I know everyone is just aching to see how Bryant is growing. The posts last week were from waay back (that would be July) and they got swapped around so we could smather our blog with pictures of Bryant.
Tag Archives: Bryant
Meeting the Newest Character
The kids were so excited to come and meet Bryant. Normally, we would have them up at the hospital in the morning, they would hang out there all day playing in the waiting room or at the playground (which is a great playground by the way) and then go eat lunch and if I was close (which I’m usually not) they would hang out some more and if I wasn’t (which is the case) they would head for naps and be back up long before I delivered. But, since Zoe decided to, um “spill the beans” earlier that morning, we decided to have them wait at home and see if she let loose any more stomach contents. Which she didn’t…which leads us to believe she just ate a little too much or had a little something that didn’t agree with her tummy the previous night. So, we intended to call them when I got really close. But close came right before naptime and baby came right near naptime.
As Mark put it to Zoe, “you guys wouldn’t have even had time to get your shoes on and he was born.”
So, we opted to just have them come up right after naps. It worked out great because they arrived right as we were getting settled in our post delivery room.
Zoe was very patient about waiting for her turn to hold Bryant. But she definitely wanted to get her hands on him. She is really enjoying showing him off when we have visitors at the house too!
Ceili Rain decided he was all hers. We think her main thought was that he was a doll. Bryant had been very alert and finally settled into a good sleep when we got to our room. So, he was still and had his eyes closed. A sure sign to a 16 month old that mommy had been gone all day to get her a baby doll.
She also didn’t want to share him with anyone else and squeezed him tight when we tried to tell her she was all done. The next day, when he did stir she looked around at us. I’m surprised she didn’t flip him over to find the batteries.
We make up “labor bags” for the kids to keep them occupied on labor day. This year, we included card games much to their delight.
Bryant’s Birth Story
Okay, if there are any guys out there who read…you know the drill by now…your story includes the following information:
I went to the hospital. Got a few drugs to get the labor going. Six hours later, I had a baby. He was big. The end.
And for the ladies:
So, we headed out to the hospital around 6 ish. Zoe actually woke up at 4 and said she was cold and didn’t feel good and needed to go to the bathroom. We told her to turn her fan off, go to the bathroom and go to bed. She was by Mark’s side a few minutes (I think) later saying she didn’t feel good and was still cold. Somehow Mark woke up enough to realize she needed to throw up and pointed her towards the bathroom where she, well, threw up. We started this induction out with a bang!
By the time Zoe was settled in our bed, we decided to go ahead and get up and get ready for the day. So, off we went to the induction. They started my pitocin at 7:30. Ominously, I had told Mark that I was praying the air was working. We were having a pretty hot and humid streak that was bringing the heat index well above 100. And, when we got in our room we noticed it was a little stuffy, but not too hot. Our nurse noticed too and promptly contacted the hospital engineer who came to check it out. He finally determined our room needed a new thermostat and left to get one. After some time, he came back without a thermostat (because he couldn’t find one), he did something to the unit and got it kick started and working…making the room much much cooler! Yay for Mr. Engineer…otherwise, I would have pulled the plug until I could get somewhere cool.
Since my labors are notoriously long, we settled in with a movie. Speed Racer was the choice (it was next on our cue in Netflix and so it was what we watched…plus, I thought if it was something action packed, then it would help speed things up).
Dr. J came in about 9:30 and broke my water and I was at a big ol’…3 to 4 cm…which was what I came in at. Pretty bummed, we continued to watch the movie. After the movie, I realized they were picking up, so I started changing positions and breathing a little bit more through them.
By 11, my nurse came in and wanted to know how I was doing. I could tell Bryant had moved some and there was some pressure starting to build but it wasn’t anything worth worrying about. My nurse and Dr. J were pretty anxious to make sure they knew when I was complete. So, she decided to check me. Personally, I question her “checking” skills because when we came in she couldn’t even tell I had dilated at all. When she told me I was at 3 to 4 cm still at 11, I was a little deflated but also optimistic since I knew her “checking” could be a bit off.
However, by 12, I felt completely defeated and was slumped over the back of the hospital bed crying like a…well, a baby…I just knew this labor was going to be another long one and was not looking forward to going through that again. I stayed slumped over the back of the bed (a favorite position while laboring with Josiah too) but eventually tried the birthing ball as one o’clock approached. Two contractions through that and I had had enough.
I climbed back in bed and told Mark to just page the nurse. I was going to give up and get an epidural. Now, if you’ve read Ceili Rain’s birth story, you probably are thinking what Mark was thinking…she’s transitioning – it’s “go time.” This was definitely not on my mind since two hours earlier I reported at a mere 3 to 4 cm dilated. I just knew I couldn’t keep this up for six more hours. So, I pressed the button and told the nurse that I wanted to be checked. Mark added that I was feeling pressure which quickly brought a nurse in. I was, to be honest, feeling quite a bit of pressure but not the need nor urge to push.
My nurse had gone off the floor for something or other, so this nurse checked me really quickly and announced I was at an 8. Mark and I both began telling her she needed to hurry and get things ready and call Dr. J because I transition quickly. She didn’t take a second glance and ran out of the room.
Then the flurry of activity began and as I got put up high on my throne (so Dr. J could deliver), I really started to feel the urge to push. Dr. J arrived quickly, got suite up, checked me and I was still not quite complete. He worked a little and kept working and I still wasn’t quite there. I could feel my body start to push. But I knew I wasn’t quite ready to get him out. So, Dr. J laid the bed down a little to get me to complete (the “lip” left over was on the bottom and Bryant’s head needed to get pressure there to get it to go away). While I was laying down contracting…which, by the way, is not a fun position for a non-medicated mama, Mark was comforting me, and blogging at the same time. He was down at my feet because he is the kind of guy who enjoys watching a baby be born…well, at least his babies be born…I know not all guys are like that. Dr. J who was also at my feet waiting noticed Mark’s phone. He looked over at it and said, “I just got a Droid three days ago.”
Yes, that is what he said. I’m laboring without an epidural and my doctor and my husband decide to discuss their phones! Then Dr. J starts talking about he didn’t know how to do such and such and Mark started to show him. After finishing up a couple of contractions without my doctor or husband coaching me, I looked up and breathlessly said, “Hey ya’ll!” To which Mark, who had stayed close and kept a hand on me, moved closer by my side and Dr. J said, “Oh yeah.”
It wasn’t long after that that I really felt I needed to push. Dr. J checked me (visually) and said I was complete…could be because Bryant was coming out no matter what I did or he said about me being complete. With the next contraction I pushed and continued to push and out Bryant came! So, I was complete at 1:31 and had him at 1:32. I like fast deliveries.
I will say, looking back, that I did not feel I was in good control of my delivery. That was my fault for losing concentration. The only thing going through my mind at that time was to get him out! I even told Dr. J that several times.
So, here’s the after birth funny…Bryant not only came out very healthy and very big. He also was using the bathroom on himself both pee and poop! I was a bit disappointed in that because he was so, well, covered in it, that Dr. J and I agreed to let him get a little clean before I held him. Really, he stunk a little too…so I was okay with that. However, I never got a good peep at him until after the pediatric nurse finished up her stuff with him. However, after that, he was all mine. But, he did decide to poop some more while getting his hair washed. The nurse had not put a diaper on him but had him wrapped up in towels, so he was covered and got the second bath of his life. Yep, he met his poop quota in less than two hours after birth! He’s a super duper pooper!
One of the coolest parts about Bryant’s birthday is that he was born a month after his cousin! B&B welcomed baby #7 to the world June 23rd. Our nephew is too adorable and I can not believe I didn’t post that he was here on our blog. I didn’t realize that they would be a month apart (continuing a tradition that got hiccupped with the birth of their twins and our Ceili Rain of having our children an easy distance apart…one week, one month, eight months…all to the day) until the day before he was born. God’s taking care of Grandmere and Papa in their “old” age (which I in no way am implying they are old) by giving them easier birthdays to remember!
Don’t hold your breath, but…
I promised to live blog so I thought I’d start here. My contractions, since my doctor’s appointment have been staying steady and strong. Not sure how far apart. Still able to talk and walk. They very well could fizzle out tonight…and so, we are about to employ the “sleep test.” For those that don’t know that’s where you go to sleep and if the contractions wake you up, it’s hospital time! Praying that they wake me up!!!
I think I’ve talked Mark into trying out his “contraction app” on his phone. We’ll see how far we get before we both pass out.
Bryant Update-40 Weeks
If you’ll notice on my blog page…Bryant’s name tag states, “It’s go time!” I have officially been pregnant longer this time than I have with any other pregnancy.
So, I spent last week in quite a bit of ugly discontented attitude. Not wanting to do anything and wanting to get him here quickly. By Thursday, I realized how my attitude was unacceptable and not honoring God. God also reminded me how blessed I am with my little ones and this little one too. I gave up the whining and decided to focus on being happy with where God had me right now…and with what I have.
This weekend has been great and having my best friend come in with her kids this week has been even more fun! Trust me, pictures will be coming soon.
We are praying, though, that while she is here he makes his appearance. We shall see.
I had my doctor’s appointment today. I’ve progressed a little more to 3 1/2 cm and he was able to really strip my membranes this time. He left everything up to us.
With Ace’s birthday approaching, Dr. J going out of town, and wanting to make sure grandparents were able to come soon after or before his birth, we scheduled an induction for Friday.
Now we’re praying for a safe and healthy delivery. With my progression over the past three weeks, we are praying I’ll go on my own. So, please pray that happens (and preferably while our friends are visiting!).
So, stay tuned…Bryant will be here any day now!
Bryant Update 39 Weeks
Dr. J came in to my 39 week appointment and started telling us about a lady who had her seventh this weekend and it was head down until just a couple of weeks before her due date. It was one of his partners patients and she didn’t do versions…so he was called in. He offered to do it if he could but the baby turned on Friday and then Saturday turned again and her water broke. He said the foot was already coming out by the time she got to the hospital so they had to do a c-section.
After that Dr. J went out to get the doppler and then came back in and made sure Bryant was head down and he said…oh yeah he is. I think he’s wedged in there pretty tight and it would take a lot of work for him to get out and flip. Not saying he wouldn’t do it but just that it would be a lot of (painful) work.
He looked at my belly and asked about the itching. I told him it was gone and that I couldn’t see any rash at all. He said, “Well, you definitely had the beginning of PUPPS.” He then went on to say that in some women it just goes away and others just have to deliver for it to go away. I like to think that it was prayers that made mine go away. God has truly blessed this pregnancy from beginning to end! I can’t wait to meet this little guy!
So right now, I’m sitting at 2.5 cm dilated and for the first time in five pregnancies, I do not have an induction scheduled in the immediate future! It’s interesting to just be here waiting. We’re staying busy though with last minute things!
And now it’s your turn to chime in and we’ll throw in a little contest too…when do you think Bryant will be born…lock in your guesses in the comments and the one closest will win something (or other…not sure what yet so stay tuned).
Here’s our families guesses:
Liam-12th (guess he didn’t make it, huh?)
We’ve been busy over the past few weeks trying to finish up some major projects before Bryant comes (can you tell who/what is on my mind lately). So here’s a little more show and tell of what we’ve been up to…
You’ve seen the boys’ new dresser, well, this is the other dresser in their room. We bought this several years ago at a used furniture store for something around $50 or $60. It is solid wood and, for an old outdated dresser in great shape. With three boys, it has taken a beating on the finish. I told Mark it was finally time to redecorate it if we had time. We already had the paint!
Here’s the finished result. We also got wise before putting it in the boys’ room. The sample paint is only sold in a Satin finish and we found that it was chipping really bad on the dresser we had already painted, so we bought a sealing paint (used for faux finishes) to cover the drawer fronts…It’s worked out well and the boys’ haven’t chipped it yet.
I’ve also been sewing. Not the kind of clothes making creative sewing a thoroughly enjoy…more like the money saving, repair sewing. We noticed about a month ago that Ceili Rain was leaking out of her diapers bad. I told Mark I thought the microfiber inserts had seen their last soaking up. So, we ordered a few to see if it worked…and it did, with #1 but when she did #2…well, they didn’t hold it. She had two major blow outs on a Sunday (one of which was at church), and I looked at the diapers again and realized, there was no elastic in the legs or back rise. It had basically been completely pulled apart. Not bad that the elastic has lasted almost three years and through two kids who are different sizes. Thankfully, Cotton Babies (the makers of BumGenius diapers) sells repair kits. I’m not sure but I believe they may be the only ones who sell them for their diapers. The kits cost $1. And in it includes elastic, velcro tabs and new laundry tabs (to keep the diapers from all becoming one big diaper in the washing machine). However, to get the elastic out and replaced has taken a lot of time. But, it’s almost all completely done…thanks to Grandmere loading up on some diapers to do the repairs at her home! We’ve replaced elastic and velcro tabs in 24 diapers!!! And I’m replacing all the inserts (which I happened to find priced at under $3 thanks to a sale advertisement at Diaper Pin). By the way for diaper seeking people, Cotton Babies just launched the new bumGenius 4.0s and the elastic is supposed to be waaaay easier to repair in these. I have to say, I’m a bit jealous and would like to get some just for that. Oh well, maybe in three years when these wear out again! I couldn’t pass up making virtually brand new diapers for under $5 a diaper!
I’m posting my other sewing projects on Friday so stay tuned! But lastly, I wanted to share Bryant’s sleeping headquarters (well, once he’s old enough to go in with the boys).
The bedding is thanks to Ge & Granddaddy. I spotted this bedding a while back and told Ge about it. But, because of her bum leg, she offered for me to purchase it on behalf of them. This bedding was on sale at Target and it fits the room perfectly! Especially with our shuttle pictures above the crib! The one in the middle is the picture Grandmere & Papa gave Mark for his birthday. The other two were ones we picked up when we traveled to Houston to celebrate a friend’s wedding. I love the bedding and how soft it is! Now all we need is the baby to put in it (well, in about four or so months). This is the first time we’ve ever purchased an actual crib set to go on a crib. But it had the essentials (bumper, sheet) plus a super soft blanket for floor play. And Mark actually smiled big when I showed it to him! Thank you Ge & Granddaddy for helping us get ready for Bryant’s birth!
Oh, and the crib was purchased, at consignment, for $45. I wanted a mini crib so it wouldn’t take up much room in the boys’ room but I couldn’t pass up a forty-five dollar crib that was in super great shape. Nor the mattress that was in equally great shape for $6. And yes, I’ve checked to make sure there were no recalls on it…and there aren’t.
Bryant Update 38 Weeks
We’re literally climbing the walls waiting on Bryant!
Okay, maybe not really…but I just thought this would be a fun picture to start out this post.
I guess, as my work part winds down, I am getting a bit ready to meet our newest guy. Still trying not to jump ahead where we’re all just twiddling our thumbs waiting. However, if he decides to wait until my actual due date or beyond, we should be good as the kids (and me) have surprise visitors arriving that week for a brief visit!
I went to the doctor today and am at a grand total of 1 cm dilated! Doesn’t mean much really. Dr. J saw my tummy as well as nurse D and they both wanted to know if I was itching. I pointed to once spot on my belly and explained that those red marks were not PUPPS but actually a burn from boiling water that I spilled on my shirt. They laughed. It wasn’t funny at the time, rest assured. Anyway, apparently the rest of the my belly looks rather PUPP(ish) because Dr. J was checking to make sure my arms were not covered in the fun and itchy pregnancy rash. However, somebody has been praying because the rash may look bad on my tummy (I can’t tell because I can’t see it) but it’s not bothering me. I’ll have an occasional itch if material rubs up against my belly or if I wear a belly band all day (a band that’s a little tighter on the belly to help keep us low carrying gals from showing off our overly stretched marked bellies). But, it’s never horrible…not like with Josiah. I’m thanking God every day that I don’t have to spend the whole day scratching my belly! Dr. J reiterated that if it gets worse he’ll have to induce. I know that, but for now, we’re good. I can sleep. I don’t need any drugs or herbs to help. Anyway, Dr. J and D were both surprised that it’s not bothering me and that I’m not having to take anything for it.
I’ve noticed a bit of a change with Mr. Bryant in that, well, this is embarrassing but I’m going to be honest…I have to go to the bathroom like ten times in an hour! And he’s resting comfortably low. I wasn’t going to say that he “dropped,” (moved down into birthing position) because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. So, I waited for the professional’s opinion! Dr. J (the professional) said that last week he couldn’t feel Bryant’s head…but he could this time! Woohoo! I told him that was good because it felt like he was sitting in my lap. Dr. J laughed and said that women like me scare him. I think that’s because I’m not moaning begging to let this little one out and complaining…nothing, again to complain about. I’m uncomfortable, but I’ve been through this before so it’s not really that bad. I know it’ll pass soon enough and I’ll hold my little one in my arms and get to sleep comfortably again (every two to three hours but at least it will be comfortable).
Dr. J still contends that when labor does start, it shouldn’t take long because my body’s done this so many times. I think that’s funny because he’s told me that the past few times and those have been the longest labors…but they were also induced ones. Keep praying that this will be different…and that I can go into labor on my own! I’m still willing to wait a few more weeks for this little man to come…
Bryant Update almost 37 weeks
Bryant continues to grow great. I had an ultrasound done this week and he is around 6 lbs 12 oz. Gaining about a 1/2 pound a week puts him right at 8 1/2 pounds which is average for me (and just fine…any smaller and I’d be afraid I’d drop him). We’re now at a waiting stage. Dr. J gave me the approval to use a couple of herbal supplements to prep my body for before, during, and after labor.
I also have noticed a little bit of itchiness on my belly and a few red spots that won’t go away. It’s not at a point where I’m scratching all the time but it’s enough that I want to try and head it off before it gets worse, so after doing some research I asked Dr. J about trying a couple of herbal supplements to help with that. He trusted my judgment and research and said I could try them. However, if this is hormonal related, then the supplements probably won’t work (as they are work with liver issues…which is another possible PUPPS cause).
I’m actually just now starting to get uncomfortable but mostly when I have a contraction. Dr. J couldn’t believe I didn’t have anything to complain about. I just laughed. It is what it is and the only way to change that is to deliver the baby and the baby needs to “cook” for a little longer. No reason to complain about something that can’t be changed right now. So, we wait and pray. I’ve got enough to do to keep me busy and get ready for Mr. Bryant’s arrival!
So, we’re in the ultrasound and Liam hops up on the chair beside me. He looked concerned and said, “I just want you to be alright mommy.” I reassured him that nothing that was taking place to hurt me and that we were just going to check on Bryant. He seemed reassured and started laughing at the u/s goo. He then spent the whole time leaning over my head so he could get a better view of Bryant. He was so sweet hugging my head and staring at the screen.
As we took Josiah to his “party” for his birthday, Liam asked me if I had more jelly for my belly.
I told him no and asked if he wanted a jelly belly.
“No,” he said “Not until I’m grown up big and have a baby in my belly.”
I believe that escalated into stating that aliens don’t have babies but I’m not sure where that came from.