Granddaddy Again

Grandaddy is in the hospital. He went in yesterday morning and was sent to another hospital to do a heart cath and check for any problems. The cath revealed that he had 50% blockage in one of the bypasses that was done a year and a half ago and a complete blockage in another one. The complete blockage is not critical. He started having severe indigestion Friday morning but otherwise, no real heart pains. Elevated and elevating enzymes are indicating that he has had a small heart attack. So, they are camped out at the hospital waiting for Monday when they’ll do a PET scan to see if there is good blood flow in his heart. If so, then he gets to go home with probably a dozen more medications. He’s feeling great, other than being stuck in the hospital. Please pray for him and his attitude.


Super Wy!

We took supper over to Kevin and Tracy who you may remember from here. I had to bring my camera as I only had a few beautiful pictures of this sweet boy. He has this cute little head crinkle he does and he looks like a little old man…simply adorable.

Ceili Rain’s feet are on the right and big W’s are on the left. Yep, his feet are almost exactly the same size as my five month old. She has these petite little feet and he has these massively big ones!

Can my kids resist holding a baby??? Nah…they loved it.

“Give me the baby!!”

Why are you taking these pictures, woman!?!

Welcoming a Sweet Baby

No, I’m not pregnant!

I had the unbelievable chance to help some wonderful and amazing friends through the birth of her first child. Honestly, the thought of doing that “professionally” (as a doula) has crossed my mind several times. I absolutely enjoy being a support person for someone, especially if they are going through their first pregnancy. Tracy and Kevin allowed me to do that. In fact, towards the end of the pregnancy, Kevin just called me Dr. Abbie. Funny, but definitely not true. There was no way I was going to deliver their baby.

However, they asked me to come and be there to support/encourage through the labor process. She was induced on Friday and I got to go up and sit and visit and laugh (thanks to some amazing friends who watched the kids for me). They told me that because she didn’t feel comfortable with his mom, he didn’t feel comfortable with her mom, then I was the neutral party. Just call me Switzerland.

I stayed, visited, laughed, and watched contractions (she had an epidural so she didn’t feel much of the contractions). Then, I had to run feed Ceili Rain. She nursed and I ran back up to the hospital. She was at a 7 when I started heading back. I relieved Kevin of his husband duties and talked with Tracy while we waited. When she started feeling some pressure I knew she was close (and so did the nurses monitoring her.

I was fully prepared to exit the room but when I asked what they wanted me to do, they told me to stay. So, I was prepared to leave when she was about to deliver…but I just never made it out the door. I spent most of the time trying to get Tracy to relax by making her laugh (in between pushes of course).

So, I attended my first delivery (other than my own five). It was an amazing thing to watch! I’m so thrilled that Tracy and Kevin allowed me to participate. She did an amazing job as a first time mom. Dad did great as a support coach and daddy. He even cut the cord…very impressive for a first time dad not knowing what to expect! They are going to be great parents. Thanks, Tracy & Kevin for letting me hang with you as you waited on Baby W. I feel truly honored and blessed to have been able to watch you bring God’s little miracle here into this world.

He loves to chew on his fingers already…he learned that from CeiRai!

Proud mom and sweet baby boy!

Okay, I’m glad I’m not done with this. One of the nurses came in as she was prepping for delivery and asked if we were family. I told her no…then we both kind of said, well, yeah…Tracy is pretty much the little sister I never had (same goes for Mark too). I love having a little sister, finally!!


More Time with the Fam

Day Two of our visit brought about some play at home and a local park. We then loaded everyone up…after the two youngest boys got a nap, and headed to see Monsters vs. Aliens which was pretty funny. The political comedy made the movie if you ask me. It was very neat in 3D too! Okay here’s more pictures…

All the girls!

Cousin J was great with Josiah.

See my muscles!! Before you all ask about her face…we’re not sure but we think she may have had an allergic reaction to either something I ate or something that was on Aunt Yaya. For now, the only thing I can think that I ate that would cause a big welp and red breakouts is peanut butter so I’m hiding from that for a little while and then we’ll try it again later.
‘Siah the red nosed silly kid…Everyone, sing with me!
Uncle J would rather play with them when they move and talk, but we did manage to get him to hold Ceili Rain.

Cousin E, no doubt helping one of ours off a slide!

This concludes our weekend pictures. Our family had such a great time with you guys, Aunt Yaya. Thanks so much for coming up and taking time out of your crazy busy schedule to hang with us characters! We love you!!! Can’t wait to see you again.


Just some pictures of Ceili Rain

Ceili Rain’s first week pictures are almost done…we’re getting there…but I know the grandparents love to have them to show off. These are just some random pictures from the first few days.

Any questions what the kids think about her? As I’m typing this, Josiah is in my lap saying, “Ma me.” And trying to touch the screen.

One proud daddy. He absolutely dotes on her. God has truly blessed us with another girl to be raised up as a godly woman by Mark.

The Fam…boy, we’re a big crew!