Welcome to Oz!

Happy Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Friday…or whatever! I got the kids dressed up this morning since I was finishing Ace’s costume and there’s no guarntee that he’ll actually dress up tonight. We’ve got some other things going on tonight as well. Enjoy your trip to Oz!

Here’s the whole gang getting ready to head down the yellow brick road. I must confess that I bought two costumes (Zoe’s and Josiah’s). I barely got Ace’s finished this year.
The Cowardly Lion was hiding!

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

The Tin Man is a little rusty (I’m so punny).

Dorothy lending a hand to the rusty tin man.

The Scrarecrow searching for his brain and trying to hide from the camera.
Yippee! I have my courage!!


Pumpkin’ Paintin’

As soon as we got home last week from the field trip, Zoe asked if she could paint her pumpkin. Last year, we carved them, but for some reason this year, she wanted to paint them (much to Mark’s gratefulness..it’s hard carving little pumpkins). So, we painted pumpkins on Saturday…

Liam’s pumpkin was a beautiful shade of…purple and black when he finished with it.

Ace decided his pumpkin would get dressed up…as an apple (it was red alllll over).

Zoe eating her pumpkin candy while contemplating how her pumpkin would look.

We started Josiah out with finger paints thinking that would be easier for him. However, he saw that everyone else had a paint brush and he wanted one too…

Ta Da!

I think it’s a punk rock pumpkin!
