Happy Mother’s Day to My Mommy and Mom-in-law

I admit it. I’m a bad daughter. I didn’t do a card this year. I haven’t sent mom her gift. I’m just an all around bad daughter.

You’ve been very special to me. You’ve put up with a lot from me over the years. But through all my mischeivous toddler years, into my uncertain elementary years, and on into my rebellious teen years, you’ve been there. You are now a great friend. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for always being there. I’m so glad to have you on my side and always a phone call away when Liam gets into something!

Love you,

I do have your gift, I just haven’t sent it to you. Here’s a picture! For all those who “aren’t” my mother and are wondering what it is, I made a scrapbook page about two years ago and put it in a frame. The next year I gave her another scrapbook page with a scrapbook album so that she could put the previous picture in the scrapbook and the new page in the frame. All the pictures are recent for the time and are usually taken around Easter. So, over time, she’ll have a big album and be able to see how much the kids have grown each year.

And for my mom-in-law, thank you for raising Mark! He is such a wonderful husband and a great father. I am so grateful that he had a mother to raise him to know Christ and how to care for me (and all my “high maintenance” issues) and our wonderful children. You are a blessing. I hope you enjoy the above page because yours is similar!

We love you!
Abbie (and Zoe, Ace, Liam and Josiah)


For Mom

About five or six years ago, my mom gave me some irises from her bed to plant. They’ve really never done much. We combined them with some irises that my father-in-law gave me from his flower bed and put them in the back yard. This year, due to nothing on my part…I even forgot to trim them back this winter, they bloomed like crazy.

So, mom for all you do, here are the irises that you and DC gave me!

Pay no attention to the weed in the background!

My mom believes these are irises from my grandmother’s flower bed. She passed away almost four years ago (I was pregnant with Ace), so I am going to be excited if I have one of her irises blooming. I actually have two this color.

I also have white ones and a deeper purple one that I didn’t get pictures of this year.


My Sweet Kids

How cute are they?! It’s safe to say that Josiah adores his big sister and big brothers! Zoe’s getting to be his favorite though.
This week during school we talked about the moon and astronauts. The kids made a space shuttle and went to the moon. Here’s their shuttle!

Yesterday, we took Zoe and Liam to build their “bear” at BABW for their birthday. Zoe picked out this nice pink leopard (surprised?!). Liam picked out a monkey. Well, we picked it out for him and he picked out the Spiderman shirt. After the trip to BABW, we headed to see Santa. We got there just in time because school buses were unloading. Zoe and Ace went straight to see Santa and told him what they wanted. Liam handed him his new monkey.

For those that don’t know or are just tuning in, Santa only brings one thing to our house. The kids get three gifts from us and one of them is usually a gift for all of them. Well, Zoe and Ace told Santa what they wanted and then he asked them what else. They froze. They had no clue what he was talking about. So, Ace said he wanted a candy cane. Mark and I were proud of them and their lack of greediness. Next year, we’ll have to coach Santa ahead of time to just bring one thing for each kid.


Christmas Parade

On Sunday after morning worship, we braved the “harsh” autumn cold air (NOT!!!) to sit and watch the Christmas parade. By the way, I’m seriously considering turning the air on and throwing ice around the house to make it “feel” more like the cold Christmases I remember.

Anyway, here are the reactions to our kids first trip to a parade with some splashes of friends thrown in (we were not home all day until late that night…which left of asking what we were thinking…crazy parents and our idea of creating memories…yes, we’ll probably do it again next year because we lost all our brain cells when we had Zoe).

What is this strange thing before me? Why are we eating a sandwich in the middle of town?
“Phew! These people have got me worn slap out.” said Katie Bug
Liam’s expression as he watched the shriners’ on their little go karts.
Okay, so this is just funny. These are my best friends girls. I didn’t realize that Katie Bug had the snarl on her face until I got ready to put it on the blog…too cute! If you’re wondering, her and Liam are the same age and act a ton alike (very scary).


The Great Christmas Tree Adventure

So, a family tradition we’ve done is go to a Christmas tree farm to pick out a Christmas tree. This year we tried a farm that I’ve been watching ever since they planted the trees (it’s on the way to some friends house). This was the first year they had trees to sell and it was a lot of fun…for me, Mark, Zoe, Liam and Josiah.

Ace, however, was in a mood. From the start he complained about everything. It was too hot. He wanted to ride the hayride. He asked at least 100 times if we were done. He wanted popcorn. He wanted hot chocolate. Agghhh! Let me clarify that the moment we reached the farm, we went over how it was going down…tree, hayride, hot chocolate and popcorn.

Somehow we managed to make it through picking out a tree and the hayride to get to the good stuff. Here was where my adventure began. Mark got the hot chocolate and popcorn and I corralled everyone around the fire pit (that wasn’t lit but smoking because it went out). Then he trekked out to pay for the tree. I was holding my drink and Liam’s drinking and Josiah in the sling. In between trying to help Liam drink and keeping Josiah asleep, Zoe kept complaining that her drink was too hot. She’d try to pass it off to me and then when I wouldn’t take it, she would take a sip and complain it was too hot (ya get the picture??). Finally, she did it enough that some hot chocolate splashed on her hands. Her gut reaction was to throw the hot chocolate…at me. Thankfully, it hit my leg, the tail of the sling and my sock. I was wearing blue jeans so my leg was okay. My foot felt the major part of the drink. Of course, after it happened so was crying because she had hurt me and because she had hurt herself. I felt so bad for her.

I hope next year that our family tradition does not include chronic complaining or hot chocolate burns!
