Bryant’s Nine Months Old

Yep, he’s nine months already!  And not walking…so, all of us who thought he would be…we’re wrong.  He’s close, though.  I’m thinking now maybe 11 months will be his point of walking.  He’s getting brave…letting go, standing for a few seconds, and then plopping on his rear.  Pull up.  Repeat.  And he thinks that is the coolest thing since sliced bread (which he doesn’t like…but that’s okay).

Here’s the stats:
16 lb 10 oz (3%, yeah, more on that in a second)
29 1/4 inches long (80%)
18 1/4 inches head (85%)

So, yes, if you follow his stats closely (you know, if you’re the grandparents), then you’ll notice a drop in his percentile on his weight.  I’m impressed that, even though he’s following Josiah’s growth track he didn’t here.  I’m actually glad.  I worried enough when Josiah lost weight between his six and ninth month. 

Dr. B was not too worried.  I told her eats three times a day, nurses four, and enjoys everything we can shove in his mouth.  And would prefer we do that quickly.  He also wants to be on the floor nonstop crawling and pulling and moving everywhere.  She was not concerned and didn’t feel we needed to be.  She just encouraged us to amp up his fats (no, that does not mean I can give him a steak but I can give him lots of butter, avocados and the like).  She also said that she would prefer to see a skinny baby that a fat one…way harder to deal with obesity than just healthy skinny eating.

I knew he was skinny and wasn’t really surprised to see a drop.  But a drop into the single digits was a bit surprising.  So, we are giving him lots of yummy healthy fats and letting him go until he gets full. 

And, a new fact, Dr. B said that studies have shown that infants introduced to peanut butter early on tend to not develop allergies from peanuts later.  And all you allergy worriers can go out and find the studies to prove otherwise….just reporting what the good doc had read recently. 

Grandparents, don’t freak out.  I can assure you he is on track for his development and we’re not starving him.  All my babies tend to get skinny when they get mobile and then “fatten up” a little when they start eating more table foods.

Now for some Bryant fun.  Bryant’s started doing these funny faces.  At first it was just random, now it tends to be when he’s in our arms and we have his food and are getting it ready for him.  Or when we sit down to feed him.  I think it’s because we say, “Oh, what are we having tonight?  Avocados and banana with squash…yummy” 

Posing, but when I told him that was not what I wanted, he obliged and performed for the camera…
Better, mom?
Here ya go, one more time!
I crack myself up!
And, I’m adorable to boot! 



Giveaways going on now!  Don’t forget to sign up to enter here and here

 So, Saturday of our Kabining trip was waaaay hot for the middle of April.  To remedy that, we hit the local Wal-Mart and picked up enough water guns for a whole trip of campers.  Fire Away!  The afternoon was full of cool water fights.

 This is how we filled up the water guns!
 World’s skinniest Sumo Wrestler!


and Keep the Old…

No, I’m not referring to our friends as old…it goes along with the last post…”Make new friends, but keep the old..”  Moving along…

Last weekend we met up with most of the Transue clan in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  Turns out that’s the halfway point for both our families!  And, that’s also a place with plenty of KOA Kampgrounds.

This was our first stay with KOA and while we thoroughly enjoyed it, I believe our camp hosts were a little worried about having so many children.  We all survived and I think they were pleasantly surprised.  They invited us back at least.

We stayed in a Kabin and it was super nice and way easier than transporting a tent.  We did, however, have to bring all our camping supplies to eat and we had to do the community bathroom thing (which was pretty good trek with the kids each time and if we had to go during that night.  That was the not so fun part).

 They lined themselves up to sing a song.  We got a picture!

 What’s Kabining without s’mores???
 Yep, they were thrilled we stuck them together.
 Activity for our full day:  Chattanooga Zoo.  It’s small, but word has it there were a lot of monkeys loose that day!
 Liam loved watching the animals!

This little monkey was particularly photogenic that day.
 Monkeys watching monkeys…

 Mr. James.  Poor little man had a hurt arm but it just slowed him down.  Didn’t stop him though.

Ten points if you know who this little owl looks like.  It’s from a book…and a movie.
Monkeys like to climb.

 Okay, stop me if this is not the most adorable picture in the whole world!
Where to next???
 The highlight:  the indoor carousal!
Okay, that’s all for now.  The rest will have to come when blogger gets it’s act together and I can upload these pictures!


Make New Friends

Giveaways going on now!  Don’t forget to sign up to enter here and here.

We had the privilege and excitement of hosting this young, Young, family (hahaha), the weekend of our mission conference.  The Youngs are missionaries with Biblical Ministries Worldwide and will, by God’s grace and timing, be going to Scotland to work with church planting there.

We were thrilled to host this family and their fun children.  Their two little ones just fit right in and Nathan and Krystal (the mom and dad) didn’t seem too disturbed by our plethora of children.  Mark and I were thrilled to have them in the home and talked with them late in to the night on two occasions, not even realizing what time it was.

Yeah, I think Nathan was praying he’d be released soon from this chaos!  Ten points if you can guess who’s missing.

These are all the missionaries who attended and spoke at our church’s conference.  I’d love to get the videos for the Louks up, but I can’t figure out how to embed it in here, so I’ll just point you to their website and tell you, you must go see what they are going to be doing in Romania starting this summer!

See they fit right in…fixing toys and such.
And, Mark and I had the privilege of watching their children while they attended a ballet put on by a local company here.  They actually trusted us with their kids.  Little did they know…
I called it “twin practice” in hopes that one day God will bless us with twins (yes, you read that right…I would love to have twins although the odds are greatly stacked against us).
 Madeleine is a couple months older than Bryant.

 Pose for the camera kids.
 What are you???
Madeleine also cut a tooth while they were there.  She was pretty grumpy when we kept her and at one point she and Bryant were both competing in cries.  I smiled and saw all the other dear children covering their ears and announced that we could handle twins.  Mark laughed.  Anyway, we didn’t realize she had cut a tooth until she had kept Nathan and Krystal up all night.
Mr. Miles was a trip.  He enjoyed “playing” the Wii.  He was close to Josiah’s age and oh so much fun.
Please remember to pray for Scotland and the Youngs as they prepare to serve Christ!
You can learn more about what they are doing here:
Or go to their website:  Pray for Scotland.

And if that isn’t enough jabber, one of the reasons we were thrilled about having the missionaries in our home was because of the great influence they can have on our children.  It is our desire that our children seek to serve Christ and to bring Him glory through all they do, whether that is living in a hut in Africa or working inner city missions or a “regular” job in the states.  We also want them to be aware of the great needs that are both here in the US and abroad.  Hosting missionaries for a brief time gives them faces to the names that they hear so much about.


Bumps and Bruises Week Part 2

Apparently, Bryant was jealous from all the attention that Josiah got from his run in with the counter.  So, on Thursday, he got his turn in the limelight.  We were riding bikes (just near our house…no major excursions yet) and I had Bryant in the child’s seat attached to my bike.  I swerved to miss a stray preschooler and ever so slowly bumped into the curb.  I wasn’t going fast but fast enough to bump me off the seat and make me lose balance with the bike.  I couldn’t get the balance back in time to stop the bike from toppling.  Bryant and I both fell down.  He must have had his hand resting on his seat because he came up with a bloody left hand.  He had scraped off the skin of each of his fingers.  As I got him out of his seat, I noticed a little bump on his head.

When we got back to the house, we called all “the experts” and got opinions about whether he needed to be seen in the ER.  By the time we got a hold of all said experts and bandaged up his hand (yes, I was able to keep some bandages on it before bedtime), he was crawling, smiling, and climbing.  At that point, all experts agreed that he probably didn’t need to be seen.  So, we settled in for waking him every couple of hours to make sure he could wake up.

And since he’s not used to that, he decided on the third wake up to stay up.  For three hours.  Which taught us to let him sleep the rest of the night.

He is doing much better now!  His hand looks awful but it’s healing slowly and looks better than it did the night the deed was done.

And, yes, I’ve learned my lesson, no more biking with baby until he gets his helmet in (which I ordered the night of the accident).

Okay, so the pictures don’t do it justice.  You try and get an eight month old to hold still while you take pictures of his hands!

After this accident, we stayed mostly head and body injury free.  Unless you count Ace whamming his head on the top bunk one night, oh and…


PJ Day at Brusters!

Yep, we did it again.  This time we brought captives…

It just so happened that PJ Day was the same day as Ceili Rain’s birthday.  I would like to think that Bruster’s knew about CeiRai’s birthday and chose that day  for PJ day purposefully to help us celebrate..  She thought so at least.  Papa and Grandmere were able to come up for the weekend.  They opted out of the PJ day and chose to actually buy their ice cream.  Who knew that people actually do that still!

Bryant gave up trying to get his ice cream and settled for a sock.  That’s what you get if you don’t wear your pjs!  We don’t buy ice cream on PJ day!

Some people in our family like to wear their ice cream with pride.  It’s like a symbol of pure yumminess.

and cuteness!

So, Josiah got some “Purple Dinosaur” ice cream on his shoe.  I didn’t realize this and the next day he was getting them on and showed me his purple on his shoe.  Being the wonderful mom I am, I started in lecturing him about the reason we don’t write on anything but paper.  He smiled and quietly said, “It’s from my ice cream.  I have a purple dinosaur shoe.”  I had to shut up then and just giggle.  That was too cute!


Happy 2nd Birthday Ceili Rain!

So, yes, we celebrated Ceili Rain’s birthday this month.  I still don’t think she had a clue what was going on.  But now she associates things with her “biffday.”  You know, important things….chocolate cake, chocolate icing, ice cream, presents.  She’s going to have a tough time when we get to others birthdays and she’s not opening presents.  But she did have a wonderful day.  No massive party.  I’ve learned now, to save those for when they ask for them!

I’d like to say that after my elephant fondant success that I ventured in to ladybugs and made the cake topper.  But that would be a lie and I try my best not to lie.  But, I did find it at an extremely reasonable price on Etsy at a great shop by KidsCakes.  I ordered it about three weeks in advance and it got here the day before her birthday!  The owner was amazing to work with and customized the colors to match the plates and napkins I had bought (on sale mind you).  Ceili Rain loved it.  We used the leftover polka dots from Tracy’s shower to finish off the decorating.  Zoe and Ceili Rain did those.

I have my eye on some adorable robot designs for Bryant’s first birthday!  I love that you can get their name on there….and she even fit Ceili Rain on her topper!

That’d be a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for our chocolate lovin’ princess.  And guess what…she only ate a little bit of it!  That’s alright…more for me.  It’s justified…I did all the work to get her here.

Okay,s o she had a little pre-party taste testing for the icing.  That may have contributed to the no-need-for-awesome-chocolate-cake time.

Chefs in training!

Check out the waves in the hair!  Yep they’re back.  I’m not at a spritz, gel, and scrunch method.  It’s wavy and a little curly and it works (no, I’m not pregnant).

 Blow out the candles!
And open gifts!

Happy Second Birthday to our littlest princess!



This story of absence is nothing short of well, interesting…

It all started when I requested that Papa and Mark work on the front flowerbed while they were visiting a couple of weeks ago.  They obliged…somewhat happily.  However, they didn’t have time to finish it completely because we were celebrating some special little princess’s two year birthday. 

The Before:  That pile of rocks is our altar.  We really need to get into the New Testament during family worship time!
Papa “working” hard!
The Helpers!  We chose this project because we knew that everyone could pitch in…and they did!

This is the side of the house that connects to the front bed.

So, that left the finishing touches to be completed by us the next weekend.

We got to work bright and early on Saturday morning.  Everyone really pitched in.  We saw a ton of lizards (yay, they eat mosquitos…the more lizards the happier I am…as long as they don’t come inside), frogs (they eat bugs too…stay on little frogs…outside), and a snake.

Trust me.  He’s in there.

Yeah, a snake.  Just lounging around in one of our azalea bushes in the front yard.  One of the azalea bushes in the azalea bed that we were clearing out and Mark was throwing lyme (lime?  whatever…the acid neutralizer stuff). Mark threw some lime and then jumped back a few feet.  We got out our handy dandy google and realized we weren’t dealing with a poisonous snake.  Just a little garter snake.  However, they eat lizards.  I like my lizards (outside), so I knew we were probably going to need to kill him.  But first, I wanted the kids to see him.

So, after several attempts, Mark was able to pin him down with the shovel while I picked him up.  Whether we were going to kill him or not was not questioned after that as we realized he was hurt in our jaunt to get him out of the bush, so after letting Ceili Rain touch him (the only one who wanted to), Mark took him off to the side of the house to give him his final resting place. (Sorry Jacie…but it was better than letting him suffer)

It just so happens the place Mark took him was where our cable line was buried.  Just so happens that cable line is the same cable line we use for internet and our landline phone service.  Just so happens that it’s not buried very deep.  And, as you can guess, it just so happens that when Mark sent the snake in to utter darkness, he sent our internet and phone in the same direction. And, we learned all of this on Monday when the cable repair guy came out and found the cut line.
Oh well!  He was super nice and did a quick great job fixing it up.  He greeted Mark at the door telling us he liked our bumper sticker (about abortion being wrong and such).  That was a nice visit!

And now you know why I did not post on Monday!

But hey, we got a nice cleaned up low maintenance flower bed…and I got my azalea bed cleaned out and mulched up.

A side view.  I’m going to add a couple of more plants to even it out but that won’t be until the big nursery near here has a warehouse sale and I can get them for dirt cheap…haha..dirt.  cheap.  I’m so funny.
Ahhh…what a little landscaping fabric and mulch can do for a yard!


Standing Tall

…but hanging on quite tightly now!  Bryant getting more sure on his feet and able to hold on to things is keeping me from going into cardiac arrest.  When he first started pulling up, he’d just pull up and let go at random.  He’s also learning how to let go and sit down.  This face, above, is his “smile” now.  Ain’t he just the cutest thing???

There’s a little more of a smile!  I just absolutely love him (and his siblings of course)!



So, the guessing time is upon us.  I’m curious as to when Mr. Bryant is going to let go of things and just take off walking.  Okay, admit it…you’re curious too.

Since he’s broken all sorts of records set by his brothers and sisters it’s anybody’s guess. 

He’s been the youngest to:
Get Teeth (at two months)
Crawl (at five months)
Pull up (at six months)
Cruise (at seven months)

So, what do you think?  Take our poll on the sidebar and make a guess as to when Mr. Bryant will be walking without our help (yes, he takes steps holding hands and is getting quite steady at doing that).
