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We had the privilege and excitement of hosting this young, Young, family (hahaha), the weekend of our mission conference. The Youngs are missionaries with Biblical Ministries Worldwide and will, by God’s grace and timing, be going to Scotland to work with church planting there.
We were thrilled to host this family and their fun children. Their two little ones just fit right in and Nathan and Krystal (the mom and dad) didn’t seem too disturbed by our plethora of children. Mark and I were thrilled to have them in the home and talked with them late in to the night on two occasions, not even realizing what time it was.
Yeah, I think Nathan was praying he’d be released soon from this chaos! Ten points if you can guess who’s missing.
These are all the missionaries who attended and spoke at our church’s conference. I’d love to get the videos for the Louks up, but I can’t figure out how to embed it in here, so I’ll just point you to their website and tell you, you must go see what they are going to be doing in Romania starting this summer!
See they fit right in…fixing toys and such.
And, Mark and I had the privilege of watching their children while they attended a ballet put on by a local company here. They actually trusted us with their kids. Little did they know…
I called it “twin practice” in hopes that one day God will bless us with twins (yes, you read that right…I would love to have twins although the odds are greatly stacked against us).
Madeleine is a couple months older than Bryant.
Pose for the camera kids.
What are you???
Madeleine also cut a tooth while they were there. She was pretty grumpy when we kept her and at one point she and Bryant were both competing in cries. I smiled and saw all the other dear children covering their ears and announced that we could handle twins. Mark laughed. Anyway, we didn’t realize she had cut a tooth until she had kept Nathan and Krystal up all night.
Mr. Miles was a trip. He enjoyed “playing” the Wii. He was close to Josiah’s age and oh so much fun.
Please remember to pray for Scotland and the Youngs as they prepare to serve Christ!
You can learn more about what they are doing here:
And if that isn’t enough jabber, one of the reasons we were thrilled about having the missionaries in our home was because of the great influence they can have on our children. It is our desire that our children seek to serve Christ and to bring Him glory through all they do, whether that is living in a hut in Africa or working inner city missions or a “regular” job in the states. We also want them to be aware of the great needs that are both here in the US and abroad. Hosting missionaries for a brief time gives them faces to the names that they hear so much about.