Ceili Rain Update-38 weeks

So, I had an ultrasound to check out Ceili Rain’s size. Estimated through ultrasound she was around 7 lbs 4 oz…that means that she could be anywhere from 5 to 9 lbs…which is good. Dr. J agreed with me that she probably wouldn’t break the 9 lb mark like little Josiah.

Another thing that was seen is that the fluid level was at 7 cm. This landed me with another ultrasound (a chance to watch baby, oh man…can’t you hear my groans) next week to check fluid levels. If they are going down, I’m just guessing that that will mean an immediate admit into the hospital with an induction. Dr. J doesn’t want the levels to go below 5 cm.

Oh, and I’m at 1 cm..which basically means very little to nothing!

So, with that and with Mark’s work schedule, we have scheduled an induction for the end of next week. And for all curious onlookers, I am planning on blogging throughout the labor! Of course, I’m sure Mark will do a lot of the updates…especially if I’m sans-epidureal. Should make it interesting, no?!

Another thing, for all skeptics…Mark saw again and the sonographer confirmed that she is definitely Ceili Rain and not a boy!

Now it’s prayer time:

1. The amniotic fluid levels either go up (if that’s possible) or stay the same but don’t go down.
2. I don’t have to be induced but will go into labor before the scheduled induction.
3. If I go into labor, that we have someone to help with the kids!


Welcoming Ceili Rain!

This is turning into a Ceili Rain week…sorry for those that don’t really care, but I wanted to get her baby shower pictures up before I forgot. My wonderful friends from church threw a baby shower for Ceili Rain last weekend. Not only was it for Ceili Rain but it was also for another lady in our Sunday school class (who happens to be a friend too). She is expecting her fourth about 2 weeks after me…however, her little girl may come before mine does, which is fine. She is new to the area, so when she needed a doctor I suggested mine and she went for it. So, Dr. J is putting up with us making plots to try and be induced the same day…we’ll see what happens.

Anyway, I was so excited to share the shower with K and Baby Girl M. We had such a wonderful time visiting with everyone and looking at all the cutsie girly stuff.

C with her baby A. He’s so much fun and so social!

Opening presents with K-bug. She was a big help. Actually, she was intrigued by this cute little duck that sings “The Chicken Dance.”
Comparing our girls’ baby shoes to make sure we didn’t mix them up when they went to church.

Here’s most of everyone that came. Some people snuck out before we could do pictures.

Thank you to all my friends who are helping us welcome Ceili Rain into the world. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by a great group of women!


Ceili Rain’s Arrival Guesses

So, in anticipation of Ceili Rain coming into the world…I thought I would have a little fun and allow people to guess when she’ll make her debut.

Here’s the guesses around our household:

Me: March 10th
Mark: March 12th
Zoe: March 18th
Ace: March 10th
Liam: March 3rd (although he knows nothing about dates…this is what he said so we’re going to go with it).

Have fun guessing. If you want to guess her birth weight etc…feel free! Just leave a comment with your date guess.


Are You Ready???

This was the question most asked at church today…or rather, “I bet your ready to get her out of there, etc.”

Yeah, I guess I am really uncomfortable and it would be nice to meet her. But, this time I don’t have that sense of urgency yet. By now, with all the others I’m sitting on the edge of my seat with everything ready and waiting…bags packed and everything.

For some reason, this time is different. I guess watching a friend suffer through a miscarriage and other friends have babies go on to heaven…this past year has made me grow up a lot in my patience with my babies.

I can say that right now, I truly am uncomfortable and not sleeping and it’s hard to walk (I mean waddle). That’s all true. But this time, this pregnancy, I just have a strong desire to just wait until God is ready for her to be born. I’m taking each day as much in stride as possible (even if it means dissolving in tears when Mark calls or collapsing in bed when he comes home).

So, am I ready? I guess so…if she is! But I still haven’t got my bags packed.


Ceili Rain Update

I went for a check up today. I’m 36 1/2 weeks. I have a friend, who is using Dr. J as well and she is due just a couple weeks after me. Our plan is to be induced on the same day, after my due date. She’s having a girl as well.

However, Josiah, for those that don’t remember, was 9 lbs 6 oz. And I expressed a strong desire to try to avoid delivering a baby bigger than that. Dr. J agreed and so, I go back a week from Monday for an ultrasound to see about how big she is and if I’m progressing and such. Then we’ll decide from there.

I have a real strong desire to go into labor on my own, but am trusting God and praying for wisdom as we get closer to having her. And yes, for those that are wondering, as long as everything looks good, I will not have an epidural again. Cheaper, quickest recovery, and overall just easier…

Oh, and she’s head down, which has been a concern of mine for a few weeks since I keep feeling her rear/back poke me…but Dr. J showed me how to make sure she’s head down.

I’ll work on a post in the next few weeks to update everyone on our adoption. It’s hard for me right now to split my brain between the birth and adoption, but I’m working on it.


I have THE shirt!

So, I have a friend who wanted to give me something at church on Sunday but she had to see me open the gift. Hmmm…I knew she is devoted blog reader and I knew she was very creative. So, I knew something was up. I got the best and coolest shirt…

Okay, so my expression leaves something to be desired. Read on dear friends…

Oh yeah, I put the shirt on right away and paraded around the church. I need to get one for another friend who just delivered her 12th! Isn’t that an awesome baby gift. Oh, and she got some stuff for Ceili Rain.

She even spelled her name correctly. What’s so funny is that those things on the left side are burp cloths and I had just told Mark that afternoon that I needed to make some more burp cloths for Ceili Rain and get them embroidered as I only had three burp cloths for her. Ta da! Beautiful cloths for her to spit up all over and I didn’ t have to do the work!

Thanks so much L! I love them all!!!


9 Weeks and Counting!

Today is 9 weeks until my due date. Not to say that Ceili Rain won’t come after my due date but it’s close enough. I’m getting excited and anxious to try and get some things done.

I feel so blessed and more in love with this little girl every day. Right now she is punching and kicking me trying to get comfortable and I absolutely love it. This has truly been an enjoyable pregnancy. I’m getting so excited as each week passes knowing that we’ll get to meet this little one soon!

I’m pretty certain that she is now head down as I feel like there is more lower down and my shirts are barely covering my lower belly (despite buying larger shirts than what I normally wear). I also have noticed that I can’t walk a ton so shopping trips are getting a little more strenuous.

All part of it and I’m truly grateful for each moment!


Mommy and Ceili Rain!

My first ever maternity pictures! Am I thrilled at how they turned out??? Oh yeah. Everybody sing, “I feel pretty, oh so pretty!”

It was great having pictures of what my pregnant belly looks like. I really wanted Mark in the picture but he just wanted pictures of me. If there is a next time, maybe I can coax him to get in the pics! Again, these are Portrait Innovations. I’m just saying…if you want professional pictures without all the “professional” expense, this is the place to go!


The Girls’ Room

The girls’ room is painted and the crib is in. I still want to get bedding, new curtains, a lamp, and Ceili Rain’s changing pad and we’ll be set in the girls’ room. Zoe and I really had a good time painting the canvasses. They turned out better than I had expected. I kept my hands off of hers to “fix” it and they look great!
My canvasses…first time I’ve ever really painted and add to that that it was on canvas! I’m glad my grandmother can’t see it…she’d probably be embarrassed, painter that she was!

Zoe’s canvasses! Didn’t she do great! I pretty much let her do whatever she wanted.

Zoe’s side of the room…notice Raggedy Andy sprawled out…Raggedy Anne is on the other side…looks like they’ve kicked the bucket to me. The dresser is what I did for her room before. Mark and Zoe agreed that I didn’t need to change it for now…fine by me but I would have loved to repaint it and put flowers on it to match the room.

Ceili Rain’s crib (that was Josiah’s, that was Liam’s, that was Ace’s, that was Zoe’s, that Mark made…”and this is the house that Jack built…”). I don’t have any girly bedding or bumper pad, but hoping to pick that up soon.


A Few Ceili Rain Things

1. Zoe’s (or should I say, “the girls”) room is getting a redo this week! I’m so excited that we are able to paint and rearrange for Zoe and Ceili Rain. Right now, it looks as though we’ll start Josiah in the “big boy bed” with big brother the first of December. Zoe’s getting a flowery girly room with lots of bright girly colors. I think she’s pumped. Of course, we’re painting it pink. We’ll get the paint sometime before Friday and start painting on Friday. Mark got Ceili Rain’s closet converted into a changing table/closet for her. Still some rearranging with other things in there (mainly Zoe’s toys) and it’ll be good to go for her. For those that don’t know, Zoe has two closets. One is rather large and the other is a smaller, standard size. Ceili Rain will use the standard size for now.

2. Ceili Rain is very low. I mean extremely low. Yes, I know that according to old wives’ tales that babies carried low are boys, but apparently Ceili Rain didn’t get the message…or she’s grown another appendage since the ultrasound a few weeks ago. I can feel when she squeezes by my bladder and that warrents an immediate trip to the bathroom. I feel kind of bad for my friends and family, but sorry, you guys, you’re not allowed to rub my belly to feel her move. I’ve had a couple of acquaintances at church ask if she’s moving and then put their hand on my belly. I either tell them, no, or I just say yep, and she’s way down there…and try not to actually show them as that would be inappropriate to show in public! Mark has felt her move and so has Zoe…which thrilled her to death. On the plus side of having a low carrying baby, she isn’t kicking me in the ribs (like three of the others did) and I can actually breathe fairly easily!

3. In one of Zoe’s creative writing assignments last week, she was asked to draw a picture of a blessing from God. She drew a picture of her holding Ceili Rain. To say this girl is excited about her little sister is putting it mildly!
