Mud Puddle Surprise

One of the library books Ace chose the last library trip included a book called The Three Nasty Gnarlies.  On the back, Ace found a recipe for a dessert.  He asked that we make it while our friends were here.  I obliged even though it looked completely gross.  It was in fact called Grubby’s Mud Puddle Surprise.  The kids loved it.  It’s chocolate, peanut butter and cookies.  What’s not to love!?!

Here it is almost completely eaten.
This is how Josiah felt it should be eaten.
He found the “surprise”…a gummy worm.
Gross huh?!  But oh, so fun!!!


Surprise Visits

While waiting on Bryant, my best friend planned to come visit.  We were thrilled and prayed and prayed Bryant would come while she was here.  Alas, God said no to those plans.  But, while they were here, we had a wonderful visit.  My kids didn’t know they were driving nine hours just to visit us.  So, it was exciting to see their reaction when they pulled up.  The kids were pretty pumped and even though they hadn’t physically been in contact with each other (only visually…through Skype) they all picked up right where they left off!  Running and screaming and singing, “There are no cats in America” only a few minutes in to the visit.

Our husbands both speak computer…and so…this is what we found the first night we were all visiting.  Mr. John came up a day ahead because he had to work at the local fort this week.

This is what you do with nine kids when it’s bedtime.  Actually this is only six of them.  The crib kids (or ones who need to be contained during the night…except one of them who was still awake), got to sleep in pack n’ plays and various ensembles throughout the visit.  Now, here’s the ages of our kids…7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1.  Yep…just imagine the decibel levels which led to this the following day:

We loaded them up as soon as a jumping place opened and threw them in.

The one year olds were super tired and just wanted to go to sleep but we convinced them to drive for a little while.

  We’ve taught our seven year olds well, I think!  These girls will talk on the phone for over an hour…every day if we would let them.
Kristina tried to line up the kids who were only semi-tired to get a quick picture.  Jack, the six year old was right behind Ace…I promise he was there.
Believe it or not, the next day was even more busy.  Since I was a day past due, we decided to see if we could get Bryant here by tie dying nine shirts and then heading for the pool.  I did not get pictures because we were all pretty busy.  Guess what?!?  Bryant still didn’t come!!!
You can see most of the t-shirts here.  Eight out of nine kids looking close to the camera (even though the humidity wreaked havoc on my camera)…not too bad!
James’s favorite saying, “Bye bye, see you soon.”  He was waving bye to us as they were getting ready to hit the road.  I was so grateful for the distraction and busyness of having someone in the house while we waited on Bryant.  Plus, Kristina was a big help too.  I actually got to sleep in one day till 7 even with Ceili Rain in our room.  The noise level was amazing but so much fun to know they weren’t fighting but enjoying each other. 


Meeting the Newest Character

The kids were so excited to come and meet Bryant.  Normally, we would have them up at the hospital in the morning, they would hang out there all day playing in the waiting room or at the playground (which is a great playground by the way) and then go eat lunch and if I was close (which I’m usually not) they would hang out some more and if I wasn’t (which is the case) they would head for naps and be back up long before I delivered.  But, since Zoe decided to, um “spill the beans” earlier that morning, we decided to have them wait at home and see if she let loose any more stomach contents.  Which she didn’t…which leads us to believe she just ate a little too much or had a little something that didn’t agree with her tummy the previous night.  So, we intended to call them when I got really close.  But close came right before naptime and baby came right near naptime. 

As Mark put it to Zoe, “you guys wouldn’t have even had time to get your shoes on and he was born.”

So, we opted to just have them come up right after naps.  It worked out great because they arrived right as we were getting settled in our post delivery room.

Zoe was very patient about waiting for her turn to hold Bryant.  But she definitely wanted to get her hands on him.  She is really enjoying showing him off when we have visitors at the house too!

Not quite sure about his hair!
Ace is still laying claims to the ultimate baby lover title.  He just loves holding babies!
Liam enjoyed meeting him but had to know how he came out of my tummy…yet again.  This is an ongoing conversation between us.  Now, just how do you tell a 4 year old something that is very personal and that he has the potential to repeat without lying to him.  I think I did it right but he just giggled and laughed when I told him.  So far, he hasn’t repeated it to anyone (keep your fingers crossed people…for the sake of my blushing skin).
It took Josiah a second to realize that Bryant wasn’t still in my tummy.  The next day, he crawled up beside Ace (who had to have first dibs) and kept whispering, “Hewwo Bwyant!”  All the while patting his head.

Ceili Rain decided he was all hers.  We think her main thought was that he was a doll.  Bryant had been very alert and finally settled into a good sleep when we got to our room.  So, he was still and had his eyes closed.  A sure sign to a 16 month old that mommy had been gone all day to get her a baby doll.

She also didn’t want to share him with anyone else and squeezed him tight when we tried to tell her she was all done.  The next day, when he did stir she looked around at us.  I’m surprised she didn’t flip him over to find the batteries.

We make up “labor bags” for the kids to keep them occupied on labor day.  This year, we included card games much to their delight.

Papa had the job of teaching them how to play the games though!


Slidin’ Fun

We love slip n’ slides!  Last year, the kids got a dual slider from Ge & Granddaddy and that was a blast with the cousins and throughout the summer.  However, while playing with some friends, it developed a hole.  Mark’s in the process of patching it but one hot June day (and believe me we’ve had quite a few), we needed to get the kids wet.  A cheap slip n’ slide was purchased and here’s the result…

It’s so much more fun when daddy flings you across the slide!
or using buckets to fill up and throw water on each other.
Ceili Rain has turned into a most loved water tot.  Finally!  She spent the first year pretty scared of getting wet but she loves sprinklers and getting soaked.
Look closely and you’ll see that Ceili Rain also loves sitting in mud! (and I promise that is mud)


Happy Birthday to Josiah, Take Two!

Since my mom’s still in a lot of pain with her leg and she seemed quite worried about trying to get the boys their birthday gifts over the next couple of months, I volunteered to shop for her.  She reluctantly agreed (she loves to buy presents for others and loves even more to see them opened), so off Mark and I went to get Josiah’s gifts from Ge & Granddaddy.
The next day, they were wrapped and he opened them.  This post is for Ge & Granddaddy…(we had already talked about what Josiah would like for his birthday and those items were the ones purchased).
See the super real smile on this kid’s face?!?
Pay no attention to the 9 month pregnant over tired lady in the background…this was pre-shower.  Josiah got some great outdoor play toys.
And a wheelbarrow!  Which he loved!
And the latest Thomas DVD, Hero of the Rails!
Big brothers and sister helped get the toys free to test out.
And later in the morning we found this in the hallway…he had to examine the DVD case.
Thank you, Ge & Granddaddy!  The presents were well received!  I know he’ll give you a great big hug next time he can visit with you.


Happy 3rd Birthday Josiah!

So Josiah turned 3 this week.  He was excited about it…well, no he wasn’t, um, maybe he was.  I don’t know for sure.  He kind of wavered back and forth in his excitement throughout the day.  Anytime any of us said, “Happy Birthday!” he’d frown or grunt or hide his face.  Finally, after a second phone call (that did not include singing, “Happy Birthday”) he relented and smiled while hiding his face.  He insisted all day that we not sing “The Birthday Song” to him and then while at my ultrasound appointment, he starts singing at the top of his lungs, “Happy birfday to you!  Happy birfday to you!” 

Upon his request, we did not invite anyone to his party.  He would have wanted Jack and “Waura” (Laura) there but a nine hour drive to attend a two hour birthday party just didn’t seem feasible right now.  So, since he is only three and it is his birthday, we didn’t push it.  We did, however, party “where a kid can be a kid.”  And, although it was quite noisy, we had a very good time.

This is Josiah’s favorite “game” to play at Chuck E. Cheese’s.  He’ll do it over and over and over until we tell him he has to share it with other kids who are waiting to play.  We even ate right beside it.  Unfortunately, it was out of order.  Have no fear…there was a Barney (yuk) train to ride close by and he spent many a token on that thing (and even shared with Ceili Rain).

Very serious about opening presents…
I found a Thomas laptop at consignment for under $7.  He was intrigued to say the least.
So were his siblings.
Grandmere and Papa came through with a beautiful book that has all the original Thomas stories (and artwork) from the Rev. Awdry.  I was pumped!  Josiah was pretty excited too.  He slept with it and looked at it all morning the next day.
Opening Uncle B and Aunt B and fam’s gift!
We love books!
His cake request was, “A Thomas cake with twacks.  And Purcy (Percy) and James.”  So, I went to ebay and found an edible image with all of his requests.
Unfortunately, the edible image was not super quality or the icing was not wet enough and it did not stick all the way to the icing.  So, when we put the foil on top to transport it, the foil stuck the edible image and James’s head got mushed up.  At least Thomas was still intact.
I know it doesn’t look like it, but he did give him a high five without apprehension!  He was excited about seeing Chuck E.
*The Smile:  Yep, he’s still at that funky smile stage.  I think it’s cute that he looks like a little chipmunk when he fake smiles.  Not that he wasn’t happy in those pictures…just very, very focused.
Happy Birthday to my littlest (so far) man!  We are so thrilled that God gave us Josiah.  He continues to be a joy each and every day.


And a trip to Ge & Granddaddy’s…

We planned and attended a trip at the end of May to Ge & Granddaddy’s house.  This was supposed to be out last big trip out of town…but Ge had other plans for a visit.  During our visit we went to a craft show where Granddaddy sells pens that he makes using a lathe (I call it a ladle because it drives him insane when I do that).
Zoe helped…
Ceili Rain showed off her walking skills.
It was a nice open area so the kids were able to run (and sit) freely with out us worrying if they were in someone’s way or about to be run over by a car.
We also celebrated Granddaddy and Aunt D’s (his sister) retirement.  
Liam enjoyed the cakes…I made it using cake mix because my “from scratch” batch fell to pieces (which I’ve promptly salvaged and shaped into a dinosaur for Ace’s birthday…first time ever making a 3D cake).
He also rocked out with the shades.
Zoe and cousin J made a sheet of paper and walked around having everyone sign it.  It was really sweet.  Zoe took the time to present it to him.  I was excited to see her walking up to complete strangers and asking them to sign it.  She’ll do anything for her grands!
I was excited that we were able to finally give him this book.  It’s full of letters from various football players, coaches, and friends.  We started working on this about three years ago when he announced he was retiring.  And then didn’t.  It’s been an on again off again project…but now it’s done.
These are two coaches dad has coached with the longest.  They aren’t just coaches, they’re very good friends and have been through a lot together.
And they all love to talk…especially Coach H!
Laughing is always necessary!!!
I’ve grown up with these men and women around me and I love seeing their smiling faces.
We also attended another craft show (on Memorial day)…
They had a kids’ area and tow of the kids chose to ride ponies…Josiah…and
Ceili Rain chose to watch.
Zoe and Ace chose to do this wheel thingy where they were strapped in facing each other and the lady spun them around (she could have spun them 360 degrees…but they freaked out).  I wish I could have gotten pictures of their faces…it was hilarious…but our battery died.
And there, soon after, was the Great Van Incident (click here and here if you missed out on that little gem)….nothing like almost losing a wheel to end a fun filled adventurous weekend.



Actually, right now, it does feel quite like we’re roasting as we are hitting a scorching heat wave…and I’m pregnant.  Suddenly, having this baby the sooner the better sounds nice (really and truly though I’m content to wait it out…I’ll sweat off whatever weight I gain I guess!).

However, back in May we did some real roasting.  Whenever we gather at Papa’s house it’s become a tradition to set up a fire and roast marshmallows…no matter how hot or how cold it is outside.  Our trip up in May was no exception.  And here’s our proof that it was enjoyed by all.

Papa whittling sticks to use to roast.
Liam was ready (so sorry but all of these side shots are not swapped around.  You know the drill).
Doing the deed…now, to me a proper roasted marshmallow means it’s on fire when you pull it out and 3/4 of the way burned…however, Papa has a technique that he’s passing down to his grands…and it requires patience and time and you get a perfectly roasted marshmallow.  I still prefer a little charcoal on mine though.
Finger lickin’ good.  Note the train in hand…always gotta have your train.
Observing the festivities.


Singing and Playing In the Rain…

Spring and summertime around here means some rain and mostly thundershowers.  So it’s few and far between that we have a warm rain where the kids can go out and play…and having been an avid rain-player as a kid, I throw encourage them to get out and enjoy the fun wetness that God provides (since it’s free and all).  Ceili Rain really got into it this time.  She seemed oblivious to the rain splashing on her face and thoroughly enjoyed riding her “horsey” in the downpour.

Mud.  That seems to be Josiah’s most favorite thing these days.  Piling mud up in buckets and dumping it out.  Yep…that’s fun for a boy.

Ace enjoyed gathering in the mud too.  Liam and Zoe played but didn’t have as much fun as these three seemed to be having.
