A Sad but Joyous Day

Our family’s dear friend, Kennis, who had been bravely fighting a form of brain tumors, has gone to be with Jesus this morning. We are extremely sad around here and abroad. My sweet niece (Kennis’s best friend since they were in diapers) will have a hard time grieving as well as the rest of our family.

We are sad here but she is no longer sad or hurting! These past few months have been tough as the cancer came back suddenly and aggressively. My family has had to watch sweet Kennis slowly slip away mentally. We are so thankful that she is no longer hurting and that she’s up in heaven praising Jesus!

Please pray for the Nix family and all the friends grieving the loss of such a special young lady. I am very frustrated that I can not console my niece or nephew at this time because of the baby coming soon. Please pray for comfort for them. My niece is 8 and my nephew is 6 and this is a hard age to learn what it means to be mortal and to also know where eternity will be spent. I praise God that they are all Christians and have a good grasp on His unfailing love during this difficult time.

To send condolences, you can sign Kennis’s Caring Bridge site at www.kennisnix.com


Visiting Papa & Grandmere, etc.

Here was our last stop for Memorial Day. Mark’s parents opened their home to not just our family, but also to Mark’s brothers’ family. So, all total there were six adults, and seven children (ages 7, 4, 4, 2, 2, 16 mths, almost 8 mths). Four boys and three girls! Thanks Mrs. C and Dr. C for having all our crew over. The kids loved every minute and we enjoyed seeing you all!

Aren’t they the sweetest little girls! This is Gwendolyn, Zoe, and Oakley. Oakley and Zoe were pretty much inseparable the whole time we were there. They loved playing with each other.

Jonathan, with Liam and Ace. They had a great time together. Hudson, the 7 1/2 mth old was napping durin

Ace loved playing with Hudson. He calls Liam his “favorite friend.” Now Hudson is his favorite friend, too.

Liam’s learning to “cheese” for the camera when we pull it out he does this!

Liam thought Hudson was a trip. He still doesn’t get the be easy part!


Happy Birthday Jacie!

My (Abbie’s) niece had her birthday party last Saturday at a great stables/farm area. This was on Saturday. Zoe, Ace, and Liam loved every minute.
Two little princesses on a hayride…notice Zoe’s princess sit! Zoe’s sitting beside the birthday girl (in the pink hat).
Jacie riding the horse
Zoe went right up to the horse and hopped on. My child knows very little fear…she’s been begging us to go to ride a roller coaster! That’ll be daddy’s job.

Ace did the same as Zoe. While waiting to ride, he told Mark he wanted a horse for birthday…I think he meant a horse birthday party. Mark yelled out to me what Mark said and then Ace turned around to confirm it to me. He loved the horse!

Ethan, Jacie’s brother, riding a horse.

Aunt Yaya (Abbie’s sister) with Liam…trying to keep him out of trouble.

Zoe said her favorite part was riding horse and fishing. She caught one fish. Unfortunately, when she caught her fish, Ace and I were working on our catch and in all the excitement, we forgot to get a picture of Zoe’s fish!
Here is what Ace and I caught. The line was wound around the turtles front leg. I broke the reel trying to get what we thought was a fish in. The guy who owns the farm said, “That’s where all my ducks have been going.” We had noticed there was one mama duck with just one baby…last year (Jacie had her party here last year) there were at least 10 or 12 ducklings running around. Ace kept saying, “I caught a mean one and a mad turtle…”

This is before the turtle incident!


Visiting Granddaddy & Ge

This was the start of our very busy, fun, and adventurous Memorial Day weekend. We got to hang out with Ge at her work…a high school classroom…and then out to eat and back to their house. Despite all the smoke from the fires in Waycross, the kids really enjoyed playing outside.
Granddaddy also enjoyed the outdoors with a little snooze. Not sure how he napped with three children giving kisses and love pats but he tried his best!

Just hangin’ out!

Relaxing in the swing.

Liam with Mr. Gus right behind. Gus, the dog, is getting to be close friends with Liam!

What a goofy face!
Feeding the fish

Here is my daredevil…he was really “adventurous” this weekend (see the post about the visit to Papa & Grandmere’s)…he’s standing in a chair, peering over the fence on the top of the playfort in Granddaddy & Ge’s backyard.


One Big Update!!

Ughhh, sorry for not posting sooner. Our days have been filled with three preschoolers and nights are full of construction.

We’ll start with construction…we’re pretty much done. Still waiting on shingles, door knobs and a/c vent covers. However, WE are not done with construction. We got closets up and we’re using the bathroom. All that is left to do in our master bath is paint the trim and put up some blinds! Our closet needs the trim painted and the rest of the closet furniture installed (shelves/drawers). And yes, it is WONDERFUL!!! I love our closet and all the room we have in there. The bathroom is very luxurious…at least it is for me. I have gotten to take a bath and when you take a shower, you don’t bump into the wall or the curtain! The boys’ bathroom needs to be finished painting, trim needs painting and a new mirror and shelves for their closet installed…that’s all! Ha! That’s a lot. I’m pushing to finish up so we can clean the house next week.

Of course, our bedroom has to be painted and furniture removed and one piece added. The windows should be in in a few weeks and then the boys’ bathtub should be ready to rebath in July.

We went to see the baby doctor last Thursday. Josiah is doing fine. It was a quick visit and we go back the day we leave for vacation for a quick check. I’m gaining my usual large amounts fo weight (not sure how with all this reflux) but no concerns from my doc!

Zoe finished speech and ballet last week. We were thrilled with that. I have pictures from ballet and will post when I get caught up with everything else. She also finished up Awana on Sunday night and sang so pretty in choir!

Ace is pretty much potty trained! Keeping up with Zoe, he is really potty trained with #2 but #1 needs encouragement and reminders to go. Last Tuesday, we were so rushed and busy with ballet right after nap time, that I forgot to remind him to potty. I had intended to remind him when we got to ballet but it was very crazy. So, we were halfway through supper and I remembered that he hadn’t gone potty. He looked at us and said, “I just tee-teed a wittle bit…it’s just a wittle.” Hmmm?! Sure enough, he had gone just enough so he wasn’t uncomfortable but then finished after we prompted him to go.

The day after all the bruising/bumps/scratches incident, Zoe was spinning Ace in the swing. Ace was on his belly. Well, the swing is attached to the playfort and there is a big post in the middle. As I was saying, “Zoe be careful of the post…” she spun him around and his head whomped on the side of the post. It was a pretty hard hit and he didn’t even cry. I panicked thinking, “Well, this is our first er trip.” But he was fine and no concussion…thanks dad for teaching me how to look for those! He had a mean looking bruise that was conveniently covered by his floppy haircut.

Liam is…well, Liam. He’s into everything. We are anxiously awaiting doorknobs to keep him from diving head first into the toilets. He is still learning how NOT to climb on the table when we tell him to. He’s also picking up words…..one of which is “mama” Yippee! I now have a place in his vocabulary. He’s also saying “ba” for ball. And today we are working on “Papa” and “Ge” and the other grandparents (although those two names are the easiest). So far we have “Pa” for Papa and “Ge” and a big grin for Ge. Zoe is “oeeee” again with a big grin. Ace is “Aaaaa” with another big grin. Dada is always a treat to say and so is bye bye which is still “dye dye” and sometimes is actually “bye bye.”

I went today to get yet more work on my root canal. That lasted right at three hours…phew it was long, but thankfully not very painful…I almost fell asleep in the chair. One more visit should get the crown on and we’ll be done with that tooth.

Last up tonight is ballet graduation and I’m hoping they present the kids with their certificates before the end of the performance. That way, we can leave when the kids start getting zonked!

I’ll try and post pictures this week…no promises though.


Catch Up-Scrapbooking Trip

From the top of the falls at Amicalola looking out at the valley. The falls have over a 700 foot drop.
This is the very top of the falls. We attempted to walk to the base of the falls but this pregnant gal couldn’t quite make it! It was a steep walk from our cottage to the base, so you’ll just have to settle for this smidgen of God’s beautiful waterfall.

Lookie at all the pages I got done! Finished up 2005…gotta get Liam’s done before Josiah gets here and I’ll feel good about where I am in my hobby!

Annette and her finished pages.

Melissa L. and her finished pages! She actually had twice as many since she had some finished pages on the other side.

Melissa M. finished up several albums these are two she worked on! She’s so organized, she is caught up with all of 2007!


Another quick (but long) update

I will get pictures up soon, I promise. Here is a quick update:

Construction: has been pretty much nonexistent this week. Mr. Bill is waiting on the electrician. However, Mark talked with Mr. Bill yesterday, and if the electrician is unable to come out tomorrow, then Mr. Bill will come out and start working on the door to the boys’ bathroom. I’m also supposed to be picking out siding color, but have yet to see any samples. I went yesterday and picked out colors, I think, for the kitchen, boys’ bathroom, and, finally, our bedroom. Last night, we cleaned out our hall closet and took the doors off…now, where to store all this stuff!

Kids: Liam has started waving and saying, “dye dye” anytime anyone leaves. It’s very cute. We’re working on the correct pronunciation of “bye bye” but that’s slow coming. He also says his own form of “thank you.” He’s learned the sign for “please,” too. Zoe’s speech continues to go well. We’re still working on the ‘s’ sound. She wants to say “st” instead of “s.” Ace continues to grow and learn. We’re working on planning his birthday party so that I won’t have to think about it after the baby gets here.

Baby Josiah update: We went to the doctor yesterday. He is doing good. I measured 29 weeks, which is right on target. I was able to talk to Dr. J about a lot of stuff. Since my due date has varied by three dates (6/29, 7/5, and 7/12)…after some discussion, we landed on 7/5 based on ovulation (sorry if you didn’t want to know that). That’s precisely where I thought we might be due to begin with. However, Dr. J is going to be out of town 6/29 through 7/3)! Yikes! He loves to deliver his own babies and suggested we do it early. That led to the discussion of not wanting to be induced and not wanting an epidural (all of you who didn’t know that, I’m not crazy, I’ll post my reasons later). We agreed to wait and see what happens. Dr. J is very laid back and we are too when it comes to labor, so we’re all just going to take it as it goes. He told us about a lady who just delivered…she was at 5-6 dilated and wouldn’t let him use pitocin at all. She stayed at 5-6 for over 16 hours and finally after he broke her water (and nothing happened), she let him use a little bit of pitocin and that baby popped out after an hour and a half. Mark and I laughed and told him if I was walking around at 5-6 dilated to please induce because I’m going to be ready to see a baby by then! Also, it looks like we’ll not be using St. Joseph’s Hospital…that was the hospital we used for Zoe, Ace, and Liam. I was so sad to see they had taken the sign down at St. Joe’s. It was purchased by a company and some area physicians. We talked with Dr. J and he said that St. Joe’s is now going to be Trinity Hospital and much much better than what it was. We decided that’s where we want to go. It’s so much smaller than the other hospital we go to and it doesn’t feel like you’re being run through a “baby factory” which is a feeling I get at the other hospital. I looked up last night to see if they had the new website set up, but it’s not up yet. But we did see that Dr. J was on the board of directors which means he’s got all the good inside info! I’m excited about this new change.

My tooth: I had a root canal on Wednesday. The nerves were pretty much dead but it still hurt a little. The endodontist was good and was able to finish it all in one sitting. I was not very comfortable through it (1 1/2 hours on my back almost lying on my head). Poor Josiah couldn’t get comfortable and moved a whole lot. The pain is much better today. I’ve only had to take regular tylenol for the pain. I took just one today but mostly for a headache from sleeping funny.

Well, it’s not quite 7:30 and all the munchkins are up! Guess we’ll start our day. I hope to post pictures later today or this weekend.


Just a Quick Update

Yes, I’m back…did anyone miss me??!! I had a great weekend scrapbooking with some friends in the mountains. I’ll post pictures later. I got over 40 pages done and all of our 2005 family album done!

Liam had a recheck for his ears today…all clear. The claritin seems to be working! Yippee!

I am dealing with a tooth ache. It’s a lot better than it was yesterday but I went ahead and scheduled an appointment for the dentist for Wednesday. I hate tooth pain.

More later…


Sunday “Mommy’s Away” Update

Well, mommy is nearly home, so it’s time to clean up all the spills, broken toys, and other signs of all the ruckus we caused while she was gone. The only problem overnight was when Zoe fell out of her bed. I guess the rain got her so knocked out that she didn’t sense she was too close to the edge. She was fine except for the scare, so I tucked her back in and we went back to sleep. This morning we were up, dressed, and out of the house by 7:45 a.m. headed for church, since I had to be at least present for sound check with the loaner sound board. All the kids were great and very helpful in getting out the door. Everything went well at church, except that I wasn’t able to go get Zoe and Ace so they could come in the worship service. After lunch and some roughhousing (and Liam being into everything), we headed for naptime. We are all excited about Mommy coming home today…she should be here very soon. This concludes the “Mommy’s Away” updates…your regular programming will resume shortly.



Saturday evening “Mommy’s Away” update

Well, our busy day is done…not much to do after naptime except eat supper and play outside for a little bit before the rain hit. One big rain so far and just a little bit of thunder and lightning. Looks like there is much more to come, though, during the night. That means Zoe will sleep very well.

Abbie seemed to be enjoying her trip. She said she had completed ~30 scrapbook pages. I really hope and pray those ladies have enjoyed themselves. They all deserve this kind of opportunity. It has really hit me these last two days the weight Abbie carries as she cares for the kids and takes care of our household. Even though this is not the first time I’ve had the kids by myself overnight, it’s always good for me to have this time with them as I remember and realize anew how wonderful and special my sweet wife is. She not only deals with all the questions and booboo’s and fits and attitudes and expectations and needs of the kids, there is a list of other thing she does, too. The list includes the following: planning meals, ensuring groceries are bought to fix those meals, regular doctor’s appointments, Zoe’s ballet classes, Zoe’s speech therapy, sick kids & the corresponding doctor’s visits, MOPs leader, her Character Creations card business, washing clothes, cleaning the house (except the floors), nourishing a -3 month old baby (that would be 6 months in utero, or ~26 weeks pregnant), etc., etc., etc., and last but not least putting up with me when I get home from work.

Thank you, Abbie, for all you do. Thank you for the love and devotion and care you show our family. Thank you for the example you are setting for Zoe. Thank you for loving me.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff…Abbie’s back tomorrow…I’m sure she’ll post something about her trip eventually.

