraine which put him out the rest of the day too…but that wasn’t a mess up…the museum was), we decided to try out the park on Saturday before the afternoon wedding.
 We got there at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday.  I’m saying this to show how great it all worked out.  The train “depot” was not open yet, so we walked a few feet away to look at the fountain and see what was going on. A kind couple shared their bread with the kids, and they were able to “feed the birds, feed the birds.”  But they didn’t have to pay a tuppence (ten points if you can name that movie).  Don’t they look cool in this picture.  My request was for them to turn, face the fountain, and then twist around to look at me.  See how well that went over??
Tons of pigeons, ravens (we think), swallowtail (we think) and other birds we didn’t know.  They would fly up in front of us, circle, and land again near us to eat whatever we had.  Pretty neat.  And nobody got pooped on, which I’m pretty sure is a record.
Zoe and Liam doing a bird dance trying to get the birds to fly off.
Liam continuing his bird dance.
Finally, about fifteen till, we headed back to get the tickets.  There were already a few people in line, so we were grateful to get there.  Tickets in hand we loaded up and Josiah pouted a little.  I quickly surmised that he was bummed he couldn’t actually drive the train.  He was pretty content to watch the engine when he could see it ’round the bend.
Did I mention that we had a lovely, amazing and wonderful helper with us?  Grandmere graciously agreed to travel eleven hours (plus) with us.  Having the extra set of eyes and hands made it much more relaxing.
My sweet girl rode with me.
The kids loved the train ride (and that’s putting it mildly).  They especially loved waving at everyone.
We enjoyed the scenery.  Truly beautiful.  Right in the middle of a large city too.
I think Mark took this picture because it looks like the building blends in with the sky.  The picture doesn’t do it justice but when you’re there the tint on the windows helps it to be camoflaged.
Our two train engineers had to check out the engine after the ride.  They were mighty impressed too.


Hi ho, Hi ho, It’s Off to Space We Go

Having survived the ride to Houston on Wednesday night, we began our day on Thursday with sight seeing.  But first, what trip to another city is not complete without a trip to Wal-Mart.  In which I had to drive on a freeway that had like 14 lanes on it (okay 7 on one side)!  Not my cup of tea, but we all survived.

And where did we go??? Why Johnson Space Center of course!  It was a great place and really interesting.  I’m not kidding it really was interesting.  My favorite part was going on the tour of the actual space center and seeing the actual mission control that was used up until 1996.  Very cool!

 Josiah was staring off into space during the tram ride.  He was exhausted!
My little space cadets:
Mark took a lot of pictures of the space center (I mean A LOT) which I chose not to include so as not to bore you (plus, I’m not 100% what all the pictures are of).


Traveling with a Bunch of Kids

So, I gave the stats for our trip to Houston.  I still can’t believe we drove that many miles with five kids.  Fortunately, we had some great help as Grandmere traveled with us.  And here, now begins the barrage of photos from our trip.  We traveled to Houston to celebrate the wedding of my best friend from high school.  I was ecstatic that she was getting married and on my birthday no less..this trip was a bit of a birthday gift to me that I was able to enjoy with the whole family.

After leaving Aunt & Uncle B’s place we started towards Houston.  We stopped about every two hours to walk around and potty (and get wiggles out).  As we were traveling towards Baton Rouge, I was at the wheel and looked over and saw a park.  We were approaching the two hour mark so we decided to pull over and get a break.  It was a beautiful park with lots of pretty birds…

These may look harmless but when we got out of the car, they started to come towards us…and when we walked away they walked faster towards us.  Mark quacked them away…my hero.

Watching the birds! Yes, Josiah has no shoes.  At some point we lost one of his shoes and had to make a quick (cheap) purchase in Houston.
Watching the birds some more.
Getting some sibling love
Houston or Bust!  Liam thought he’d try and walk there.  Through the water.  In his new tennis shoes.  Poor kid got them soaking wet!


Off We Go

We started off our trip to Houston by hitting the end of the hurricane/tropical storm Ida.  Our original plan was to go to Mobile, Al on Tuesday, however, the storm was pretty strong so we headed up north to Uncle & Aunt B’s house.  It served a great purpose in that we were able to visit with family and have a free place to crash.  My kids, needless to say, were ecstatic to see their cousins.

I put Ceili Rain in the “Freedom Center (a built in play pen…one of the boys had destroyed other playpens so Uncle B built this)” with her twin one year old cousins.  N and TJ were fascinated by her!  They even tried to pick her up by the head.   She wasn’t quite sure what to think about them.

These two little monkeys were peas in a pod!  H has calmed down some…but he still reminds me so much of Liam!
Josiah got some good reading time with Uncle B.
H and Liam are only eight months apart so when I see them playing together, it’s just too sweet not to get a picture.


On the Road

garmin nuvi 200 Pictures, Images and Photos

With a little help from a friend we like to call the GPS.  Yep, we broke down and bought one a couple of months ago when we hit the road to Gatlinburg.  We realize how much traveling we’d be doing over the next year and thought this would be essential.

We did not account for, however, our dearest Josiah serving as accountability partner to our GPS.

GPS:  In point 3 miles turn right.   (wait, wait) Turn right.
Josiah:  Turn right dada, turn right.

With the aid of the GPS and a little help from Josiah (who has no clue which way is right and still request Mark go when the light is red…”Go dada, ‘urry.”), we should arrive at our destination.

Pray for us.



We were able to travel to visit Ge & Granddaddy this weekend and guess what we forgot???  Our camera!  This weekend marked a month of travels so I am not surprised that I completely forgot to bring it.  But a little disappointed too as we celebrated my birthday with the family!

So here’s a run down of the weekend:
Friday night:  Football game.  Yes, my dad is retired but this was the last game of the regular season at the school where my parents work (and where dad coached).  It was great to see some of the game.  However, it was equally nice to be able to leave the game at half time, not feel guilty, and tuck our tired ones into bed.

Saturday morning:  Market Day where Ge & Granddaddy set up a booth and sale wooden pens.  They are absolutely beautiful too.

Saturday afternoon:  late lunch with all the family to celebrate my birthday.  My choice:  wings…yummm.  I get my goodies amazing gifts lavished on me by my dear parents and sister.

Saturday evening:  auction.  Ge & Granddaddy are hooked on the auction.  We enjoyed visiting a little with them.  Didn’t purchase anything though.

Sunday morning:  a little visit and then home for church in the pm.

And so, our journey ended and now the kids are blissfully sleeping (at 6:30 in the morning) as I type this.  This week may be a little sporadic in the typing area as we will, once again, be traveling.

Oh, and did I mention that Ceili Rain is sick??  She went to the doctor on Wednesday for a recheck on her ears and Thursday evening started running a fever (which I don’t think she picked up from the doc’s office…she was in the nursery at church and the gym on Wednesday too).  I’ll be taking her to the doctor today as I think it might be her ears again.  Anyone know where I can get a good otoscope??


Happy Reformation Day

So, this year, instead of celebrating Halloween, we chose to have a Reformation Day party.  The kids would rather hand out candy than walk around to strangers’ houses and we were able to keep whines for candy at minimum.  And so, now explains why the kids (except Ceili Rain) were dressed in Medieval/Rennaissance garb.  We ate supper with friends and the kids played and played.  Oh yeah, they got candy too.
Zoe’s friend, Laura, with her doll.  Kind of freaky no??

James rockin’ the pumpkin!
The Great Pumpkin and the Cat in the Hat!  Gotta love parents who grew up in the 70s and 80s.
Attack of the Great Pumpkin
Super Wy!  Isn’t he adorable.
Super Wy giving a little Super Explosion!
Start the sugaring up process now.
A game of “Grab the Indulgences”  (or grab for the candy).
Josiah didn’t want to give up the indulgences…by grace alone little buddy, by grace alone.
“Nailing” the Theses to the Door
Super Wy’s daddy getting in on some Theses to get some candy.
One more free for all for the “Indulgences.”
Kristina included some more pictures (like I didn’t share enough) on her post here!
We had a great time.  I think this may be a new tradition for our family.



Let me just say there is no way to not post all of these adorable pictures, so bear with me.

Less talk…more pictures!

First up, the traditional first Halloween…let’s give it up for The Cat in the Hat!
The Littlest Prince
The Next to Littlest Prince
Not looking so princely here.

Our Not So Much Little Prince

I just have to say he’s pretty handsome.

And our fair maiden of the land…

All together (this was the best we could do)

Our little stairsteps!
Now for some words!  Big huge gigantic thank you goes out to Grandmere who sewed her fingers to the bone helping make these costumes.  Equal props go to Papa for entertaining everyone while we worked on said costumes.  Grandmere did almost all of Zoe’s dress.  I only hemmed and sewed sleeves in and the trim.  I did all the boys’ shirts and then went to Goodwill and found black pants (you can’t tell but Ace and Josiah are wearing tuxedo pants!).  And Ceili Rain’s costume, of course, was Josiah‘s two years ago.
And Zoe’s hairdo was inspired by Girly Do’s by Jenn.


Happy Birthday Fire Station!

Let me just say now that this new blogger post thing rocks!

Anyway, before everyone decided to get extremely sick, we were able to venture out last Saturday to celebrate our Fire Department’s 50th Anniversary.  They had a big birthday party complete with hot dogs, chips, and cake.  They also had a ton of fun and educational things to do.

This is Pluggie.  It’s an RC fire hydrant.  It squirts water and is supposed to “talk” via the operator…but the talking part wasn’t working.  However, the water worked and the kids enjoyed getting hit!

They also enjoyed running from Pluggie.  I think the fireman who was operating it had more fun than the kids.  He kept hiding from them.

Zoe enjoyed this, but I think the boys enjoyed it more.  They got to squirt a real fire hose and knock over a cone and tennis ball.  The fireman didn’t turn it on full power (obviously) but the kids only cared about holding a fire hose and using it.  We allowed them to do it, the first time, in age order, so Liam being third, grabbed the hose and turned it on before the fireman knew what was happening.  It was really funny!

We really appreciate our fire department and all the hard work they do.  We truly look up to and respect them as they sacrifice their time and lives to protect and serve us in our community!
