Playing Catchup

Car: is back and running good. We are thanking God for a speedy fix and for the cost not being very much. We got it back yesterday evening.

Zoe: I will meet with her speech teacher on Monday to dismiss her! She’s still working on the ‘th’ sound, but that is a later developing sound anyway.

Liam: Paci removal has not been fun and prayers in that arena are much appreciated. Tuesday he was up and fussing at 4 a.m. He’s also got a cold on top of that.

Josiah: Doing good…still working on that sleep and he’ll be thrown off tomorrow with MOPS.

Ace: is still goofy. My sweet guy wanted some cuddles today but he kept petting me. I’m not a touchy person so I got a little aggravated and had to tell him I’m not his pet a couple of times.

And the bee behavior chart. Sometimes we’re doing good…and other days not so good. Today was a not so good day and they both had only 2 bees left at the end of the day.



Well, today was quite a busy day. I can’t go into a lot of details. Let’s just say, I spent the day with two friends “doing unto others as I would have them do unto me.” I am grateful to all my friends who allowed me to do that by watching the kids. It was tough work, but worth it in the end.

It was also a day when God reminded me, once again (He has to do this often), that His ways are not mine. Ughhh, it’s hard when he changes my plans, but it is a blessing all the same. He did that when He gave us Zoe…and what a blessing she has been. I guess I really do like it when He changes my plans…and I’m being sensitive enough to see where He wants me to work. It adds “spice” to my life 🙂 So, thank you God for allowing me to work where you are no matter how dirty I get in the process!

I have to say that the kids were wonderful and very adaptable…although very tired because nap time was the trip home in the car and that was only 20 minutes.

Paci Update:
Liam had a tough time last night and of course, no problems during nap this afternoon due to being in the car. Last night, my smart little explorer kept trying to stick things in his mouth to simulate paci. He then started trying to dig around at the head of his bed for a rogue one but he couldn’t find it. One of us is staying in the room with him until he get adjusted to this big change.

We’ve moved Josiah’s bed away from ours to see if that will help him sleep better…of course, lazy me will still probably curl up with him in the morning in my last great attempts to get some shut eye. So, he’ll probably be in our room for a little while longer. He goes to sleep so much faster and earlier than the other boys, that it will take some time to adjust. Plus, I don’t trust Liam in the same room with Josiah right now. Josiah’s going to have to learn to fight back before being in a room alone with Liam.


Sue the T. Rex

We took a trip to the museum of Natural History near where we grew up this past weekend. We met up with Abbie’s sister and her two kids for a very adventurous trip. Of course, my kids fly threw exhibits and as you start to tell them about one thing they’re bouncing off of that exhibit on to the next one. It’s quite fun. The museum actually had a to scale replica of the t. rex that is on exhibit at the Field Museum. Knowing that we were heading to a “secular” museum, I downloaded information about the t. rex named Sue from Answers in Genesis. Armed and ready, we were able to present our belief in the Creationist theory and how no theories have been proven…including the evolution theory. Zoe enjoyed looking for the different parts of Sue that were noted in what we had already learned.

On that note, Zoe’s been asking me what happened to the dinosaurs, and since I’m not good with Science, I haven’t really brushed up on the subject. It just so happens that Dr. Ken Ham will be coming to our church the first of next year. So, I kept telling them to save up their questions and ask Dr. Ham when he came for a visit. When we left the museum, Ace kept asking me why we didn’t ask Dr. Ham about the dinosaurs, etc. He has no concept of time which is really driving me crazy because he wakes up every morning asking me if he’s four yet (he’s really dreading the 4 year shots).


Visiting Family

We were blessed to be able to spend time with Mark’s brother, wife, and four children, while we were up for the reunion. Not sure why I don’t have that many pictures but here are some of the sweet ones. I guess Papa and others took all the pictures. I was a little preoccupied playing with my nephew and nieces and taking care of Josiah. Here’s what I have:

I absolutely love this picture of two of my four. How sweet is that!!! And that they did it volunt
Ol’ blue eyes!


Reunion Pictures are Here!!!

So, Mark’s 10 year reunion was this weekend. It was a lot of fun to see old friends. For those that don’t know, Mark and I went to the same high school together. I graduated a year before he did. I don’t remember half of his class which was proven when people kept coming up to me and I had no idea who they were. A lot happens in 10 years. Speaking of which, I didn ‘t realize how much weight I had truly gained with Josiah until I looked at the above picture, ugghhh. Workin’ on it!At the picnic on Saturday, we got to see some friends I did recognize. It was two of Mark’s college roommates who also went to school with us. They enjoyed holding Josiah and playing with Zoe and Ace.

That evening, we went to a very nice restaurant, ate wonderful food, and stood around and talked while “others” got on the dance floor. We did get to dance to a few songs. I like swing music and shag music (I’m “old” for my age) but everyone else was requesting the more hip hop music that was popular when we were in school. Of course, there was the inevitable Electric Slide, Macarana (not sure that’s spelled right) and now the ChaCha Slide. Loads of fun to do…not really. We really enjoyed visiting and watching everyone act crazy. Not much has changed since high school for some people. Yes, we did get the reward for having the most kids. Among Mark’s classmates, we counted numerous engineers of some sort. Very funny. My class was full of teachers.
I had to include this picture of one of Mark’s college roommates, high school classmates, and best man at our wedding. I caught him talking mid sentence and this was his goofy face…hehehe…toldya I’d include it!


We’re back

from all travels to our native land…Alabama. Mark’s reunion, visiting with lots of family, and a trip to see a dinosaur were all part of our weekend. It was great. I’ll post pictures later this week.

New things from the kids:

Zoe: Is really getting in to the dancing thing. She moved and grooved (as demonstrated in a video in an earlier post) through a wings restaurant. Mark was taking care of Liam and Ace and Josiah and I just walked-eyes facing forward-while Zoe did her “thing” behind me. I tried really hard not to laugh. She’s getting a bit goofy.

Ace: Has started saying, “I’m going to be shy.” when he doesn’t want to speak to people. I think his ballet teacher has said that around him and now he thinks it’s an excuse. He looks really sweet when he does it.

Liam: His new phrases include, “mon” for “c’mon” and “up, up waaaay” for “up, up, and away” The latter phrase is usually used when we are picking him up from a booster seat or high chair. He’s also enjoying giving and receiving kisses and had me give his cuddly toy, a lamb, night night love tonight.

Josiah: Is really starting to get his strong belly laughs. He gave me one yesterday and gave Mark a big one today. He’s such a joy and traveled so well to be 3 months and only his second long trip. He slept great too.

Now it’s three days of school and the dreaded P-day next week. P-Day is when Paci goes bye bye. That will be on Thursday. Let the countdown begin 🙂


An Update

Life here has been nonstop. I’ve realized recently that I have not taken many pictures. Too busy I guess.

Well, on Monday, we went to the funeral home to be with my best friend and her husband. His mother had passed away last week. That was our “date” and it actually was nice because we were able to talk on the long drive to the funeral home.

For some reason, on Monday, I thought I could actually make it through school then to the store and then to speech. I forgot that I also had to go pick up the unsold clothes from consignment. So, we had school, ran to the store but didn’t get out of there until 12. Zoe’s speech was at 12:30 so we rushed through McDonald’s and then headed to speech. After dropping Zoe off at speech, I rushed home, unloaded groceries and then headed back to pick up Zoe and then all the way across town to get the clothes. Needless to say, naps were shot and we watched a movie until the babysitter came and Mark and I left for the funeral home.

Tuesday was a little less busy. We just had ballet. Ace is doing lots better in there. He really is enjoying his class and making new friends. They take such extra care to make sure he receives “boy” activities. They did Angelina Ballerina and he got to wear the brown mouse ears and got a cute picture to color of a boy bear doing a ballet position.

After supper on Tuesday, we headed outside and Zoe rode her bike and Ace practiced riding on the tricycle. We’ve discovered that Ace’s helmet is now too small for him. Zoe was doing so well with her bike…even with the training wheels being too low she was peddling and steering like a pro and was even starting to get the braking thing. She has handlebar brakes, but it’s easier for her to use the backward brakes. Each day it amazes me how big she is getting. She’s growing up so fast. Ace did good…he just is now trying to get the hang of steering. I’m hoping he’ll have it down by Christmas so he can ask “Santa” for a bike.

Today was spent watching my friend’s children while they attended the funeral. The kids had a blast over there as always and the time quickly flew by. Zoe left church with her best friend to spend the night. Again, she’s growing up so fast. It’s hard for me to let her go, but she’s excited about doing it.

Now I’m zonked and will be heading to bed shortly! I’ll try and actually take pictures tomorrow or in the next few days.



Today is the first day of MOPS. I’m feeling better…still congested and sleep deprived (late nights getting things together). This is our second year of MOPS at our church. I’m so excited. I helped start the group and this is my third year as a coordinator. I love meeting and being with other moms who are going through the same things I am. I also love knowing that we are helping them get a little snipit of Christ and a little respite from their children.

I have a great team to work with this year and last night we were able to set up in thirty minutes. I was really surprised how fast it went and am deathly afraid we’ve forgotten something. However, I think we’re good. A friend remarked that we just know what we’re doing this year.

Instead of sitting around typing…I need to get everyone ready!!

Oh yeah, Zoe is doing much better. She’s not coughing at all now. No doctor’s visit needed. Praise God! Josiah’s sleeping secret is the swaddling blanket…ughhh, wish I had figured that out on Monday.


Gettin’ Sick…

As I mentioned Thursday, I wasn’t feeling really good…sore throat, congestion, general yuckiness. By Friday, I had a full fledged sinus infection with fever so I headed to the doctor as soon as they opened. Mark stayed home and watched the kids. I’m now lots better and the drugs seemed to be helping much. I had a slight ear infection the previous week, but it went away on it’s own…I’m thinking that this is something that is lingering from that.

Now, Zoe has a cough that doesn’t want to go away but no other symptoms. Waiting to see before we take her in.

Busy week ahead and not much time for illness on my part. All on my to do list includes: 3 card orders, a sling order, MOPS starting up, MOPPETS work with MOPS, ballet, speech (2 x), field trip, consignment sale…shall I continue??? It’s going to be a very busy week.


On to Visit Mark’s Folks

On Sunday, we headed to visit Mark’s parent’s.

Zoe picked tomatoes (one of her favorite vegetables) with Papa. She told him it was her favorite thing to do to pick veggies (while we’re at it, last week she told me that her lollipop was “delicious” and that something was so “weird” and that she was “starving” but she didn’t know what starving meant…her vocabulary is getting big).

After much needed rest on Sunday, Liam woke up to find us all sitting outside enjoying a wonderfully refreshing summer rain. I had just reflected on how I would love for the kids to be up to enjoy playing in the rain as it usually storms during our rains at home (when we have them). Liam took one look at the rain and wanted to get in it. Mark graciously took him out to enjoy it. And they found the basketball goal. Needless to say, it was a big hit!

We’ll label this picture, “Optimism.” (Papa’s observation)
A little help from Dad should do it!

Splashing in the puddles. I thought this was a really neat picture.

Guarding Daddy…I’m not sure if you can really see his face. He thought this was a great game. He got to where he would get the ball and hand it to Mark or me to throw in the hoop.
