What We’ve Been Up To: School Version

So we’re in the ends of God’s Design for Animals.  The kids are thoroughly enjoying it.  We’ve made lots of models including these:

In case you can’t tell, it’s marshmallow arachnids!  We also enjoyed a little marshmallow snack too.  Who says Science is boring??

Spider & Scorpion
Josiah made his all by his self…it must have fallen in the nuclear waste!


Snow Videos

You’ve seen the pictures…and because I can’t bore you enough…here’s the videos!  Now, don’t freak and “x” me out.  There’s only three. I decided to not include the video where Mark decided to belch in the middle of my snow fight with Ace and Liam (you’ll miss Liam getting mad that I pelted him with snow and then wanting to throw snow at me).  Nor did I include the video where I was ranting about crazy drivers trying to drive fast (in our residential area) through the snow and slush when they are in the South.

Without further ado…what we look like in action when it snows!

Fowin’ Snow from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

Here’s my conversation with Josiah if you can’t understand him on the video.

“Siah, whatcha doin?”
“Frowin’ Snow”  scoops up a big ol’ handful and gets pelted by Liam and then Ace.  “At Acccce!”

Zoe and Ace were practicing their business skills selling snow novelties!

Future Business Leaders from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

This video is funny on at least two different levels.  First, Ceili Rain is so cute and when you say, “Yea!”  She’ll clap.  Mark got her to do it for the camera and was holding the camera and her at the same time.  Secondly, when Mark and I watched it last night, we realized how funny we sound when we talk “baby talk”  to her.  Mark is quite funny demonstrating this!  “Ahhh goo goo gaa gaa.”

Baby Talk and Clapping from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.


Let it Snow!

Because this is the first snow my children have ever seen.

Because this is the first time we’ve had snow like this since we moved here (with the exception of like 1 to 2 inches when we first moved to this area…nine years ago).

I’m about to unload a lot of pictures!  Get ready to see some snow folks.  This is Zoe when it just started coming down around 2 p.m.

Mid afternoon in our backyard…the snow in our area never stopped until late that evening.
Josiah stood at the window watching it fall and stated, “Whoa.  Dat’s a lot!”
Around six o’clock at night!  The kids could not wait and frankly, we just knew it would melt before they could play in it the following day.  And yes, we made Ceili Rain get out in it too!  All through supper she was staring at the window trying to figure out why everything was changing colors(at least that’s what she said in babytalk).
The boys just had to snowball fight…they actually didn’t make snowballs but just scooped it up and threw it!
The best I could do with the camera in the dark.  It was hard to get it to flash at the right focus…the snowflakes were falling pretty hard.
Yeah, I was cold, had a cold, and very wet!
The first snowman.  As stated earlier, the boys didn’t want to make a snowman…they just wanted to throw snow…so the snowman was made by Mark and Zoe.
We measured it at about 8 that night.  Almost at 4 inches.
Sunny’s first big snow too!  She wasn’t quite sure what to think.  Notice the see saw??
Insert Cei Rai cute picture break here…
She loved watching her brothers and sister in the snow.
The next morning it was still there!  All SIX inches of it!
It was beautiful too!

Of course, the kids had to get back out in it….

And the boys had to throw more snow.

And, after talking to Papa via Skype and seeing his Shriner’s snowman, had to try and build one bigger than his!

And we had to sit our little Snow Bunny* in the snow…

“Who you lookin’ at???”
Ceili Rain got to visit Zoe’s mini snowman that she made, “All by herself.”

*Yes, “Snow Bunny” has socks on her hands.  Being that we live in the South we don’t need to find mittens, thick coats, and thick snow clothes for our children.  This snowfall was the most our area has seen in over thirty years!  So, socks it was!  She didn’t seem to mind too much especially when the camera was pointed at her.


Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program…

Now that we are all “back to normal” (whatever normal is).  I’ll share pictures from Liam’s birthday party.  We went low key, as I’ve stated earlier, because our plans changed so quickly.  We asked him who he wanted over for his party and he chose Kristina and her family.  So them, with Super Wy and mom, we had ourselves a party.  Pirate themed, of course.  Zoe and I lucked out the morning of  the party and found some cute plates and napkins that were not the Pirates of the Carribean type pirates and picked up plates and napkins.  Legos helped serve as our “decoration” for the cake.  He loved it!
Mark’s our resident cake letter writer.
Okay, so he enjoyed sampling the icing too.

So did Josiah.
After cake, ice cream (which was Mayfield and I happened upon for like $2 at Kroger…I love deals like that), we loaded everyone up and headed to our resident Putt-Putt Center which is all of two minutes from our house.  Have I ever mentioned how much I enjoy being in the city?  I don’t take our short car rides for granted people…and Liam with brother, dad, Jack (okay he didn’t make it all the way in), Laura, and their dad played Laser Tag.  Zoe was going in but changed her mind halfway through.  So, Tracy took her place (that’s Super Wy’s mom).

All suited up.  Not sure how he hefted that big thing around but he made it through.

Ace was pretty pumped as well.

Laura (in the background) all suited up!

This is what I got to do while Kristina changed a dirty diaper from Jumpin’ James!  They almost look like triplets, except Super Wy is supposed to be smaller since he’s only five months old!

Miss Meg Meg just chillin’

I caught Super Wy at the end of a smile.  He’s still adorable.


Sickly Days

It seems that illnesses in kids are just popping up all over the place.  I have two high school classmates who have children in the hospital due to illnesses…fevers, croup, unnamed…lots of yuck and praying for them.

Two of our own are down and out with illnesses as well.

Josiah has had a cold for a little over a week, and two nights ago he woke up at 1:30 with a barking cough.  If you’ve had a child with croup you know what I’m talking about.  I called Dr. B in the morning and asked the nurse if I should bring him in since he was not feverish and did not have stridor (a sucking/gasping noise that children make when they are trying to breath in air…related to the croup).  She still wanted to see him. 

She walked into the exam room and saw Ceili Rain’s still yucky nose (after being on an antibiotic for a little over three days) and said she would check her again.  She got a brief history on what’s been going on with her since she didn’t have her chart and then checked her ears and her chest.  I knew it was rattling when she continued to listen to her for a long time.  Not only rattling but wheezing as well.  She put Ceili Rain on albuterol and said that she most likely had RSV.  Now, don’t freak out.  RSV is a dangerous cold virus in young infants and children with other illnesses.  Ceili Rain is pretty healthy (ear infections aside) and was happy and bouncing.  Dr. B obviously didn’t feel she was wheezing enough to need a nebulizer (which gets the medicine to the kid more quickly than the liquid…I believe)…so we’re in the clear.  We just have to give her the meds every 8 hours…which means we have to wake her up. She’s such a good sleeper that I don’t think it’ll phase her much…we shall see.  I had told Mark when her temp went up on Saturday that I thought it might be RSV, but wasn’t sure.  Dr. B had put her on an antibiotic when I called on, Monday, to let them know she was still running a fever and it got over 101 (I had already talked to Dr. B on Sunday about our requirements for me to bug her again).

Josiah sounded clear, but she went ahead and put him on an antibiotic and told us to call if he got more croupy.  He sounds like he’s been smoking for 20 years!  His voice is all raspy and hoarse.  He’s not acting like he feels 100% either.

I’m very shocked that we have five children and this is the first time any of ours has had RSV.  We are truly blessed to have healthy babies and kids!


Christmas with Ge & Granddaddy

The Sunday after Christmas, Ge and Granddaddy came up for the afternoon.  Of course, more gifts and Ge and Granddaddy to play with was pretty exciting for the kids.
Liam trying to wait patiently to open gifts.
Zoe was excited to have a digital clock for her room…and one that changes colors no less.  Every time I go in to the girls’ room her clock is a different color.
Ace got more “boy” books.  Which is good, he’s finally gotten up enough courage to attempt to read a chapter book.  He picked Robin Hood.  So far, I think he’s enjoying it.  We just need to get him a book light so he can read at night.
I just had to post this, because of Granddaddy’s face.  I think it’s inherited…sticking out your tongue while trying to work on something….the kids and I all do it too.
This is one of those squishy toys.  Ace has named it “Meme” and is his sidekick in battle.
Ceili Rain wanted to play with the wrapping paper more than the presents! 


Celebrating Christmas with Papa & Grandmere

The kids were super pumped that Grandmere and Papa made a Christmas day appearance…not just the gifts but seeing the grandparents pretty much rocks for them!

Mark and I are thrilled that Ceili Rain is now going to someone else besides us.  She is enjoying visiting with her Papa & Grandmere more and more.

It stopped raining Christmas afternoon and Liam got to test out his new wheels…with a look of concentration.

Josiah got chaffeur service from Papa.

Zoe got a lot of one on one with Daddy as she learns to ride her big bike!

And Ceili Rain snuck in some snuggle time with Papa…before declaring herself ready to be back in Mama’s arms.

Getting ready to open gifts…closing eyes was a prereq…this year.
A big cool gift this year was a new video camera.  It’s like the Flip cameras in that it’s small and hd.  I LOVE it!  It’s small, easy to carry around, and holds a bunch of video thanks to the larger memory card Mark got me.  Oh, and it’s for both of us…not just me (so they say 🙂
Ceili Rain had to test out her new crinkly dolly toy.

Josiah got a book with a train in it. Surprised??  Nah!

Liam getting excited over his turn to open presents.

Ace checking out his new book.

Papa & Grandmere with their calendar.
