And #5 is…

Very flexible! In case you can’t tell, that’s her leg kicked up and it looks as though the baby was about to stick the toes in the mouth.

The baby is also very healthy! No problems whatsoever! Growing as a little 20 week on in utero baby should be doing.

Let’s see…anything else…hmmm…oh yeah, I guess everyone wants to know whether the baby is a boy or girl…well…it’s a girl!

Lots to praise God for: a healthy baby and a little girl. Did I get a little emotional when the sonographer announced it? Oh you bet I did. We were able to tell it was a girl, but know that there is still a small chance that something else could have been hiding (but from the u/s picture, I doubt it).

Her name is Ceili Rain Mabry. Ceili (pronunced Kaylee) is celtic for “celebration/party”. Rain is the stuff that falls down. So our translation for Ceili Rain is a celebration coming down from heaven (since, ya know, rain falls from the sky). I must confess that is not original and is the name of a Celtic Christian group but we felt it was beautiful and with such a sweet meaning it fits. We’ve waited for our sweet girl blessing to come down from God for a little over four years (since we decided on the name). Her middle name, Mabry, means “joyous.” She is already a joy to us (well, with the exception of Ace…he’s still trying to adjust to the idea and when Zoe told him he said, “ughhh, man!”). Oh, and she will be called Ceili Rain for anyone wondering. We call ’em what we name them (but sometimes add and embellish it for endearing terms).

Thanks for the prayers for a healthy baby and for our little girl! She is growing and moving all over the place!


Just a Little Baby Update and Adoption Update

First adoption. I’m sure most of our friends thought that we had dropped this off…but alas, no. We’ve been trying to get our physicals done for our homestudy. Mainly the paperwork. And don’t we all love going to the doctor. Fortunately, at my last ob visit, my doctor took my forms and I got them back from him this week. I’ve now given Mark the mission of going to the doctor after work on Tuesday. Wish him luck. He’s used to all this and has to get a physical every year or so for work, so it’s not a big deal for him.

And Baby #5 (or Johnny…whatever) is moving and grooving and giving me a few jabs here and there. I”m right at 17 weeks and yes, that is early to feel the baby move. However, I’ve felt all our babies move right around this time. I thought it might take a little longer since I have, ahem, extra baggage, but nope, I can feel him just fine. I’ve never really felt the “butterflies” feeling but it’s usually a roll or push or little kick or jab. And yes, I know the difference between gas and moves, so don’t think I’m overreacting. Even Mark felt Zoe move right around 16 weeks. She kicked him pretty hard one night and he felt it through clothes and covers. So, I’m not exaggerating. Only a 23 more days left to vote on whether the baby is a boy or girl.


Baby #5 Update

I had a prenatal appointment today and was able to hear the heartbeat. For once, Mark stayed home with the kids. We thought it would be easier that way for one time.

However, when they stuck the Doppler on (yes, like the radar thing but different), my nurse couldn’t find the heartbeat. She searched for awhile then Dr. J took over and Nurse D tried to distract me by talking about nothing. Dr. J shushed her and we heard the faint little heartbeat. Faint because it was just quiet but it was very strong and Dr. J said it was healthy. I was glad and breathed a sigh of relief. I just knew something like that was going to happen when Mark wasn’t there. He also took my physical paperwork for the adoption and so, hopefully, we’ll get that squared away soon and will be able to have our homestudy finished.

So, time for a poll, shall we? What do you think the baby is? A boy or a girl??? Place your vote. Voting will end on October 29th since that is when I’ll have my u/s and we should be able to see what God has in store for us with #5.

We are very blessed, and grateful for a healthy baby so far. Please continue to pray for this little one. And, I am feeling much better. Current cravings include oranges, tomatoes (in salads and foods) and milk. Heartburn is in full swing but Zantac should combat that now!


The Name Game

Well, we’re heading into 14 weeks of pregnancy #5 and here’s a little game for everyone.

First of all, yes, we’ll find out what we’re having. I feel like Zoe deserves to be prepared if she’s going to have another brother! Not that she’ll love him any less.

Secondly, before any of our pregnancies (usually a few months before we get pregnant) we usually have a general idea of names. Even if we don’t have the names solid, they’re pretty much set into the first few weeks after we find out we’re pregnant.

With this pregnancy, the idea of picking out a boys’ name has never occurred to us. We thought there would be a break between #4 and our adopted daughter. God had some wonderful other plans, so now we sit, without a boys’ name.

Really, we have a name picked out, but I’m not sharing until u/s day (ultrasound day). I’m also open to ideas if I hear a name I like. I thought I would challenge all my faithful readers and those who just popped in.

I am speaking of boys’ names, because, let’s face it, Mark and I have been waiting on another girl and have had that name picked out since I was pregnant with Ace. And the odds of us having a girl are pretty slim…just look at the pictures from his side of the family.

Here’s the Name Game rules:

  1. No normal everyday run of the mill names. If it’s in the top 100 in the past few years then it’s out (okay, Zoe’s name was an exception but we had already chosen it before we found the name lists and it was waaaay at the bottom when we looked). So take out John, Robert, definitely William (since my cousins, all on the same side, think they should all have children named William…I digress).
  2. Points for choosing a name from history (that’s unusual) and/or a literary author name (but has no history of immoral behavior).
  3. It has to mean something good. We don’t want a “tree” for a child nor do we want a “cart driver” or a “brook.” Also all the Mac/Mc names are out since they mean “son of.” Unless you want to name him McMark (hmmm). Here’s another example: Blaine, which I happen to like, means “tall and slender.” What if we have a short and fat kid? What a complex! Double check the meanings, I just didn’t associate that Liam’s name was the equivalent of “strong willed defender.” See what I got myself into! Another example: Zoe’s name means “life.” Ace’s name means “unity.” Josiah’s name means “fire from God.” Pretty cool names to live up to!
  4. It doesn’t have to be a Biblical name but…cool uncommon ones are welcome (meaning, no Hosea’s or Hananiah…although I like both, they just don’t flow for me).
  5. It has to go with his middle name that we’ve definitely settled on. It’s Ian and it means “God’s gracious gift.” Now, I know that Ian is a really cool first name, however, a friend from church (and I think a blog reader) has a child named Josiah and one named Ian and I don’t want her to think we’re copying her. Plus, I want an uncommon cool first name.

There ya go. Leave a comment for a name suggestion. If we like it better than the two we’re looking at, we may use it. I’m curious to see what name other people think would fit into our little brood!


Baby #5 is…

a singleton, like all my other babes! Yeah, it was pretty evident there was just one in there so spare me the comments about, “Are you sure???” Just ‘cuz I’m showing and only 8 weeks (not 9 like I thought), doesn’t give anyone the right to comment on my size. I’m not eating that much but I’m poking out because I never lost all the weight from Josiah, so that stuff gets poked out too! And it’s my fifth (actually sixth) pregnancy, so please cut me some slack.

So Dr. J was looking at the u/s picks and commented, “You’ve got this baby thing down pat.”
I smiled and said, “Well, it’s not us that really has it down.” I’m getting a bit more bold in sharing Christ with him as the pregnancies go!

After the u/s, we were waiting on Dr. J to call us back and so we sat in the waiting room again. There was an middle aged woman and her mother in there.

The mother looked at me and commented to the daughter, “Don’t scare her.”

I looked up smiling and made sure she was talking about me.

“Oh, this is my fifth, I doubt she could scare me.”


Then the wonderful comment that all moms with more than two children hear.

“You do know what causes that don’t you??”

To which I wanted to reply, “No, I just keep waking up feeling yucky and wow! They keep telling me a baby’s there. But no bother, I just live off of welfare and the government take care of them thar babies.”

I have to say that one comment is the most aggravating and it so implies that I am ignorant and poor. That has to be the one comment that grates my nerves the most.

Anyway, they went on to talk about how “it’s great if it’s what you enjoy, etc (the kids not the what causes it part).” I just smiled and jumped pretty quickly up when Nurse D called us back.

Okay, so we don’t join the crowd that thinks we have to constantly have children coming out our ears and that everyone has to do that (militant something or other).

But we are in the camp that believes that every child is a blessing and a special creation from God. They (we) are each created in His image. Sometimes when people comment on how many children we have, it seems they lose sight of that blessing. I know I can lose sight of it real quick when two are fighting and another had an accident on the floor and the other has ran into something and there’s blood everywhere. Yeah, it’s easy to lose sight of the blessing they are. God always finds ways to remind me of that blessing when I need to be reminded most. And I thank Him for those reminders, no matter how small.

Anyway, I just also forget that most people don’t meet others who have more than two children. That’s fine, but I just forget. See, there are a lot of families in our church with three or more children. We see all of them a lot, so when other people see me and start counting, I always forget that they see numbers, where I see my kids. Just like I see all of our friends and their kids. Not, “oh my, 12 kids.” Although, that’s fun to throw that comment out (that we know someone with 12 kids not that we have that many) and take the conversation off my mere four. Oh and they’re not on welfare either!!

I’m thinking of nicknaming this one Johnny #5 (you know from that movie that I can’t remember the name of). I think this kid needs a nickname because if it’s a boy, right now, he doesn’t have a name to speak of, so we’ll have to call him something when he’s born, right?? More on that later.

Did ya guess my kid yet??? Now I know there has got to be more than six people who read my blog! Come on ya’ll!!


My Thoughts on Twins…

Well, I was asked to share my thoughts. Personally, I think it would be very funny if we were blessed with twins. Not to mention a pure miracle.

Statistically, our chances of getting pregnant with twins are very low. So, here are the factors that are needed/favorable to have twins and how we compare to Mark’s brother and his wife.

Hereditary: Increases chances if it’s on the mom’s side only. And it’s not, at all to my knowledge. It does run in Aunt B’s side of the family, though.

My age: I’m not over 35. I won’t comment on Aunt B’s age only to say that she wasn’t 35 when she became pregnant with the twins.

Maternal Weight and Height: Hmmm! I’m taller and I’m a lot heavier than when I started this motherhood thingy…there’s one factor that could affect us having twins. I’m overweight but not obese which could drop my chances there, but I am tall.

Been Pregnant Before: let’s see, yep, that’s happened. Apparently with each pregnancy the chance of twins increases.

I still don’t see it as a strong possibility given the lack of history in my family. That being said, I know God has a good sense of humor and if we had twins it would be solely because of Him. It would also be pretty neat because Aunt B and Uncle B’s twins were #5 & 6 and that would keep us even, as we seem to keep staying at the same amount for a little while. I will also say that I’ve been praying that would be able to adopt twin girls, however, I’m trying to remember if I specifically said adoption or not. Hmmm, can’t remember. Doesn’t really matter because God is control anyway!!


So, How are You Feeling???

We “broke the news” our newest baby to our Sunday school class and church friends in general yesterday. I was really shocked after being asked a couple of times how I was feeling. Especially after reading this article.

It was nice to be asked and I willingly shared.

And here, I’ll share too…the answer in short is, I’ve had better days.

In long, the nausea bug has hit pretty hard and it’s getting harder to keep food down. Cooking is appearing less appealing but I still have this strange craving for veggies and wouldn’t mind cooking them. When we first found out there wasn’t any nausea, but as the past couple of weeks have progressed it’s gotten more and more, from just a little bit here and there to pretty much all day now. I’m slowly sinking in to what I’d like to refer to as the “blah” days. I’m trying to take extra vitamin B and B Complex to combat the nausea but I’ve been a little erratic with it so I’m not sure if it will help much. In general, I don’t normally expel my stomach contents when pregnant. I just feel like I need to, typically all day. As a result, I usually don’t enjoy eating and turn my nose up at a lot of foods.

And, as guessed, I’m also extremely tired but can’t sleep much. I’m bummed because I just laid down with Ace and Liam and tried to take a nap but only got in about 15 minutes before spontaneously waking up. Hopefully, that will be enough energy to make it till tonight!


Kids’ Comments

Zoe: “I don’t think so. Is there really another one? Not another brother!”
Ace: “Mommy’s got a baby in her belly!” Actually, I think Ace already suspected it because he announced to me Monday night that my belly was still big that meant I had a baby in there.
Liam: “Okay!”
Josiah: “Ahhhh, >>rasperry
