Construction Update for the rest of this week

Thursday saw the insulation guys coming in. They were able to get the insulation up in 30 minutes! Mark opted to have them install it due to the time constraints we were under. The drywall guys came in towards the afternoon. They got all the drywall up and the mud and tape were supposed to go up on Friday. However, since we are being “worked in,” we were bumped to Monday.

There was a big oops! that happened on Thursday but luckily it was before there was a major oops! Mr. Bill thought that since we had a heat pump, our ducts were in the floor…they’re not…they’re all in the ceiling. He rushed over between the insulation and drywall and put up the air ducts…pretty quickly. The ducts aren’t completely hooked up yet, but will be soon.

Mark and I got in and cleaned out all the dust/debris in the afternoon on Thursday. Thursday night we had a date and went to eat at a burger place (a nice and yummy one) and then spent 2 hours shopping in Lowe’s! It was a lot of fun and we were able to do it uninterrupted. We got all the tile and flooring and some bathroom accessories for our bathroom and light fixtures for the closet and the boys bathroom entryway.

I spent all afternoon on Friday getting the plans together for our closet and then this morning, we all headed out to look for a piece of furniture for our bedroom. We are going to get rid of our busted up dresser that I’ve since high school (one of the drawers is literally falling out) and the armoire (back to my parents) and replacing it with one dresser. Since we’ll have the big closet, we will not need a lot of furniture in our bedroom (which is good because it’s not a massive bedroom to begin with).

I’m not even guessing what is up for next week and trying to just take it one day at a time. I will say that we are waiting on the drywall to be finished and then comes paint/tile (we’ll paint, they’ll tile) and then flooring…that’s as far as I’ll go.

Okay, on with the pictures!

Pre-drywall with the plumbing and electrical installed.
Electrical…our bathroom fan!
This is plumbing for our shower/bath…it’s on the closet wall to help with repairs if ever needed (we won’t have to tear up the siding to get to it).
Only one entryway into the boys bathroom now…it’s through the hall! Yippee! Ace stuck his hands in the glue they were using for the drywall and thought it was peanut butter 🙂
Part of the master bath drywalled!


Construction Update Tuesday & Beyond

Yesterday, we were still on the search for the perfect tile…I found several at Lowe’s and Mark and I picked through them and choose the one that would work best…the cost $1.68 a square foot!!! Yippee! Good price. We also picked out a floor tile that we thought would work good too. It’s a stone looking vinyl and should work great. Mark is all for vinyl…it won’t be cold, if we get tired of it it’s easy to replace and cheap!

We didn’t get the insulation today. Apparently, the drywall guys are extremely busy but are working us in Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. The insulation guys are coming tomorrow morning first thing. I would really like to start painting and getting the floor laid this weekend so that we can get the rest of the stuff finished up next week…wishful thinking, I know.

I’m ready to get my house back in order and to have doors and a wall on both the hall bathrooms. I worry that Liam will try and take a dive down the toilet. He loves water.

To curb my frustration, I cleaned out Josiah’s crib and got all of that organized…I feel a little bit better!

Gotta run get snack for my sweet ones.


Construction Update for this weekend & Monday

Well, Saturday we all headed out to pick out tile for the bathroom and something to match the existing bathroom…it was expensive!!! We got back to the house, and lo and behold, the siding guys were there finishing up! They, of course, worked on Friday but only for an hour…took an hour and half break…and then worked until two again (putting in about 4 hours)…not sure what was going on. Mark went out to check on the progress. They had just finished and were “cleaning up.” However, when I went out there later to see how it looked, there were boards scattered all over the yard and they all had nails in them. Not very good for my little daring toddler named Liam!

Shortly after the siding guys left, Mr. Bill showed up unexpectedly. I told him the siding guys left and he smiled really big. I’m guessing he called them and discussed the fact that a 10X15 addition shouldn’t take 3 days to complete. So, we discussed our tile choice and he informed us that “just the tile” would cost over $200! Eek! I fretted all weekend about how to cut costs and Mark and I both came up with the idea that to keep labor costs down, we could tile the shower and floor our selves. We just had to check with Bill. I also told him I would head to another hardware store to look for tile to match the boys bathroom. We only needed 12 tiles.

Yesterday, I headed over to the hardware store and looked for tile. I knew that it had been purchased at this store because we were told that pretty much everything in the house that had been renovated from the previous owners was purchased there. Lo, and behold, I found it!! And there were 15 tiles in a box (giving them three to mess up on when they install it). I also found some waaaay cheaper tiles for the shower and started looking at vinyl for the floor. I picked up some pieces and got those for Mark to look at. Mark talked with Bill and they decided that we could do the insulation installation and tiling and that would save a lot of money. He was in agreement with us finding cheaper tiles, too! Hopefully, though, he can get the contractors discount at the hardware stores. He told us he would supply us with the tools and supplies, we would just supply the labor.

So, it looks like we are going to be installing insulation tonight if it gets delivered today.

Oh yeah, Saturday afternoon while the kids were sleeping we started the painting process. We got the hallway through one side of the kitchen wall completed, along with the trim for that. I would show a picture but it’s the exact same color it was…or very, very close…maybe a little more lighter. But the trim and molding look soooo much better. We’ve needed to paint that area for such a long time…finally started! We were going to try and finish that this week after the kids were in bed, but since we’ll be doing the insulation, that takes top priority. We only have a little bit of the painting left in the kitchen.

We also went to Michael’s and got Mark’s Denny Chimes print ordered for framing. I’m super excited about that. I started work on the boys shower curtain this weekend too. It’s a plain white shower curtain, and I’m adding a red and white gingham ribbon to it to help with the Alabama theme. I think it’ll look good in the boys room. Unfortunately, their room will be the last to be finished since, painting it will be on the bottom of the list (along with our bedroom). We’ll have to paint the addition after the drywall is up to make room for the vanity, toilet, etc.

Wish us luck as we’ve never tiled before!!


Thursday Construction Update

Okay, so they showed up close to 10 and started working on the siding. By the time we got back from speech, around 2:00 they were packing up to leave! I must have the wrong job! I’m not sure about that, but at least they did get some of it done…

I think it’s going to look really good. We were a little concerned about it looking like we stuck a box on the end of the house, but the architecture of our house really helps play into the look. The living room, playroom area is jutted out and the bedrooms are back from that…this just adds to a little bit back from the bedrooms…I’ll have to show what I mean when it’s all done.

Yippee! One side done. Of course, the other side (not the one with the window) lacked about 2 feet before being finished…I’m just a stickler for going ahead and getting done with something before I leave it. Are they union workers or something??!!


Wednesday Construction Update

No pictures to show for today. The siding guy was supposed to come, and they did show up about 10:45 and asked if it would be okay to come tomorrow…me, being the pushover I can be, said, “that’s fine!” Uggghhhh! Now why did I do that??!

However, the day was full of playing outside (in an upcoming post) and waiting on the tub and window guy.

The tub guy came out around lunch time (which I had to forego to talk with him…I did eat just way later than usual). We are getting a “re-bath” done to the boys’ bathroom. You can see the pictures of what the tub looks like in the previous construction post! I had gray hair stress moments trying to pick out the style and the color and finally gave up and agreed with Mark to go after he got off work to select the color. Lots of pressure on that front. Mark is still in shock over how much it cost to have it redone but our contractor told us up front that his cost would be about the same and not as durable as the re-bath. I’m glad we’re having it done. Who knows what is lurking in the peeled off grout and other spots in that yucky bathtub! The tub guy even suggested we not use the shower in there for now (and since we don’t have walls, we won’t). It’ll take about 8 weeks to get the custom made pieces in but only a day to install…so finishing that bathroom will have to wait until after Josiah appears!

We’ll go this weekend to pick out tile for our bathroom surround and possibly the floors too. I, at least, have a good idea what I want in there. We’re supposed to be getting a maple laminate vanity, and I’m going to look for a stone textured look to go in the tile.

The window guy came in the afternoon and very quietly counted the windows (all three were asleep…yahoo). At least his price was more along what we were thinking. We will probably order those next week. It’ll take about 4 weeks for them to come in, however….at least that will be before or close to before Josiah is born. Those also take only one day to install…it’ll be nice having energy efficient windows! We’ll even have them in our bathrooms.


Construction Update for Monday & Tuesday

Construction was in full swing on Monday. They started before I left for MOPS tearing out the wall to the hall closet and bracing the current doorway to our bedroom. Now the entrance to our bathroom is through the hallway. This week, we’ve got electricians coming in, inspectors, tub guy, window guy, and siding people! We’re very busy!! Fortunately, on Monday, my best friend offered to take the kids so they could rest while construction was going on! Big plus and I barely got anything accomplished…but I tried.
Entrance from the hallway to what will be the “boys” bathroom.

Liam soooo loved watching the electricians on Tuesday, while I fretted that he would decide to pick up some deadly tool and use it against himself (he’s pretty accident prone). He’s so curious. Here he is watching the electrician install a box for a switch to the boys’ bathroom. I’m so excited that both the boys bathroom and our bathroom will now have ventilation fans (a must for any boys’ bathroom, as far as I’m concerned!)

And here was a momento left by one of our nice electricians. “Bless his heart…” he didn’t even realize he had done it until Bill came by and I pointed it out to him. I guess his foot slipped off of the beam he was using in the attic and he dug a little deeper. They were super nice guys, though…very friendly with the kids and very patient about little Liam following them around. Of course, I took off with the kids for a weekly trip to Wal-Mart and then ushered them out the door until I had to get lunch ready (before speech).


Construction Update-Last Week

Not much to post. As I stated earlier, they were working on finishing up other projects so we were kind of set aside until this week (I can’t post about all that’s going on this week). Here’s last week’s pics:
The hole is gone and awaiting siding.
I couldn’t get a picture of the doorway because it was boarded up…so here’s a picture of the board!


Friday construction update

Okay…you didn’t think I knew how to use this blog thing, did you….it’s me, Mark!

Today’s update is that the plumbing is ready for inspection, which means it is all tied in and tested, ready for fixtures, basically. Mr. Bill and couple of his guys also hauled off a bunch of the trash and extra wood that had been laying around, so the area looks a little cleaner.

Mommy’s away so Daddy & the kids will play…
We are planning to attend a movie at the amphitheater at our library…”Night at the Museum” is the movie. After much traveling (starting at 9 a.m.) for a stop at the bank, dentist’s appointments this morning (which went very well, Ace almost allowed himself to enjoy it), off to Miss Annette’s to see Mommy off, to Wal-Mart for groceries, over to the church to setup a temporary sound board (primary one quit), then home to hear the plumbers banging around under the house finishing up…the kids have been asleep for a couple of hours now. Time to up and fix supper and get ready for movie night! They were such super-troopers during all of our adventures today…I am very proud of them.

More later…


Thursday Construction Update

The plumbers came today. There was not much to take pictures of…just pipes sticking out of the floor. I’m not sure what all they accomplished, but they worked all day. I’m sure we’ll get a report from Mr. Bill in the morning. After making a slight change of the bath faucet/shower, Mr. Bill informed me that the plumbing under our house was done horribly! Yikes! Not sure how much more that will cost us. I prepared him that the electrical wasn’t any better but that Mark was going to fix that soon.

Mark will have to update on tomorrow’s progress…I’ll be off on scrapbooking adventures!

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday Construction Update

Here’s all the work they’ve done! I’m impressed. Mr. Bill said he would contact the plumber and have him out tomorrow. And, the boys took pretty good naps this afternoon. I moved Ace to Zoe’s room and he slept over 2 hours! Liam was in his room and woke once due to the work but slept a little over 1 1/2 hours.

This is my “big” tub! I’m so excited and can’t wait to take a bath in it. I had to try it out…but I did have a little bit of trouble getting out of it.

Zoe and Mark are standing in the closet. It’s still hard to tell what is what…but we’re working on it.
