Ceili Rain and Bryant Random Sayings and Such

A sweet mom brought pudding for the Cubbies to snack on at church.  Ceili Rain is half a cubbie so she gets to go in and do all they do only she doesn’t get a vest or patches.  Anyway, I asked her if she had thanked the mom and she said she hadn’t so she went to do it.  And she did, and the mom was talking to someone else and they were trying to make sure they got her name right.  The mom asked her, “Ceili Rain, is that your name?”  Ceili Rain shook her head yes and then slowly shook it no.  The mom asked, “Well, what’s your name?”  “I a princess,” is how she responded.


Ceili Rain got up one morning this week and said, “Where’s my baby?  Oh dere it is.”  And pointed to my belly.  I asked her if the baby was a girl or boy.  “A girl.  No, no, no.  I jus’ kiddin’.  Da baby is goin’ to be a pwincess!”  I just pray she’ll be okay if the baby turns out to be a prince.

If we (she) lose something of Ceili Rain’s and you ask her where it is.  She’ll say, “I don’t know.  Maybe the lion ate it.”  We’re not sure where the lion is hiding but we’ve never met him.  He does, however, release them eventually because we typically find them.


If she feels like something is itchy like a nose or a fly, then a ladybug is to blame.   For instance, she got something in her eye and was scratching it and she said, “Mommy, a ladybug is in my eye.”


Everything belongs to Ceili Rain…my baby, my Bryant, my daddy, my mommy, etc.  She’s happy to share us but we’re all hers.  And I’m okay with that!


We’ve heard that last week while Mom and Dad were away that Ceili Rain was either talking or singing which is typical here too.  She loves to sing “Hold my heart…mama…dada”  and is learning “Jesus loves me”   The “Hold my heart” is probably because we all enjoy listening to Jamie Grace.  When we hear her song on the radio, she’ll yell out, “Jamie Grace!  Mama!  Jamie Grace!”  She’s going to be super bummed that we can’t take her with Zoe and I to their concert.

We’ll just turn up this video really loud and pretend we’re at a concert.


I want to remember some of Bryant’s words at 14 months so I’m writing them down here.  Ignore my mommy brain trying to dump.

-Roll Tide:  “oooo tide.”
-Amen:  he thinks that’s how we should begin and end prayers and he’ll even fold his hands!
-Mama and Daddy and he knows it now!
-ball: one of his favorite words
-go:  when racing down the hall
-ready, set, go which comes out “uh, uh, goooo!”  when he really wants to race or he’s throwing the ball down the hall
-Ace:  and if Ace slips out to take the trash Bryant will stand at the door and call him.  Word has it he called for Ace a lot last week while mommy and daddy were away.
-Zoe:  o-e
-Josiah:  Diah
-Ceili Rain:  a-a (Cei Rai)
-Raffe:  ra-e (Ceili Rain’s giraffe
-Paci:  Papi
-Papa: for Papa
-uh oh
-more:  mo
-doggy: goggy

And a few more I can’t remember right now.



At our church, if the father of the house is a Christian, he is encouraged to be the one to baptize his children and those under his house.  The premise being that the husband should be the head of the home especially in spiritual matters.  Mark and I had never really thought much about him baptizing our children until we started attending this church.  After looking through the Bible, we realized that God’s word does not say, “Thou shalt be ordained within the ministry of the church to baptize others.”  And realized what a blessing this would be to us and to our children if he baptized them.

So, Ace was the first one to be baptized by his father.  And it all happened last Sunday.  And, believe it or not, I did not cry buckets of tears.  Mainly, I was too worried that my camera would die before I could get pictures and video.

But it didn’t!  And I did get pictures and video! 

And I’m so thrilled (are you tired of seeing And’s at the beginning of my sentences?)!

We had a lot of firsts that day…church at the lake under a pavilion in the semi cool weather.  Ace getting baptized.  Our kids and us having a wonderful time of fellowship and amazing food afterwards (no joke…at the end of this pregnancy they’re going to have to roll me around if our church keeps fixing amazing food).

 This would be a wonderful picture if blogger would cooperate and put my pictures up as they were saved!
Pastor B went discussed the reason he wanted to be baptized before Mark prayed over him and immersed him.
All total, there were eight baptisms.  It was such a blessing to see the professions of faith and acts of obedience carried by fathers!
And the reason this post is so utterly lacking in wonderful pictures of our day at the lake is because the battery was threatening mutiny on the camera.  Needless to say there was a lot of play in the sand and the water (despite the cool weather and my threat that they would have to ride home in undies if they got wet…and they did) and boat rides.
But, before the camera died I got this:
I love it!  Totally not told to do so but Josiah helped his sister down to the beach area through the wooded area.  I was so proud of his gentlemanly ways!


Pillow Diving…again

It’s been awhile since I posted a pillow diving photo time, so we’re all due.  Aren’t you all excited?  Mark, of course, is responsible for these awesome action shots!
That’d be Zoe…flipping out.

I totally flipped this correctly but Firefox and Blogger do not like to work together.
Ginger almost got in on it.  This was where Bryant learned “Let’s go.”  But it comes out “et go!”


Lovely Day

We took advantage of the change to not so humid weather and went bike riding in the not too far distant past.

He totally doesn’t need training wheels and asked for a bike without them for Christmas…to which we replied we could give him one right away.  He got a bit nervous about that but I think he’ll do fine.
Miss Independent!
Don’t worry, all were safe!  Daddy never let go and, for the most part, neither did the babies.
Lining up for a race and Bryant decided to race on foot!


First Haircut

Yes, I’ve already posted about Bryant’s first cut.  But Ceili Rain, in her two years of life, has not had a haircut.  It was growing really slowly.  I finally realized last month that it was getting scraggily and very uneven.  So, when the boys had their haircut, we went to town on hers as well.

It’s fun cutting a little girl’s who was too excited to sit still.  Not really…but it was interesting.  I think she was more excited about wearing the cape and getting to sit on the big stool.  She really wanted me to use the clippers but I draw the line on those with my sweet girls hair.

So, basically, all  I did was even it up in the back.  She had long hair from birth and then another layer of new hair. 

Almost done!
Ta da!  It ain’t exactly professional, but it’s done!


Finger Painting

It’s 5:30 am on Wednesday.  Yeah, I’ve been up since 3:30 due to being hot, bathroom run, itching (more on that later), and sinus infection.  I have to be up up by 6:15 and ready to get kids up because for some reason I scheduled their dentist appointments for 7:45 in the morning.  My brain is totally fried.

So, I thought I’d post, seeing as how I missed yesterday, have read all my facebook statuses, and am now up to date with blogs I don’t follow.  Priorities you know.

Liam and Josiah are using a new phonics curriculum.  I’ll post more about our homeschool stuff later but I wanted to share this first.  The curriculum suggests using different tactile things to encourage writing letters, etc.  One of the suggestions was finger paint.

So, I grabbed a box of pudding, mixed it up and sent the kids outside with it, plates, and swimsuits on.  They enjoyed it for about ten minutes and then wanted to play in the sprinklers!  They barely even ate the pudding (more for me…yippee!).  As you can see, Liam got a lot out of the tactile letter writing and made a guy.  With a sword. 

Josiah made a river and mountains.

I think we’ll just stick with the whiteboard and paper from here on out.

Ceili Rain thought it’d be fun to just smash her hand in it.  And lick.  I wholeheartedly agreed with her.

And Bryant, well, he still prefers a morning power nap and was down for the count when all the mess occurred.

Now that that is done.  Let’s see if I can catch a thirty minute snooze before time to get up and go.


We Like to Rock!

Occasionally, we’ll turn on some good Christian praise music and have at it.  And this is what the kids do:
He’s four ya’ll.  I’m no guitar expert but at four, I didn’t know how to hold a guitar…and he even plays chords on it and strums up and down.  Do they make guitars small enough for a four year old?

Ceili Rain getting down!

And Bryant just thinks we all flipped our lid.

This rockin’ out session was provided by NeedtoBreathe who’s music we’ve been enjoying on their website (and they didn’t pay me to say that and I have no idea why NeedtoBreathe is all one word but it is.  I’m goingtostartrightinglikethat  Okayit’slate.).  I will also say that our favorite songs are “Slumber” and “The Outsiders.”

Speaking of Rockin’ Out.  Mark caught Josiah on tape doing Just Dance Kids!  Let’s just say it’s fun-ny!


Kids Say…

Well, you know the old addage..  And my kids are no exception!

Ceili Rain
An early morning conversation with the 2 year old princess began like this:

CR:  Where’s daddy?
Me:  Where do you think daddy is?
CR:  At work. 
Me:  That’s right.  We’ll see him after he gets off work after rest time.
CR:  Daddy home all day.
Me:  Not today.
CR:  Daddy has heart.
Me:  Does daddy have your heart?
CR:  Yes (and yes ma’am with correction).

Ceili Rain is enjoying playing a “see ya later game.”  She grabs a bag, purse, or any other girly looking baggage and puts on shoes and announces:  “Bye bye.  I be back in a wittle bit.”

“Okay,” I say.  “Where are you going?”

And this time she answered, “To chuch (church).”

I tell her alright, I’ll miss her and then we blow kisses.  Two seconds later she walks back in.

“I back.”

“Oh, you are?  How did church go?”


“Did Pastor B. preach?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“What did he preach about?”  I ask.


She’s also developed quite a fondness for our pastor and has to give him a hug before Sunday school, after Sunday school, and after worship and pretty much whenever she feels like it.  He’ll walk around with her for awhile and then she’s happy and content and goes on her way.  We tell him that it’s his grandfatherly appearance (he’s not a grandfather yet and even has a four year old daughter…he doesn’t like that statement too much).


Josiah announces to me (with a very mischievous grin):  Mama, you’re belly’s getting bigger!

Me:  I know.  Do you think it’s because I have a baby in my belly?

Josiah:  No ma’am.  It’s because you ate a Christmas tree. 

And he goes off giggling.  Today he told Mark that it was because I ate a house. 

And with my appetite, I think I might be able to eat a house or a Christmas tree!


The Rest of July

We preformed plays in the hallway…

Decorated Josiah’s trains.
 Had a brief visit with cousins.

Isn’t my niece is just beautiful!?  She bribed her cousin with cookies and it worked.
Celebrated Daddy’s birthday (that’s 32…three candles, two in the next row).  And it’s peach cobbler.
And Josiah enjoyed riding his birthday gift.  A bike.
